EIA Internationally Erkki Ikäheimo
EIA Internationally Most of the “international” projects need environmental assessment or EIA (environmental impact assessment) Environmental assessment can be done in several phases of the project e.g. pre-feasibility study, feasibility study, EIA phase or appraisal phase. A simple Environmental Assessment may include e.g.: review of environmental law, assessment of the need for EIA and level/extent of EIA, list of negative impacts, list of positive impacts, recommended mitigation measures. Complete EIAs or ESIAs (environmental and social impact assessment) can be national, required by IFI (International Financing Institution), EU Directive based, project owner’s EIA based on Espoo Convention or private company’s EIA based on international standards e.g. (the World Bank standards) for promotion purposes.
Access to international EIAs National EIAs are normally only for accredited local organizations or experts – not for foreign experts. IFI (WB, AfDB, ADB, EIB etc.) EIA are available for consultants. EIA is implemented as part of a larger investment project or as a separate EIA project contract under a larger program. EIA for Gibe III hydropower project in Ethiopia, financier EIB Black Sea Energy Transmission Project – Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Study Identi ficati on Pre- feasi b. study Feasi bility study Prelim. design Design Construction and supervision EIA or ESIA
Access to international EIAs Espoo Convention EIAs are available for consultants. Examples: Nord Stream Gas Pipeline EIA and South Stream Gas Pile Line EIA Private investment project EIAs e.g: Shtokman area gas utilization EIAs and Brunei dam EIA. EU’s REACH Directive based. IAIA (International Association for Impact Assessment) is a forum for improving and promoting best practice in environmental impact assessment around the world. Annual conference Journal, newsletter, publications and resources Job postings Searchable online membership directory Networking opportunities Reduced rate for conferences, special discounts through publishers Training opportunities - teaching and learning News about all IAIA activities and general impact assessment issues Nordic/Baltic IA Conference National IA/EIA days (e.g. by MBK-Centrum in Sweden)