Introduction of Program Expedition USFK Base Relocation Program MND USFK Base Relocation Office
The picture you see is from last September’s groundbreaking ceremony, 보시는 사진은 지난해 9월 YRP사업 최초의 건설사업인 초∙ 고교 프로젝트를 김관진 장관님과 써먼 연합사령관 등을 모시고 기공식을 가졌던 장면입니다. The picture you see is from last September’s groundbreaking ceremony, for the Elementary School and High School project, which is the first among YRP program constructions. You can see Minister of National Defense Kim, Kwan Jin, Combined Forces Commander General Thurman, and many other guests of honor in the picture.
Balanced development of National Land SUMMARY ❑ Background Stronger ROK US Alliance Efficient use of returned sites following base relocation Concept USFK Base Relocation Program Construct Future-Oriented Security Alliance Balanced development of National Land Ensure Stable Condition For stationed USFK Relocate through consolidating scattered USFK bases across The Republic of Korea
EXPEDITION PROGRESS JUN 1990 MAY 2003 DEC 2004 JAN 2006 JUL 2006 ROKᆞUS summit agreement of early relocation of Yongsan Base MAY 2003 Yongsan base relocation ROK US agreement (MOA/MOU) Agreement on the Relocation of USFK (UA/IA), Ratification of LPP revised agreement by ROK National Assembly and enactment of special legislation to support Pyeongtaek city. DEC 2004 JAN 2006 Completion of purchase of relocation site In Pyeongtaek JUL 2006 Establishment of MURO(MND USFK Base Relocation Office) JUN 2007 Selection of Program Management Consortium(PMC) :Kunwon-CH2M HILL NOV 2007 Contribution-Concession Project treaty signed and groundbreaking ceremony at Pyeongtaek relocation site JAN 2008 ROK and US approval of Master Plan (MP) DEC 2008 Start Land development and infrastructure construction SEP 2011 ElementaryㆍHigh School Groundbreaking Ceremony 5
YRP UA & IA ▪ UA(Umbrella Agreement) - Relocate to facilities appropriate for mission capability and functionality required by UNCㆍCFC & USFK located in Seoul area - Facility will be provided In-Kind by ROK according to SOFA Joint Committee determined procedures - Facility requirements are based on DoD standards, maintain consistency with similar facilities that are being constructed for US forces, and devote all logical efforts to minimize costs ▪ IA(Implementation Agreement) - Units relocating to Camp Humphreys : UNCㆍCFCㆍUSFK HQ & related units and organizations, EUSA HQ & main subordinate units and related organizations - Other USFK units & organizations : relocate to Osan Airforce base, Camp Humphreys, Carol, Henry - Maintain units in Seoul : Dragon Hil Lodge and Camp Moss COMM facility - Mutually develop detailed procedures to review, validate & provide costs for YRP execution process YRP 포괄협정서는 SOFA에 기반한 서울지역 미군부대를 평택으로 이전하기 위해 ’04년 10월에 한미가 합의한 협정서입니다. 양국은 시설, 용역, 비용의 유효성을 확인하며, 비용처리절차를 준수토록 하였으며 평택으로 이전에 따른 시설은 임무와 기능의 적정성을 보장하되 현물제공 및 미국방성 시설기준에 기초한다는 원칙을 합의한 바 있습니다.
Vehicle Maintenance Facility ❑ Master Plan(MP) KORCOM EUSA HQ Existing USAG Humphreys Downtown Area Anseong Stream Small Unit Training Area Housing Facilities DaeChu-Ri Vehicle Maintenance Facility Welfare Facilities School Facilities Railhead Indian Head HQ Warehouse Facilities Golf Course ※ Square Area : 14.65M ㎡(Existing: 4.98M ㎡ New: 9.67M ㎡) 7
YRP CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM STATUS (1/7) Method ▪ Program Characteristics : Determine Facility Requirements(DD1391) through ROK US agreement under DoD standards, in-kind payment principle. ▪ Design : Basic Design (30%)- US(US Contractor) , Detailed Design (70%)-ROK (ROK Contractor) * Exception : Special facilities constructed by ROK after 100% US design, SCIF facilities designed and constructed 100% by US ▪ Facility Construction : ROK (ROK construction company) Status ▪ Progress of entire program: Plan 29.8% / Execution 28.8% (on schedule) - Land Development and Utility Infrastructure (Complete by 2013) : 50.4 % - Exterior access road, electricity·gas ·water and sewer Line ·railroad construction (Complete by 2013) : 69.6% ▪ Determination of Relocation Facility Requirements : 48 out of 57 projects completed (84%) ▪ Basic Design : 31 out of 57 projects completed (54%), and 5 projects including Elementary School and High school under construction * Construction Award/Start from 2011, scheduled to complete construction in 2015 and complete relocation in 2016
YRP CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM STATUS (2/7) ❑ Status of design and construction CAT Total Before 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Remarks Facility Requirements (DD1391) ROK US Approval 57 40 8 7 1 · US Lead Completion of Criteria Package(CP) 13 18 22 3 2 Detailed Design and Technical Proposal Bid 5 38 ROK Start Construction 6 29 15 ※ Projects scheduled to start construction in 2012 (6 projects) : Hospital/Dental Facility(JUL), SPARTAN(SEP), Family Housing(SEP), EUSA Barracks(SEP), Child Development Center(DEC)
Existing USAG Humphreys YRP CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM STATUS (3/7) ❑ Pyeongtaek Land Development Construction: Current Progress 50.4% (Scheduled to complete in 2013) ROK Construction : 49.2% progress (Hanjin, Daewoo, GS E&C) US Construction : 49% progress (Seohee, SK E&C) Existing USAG Humphreys
YRP CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM STATUS (4/7) ❍ Process procedures : Elimination of surface soil → soft grounding → landfill → pipeline and road construction ❍ Elevation of landfill : 1.2 ~ 2.4m (13M m3), Construction Cost : Appr. \830B ① Demolish existing buildings and elimination of surface soil ② Soft grounding construction 부지조성 및 기반시설공사는 기존건물 철거 및 수목 제거, 연약지반 처리공사, 성토 및 다짐, 도로 및 관로공사 순으로 진행됩니다. 현재 공정은 사진에 보시는 바와 같이 북서쪽의 안성천을 따라 부지조성 및 기반시설공사는 현재 약 50% 진행 중이며 잔여 성토량은 약 169만 톤 규모로 다운타운지역과 기지북쪽 훈련장 등 일부가 남은 상태입니다. LDUI construction is expedited in the following sequence: Demolition of existing facilities & removing of trees, Soft grounding, landfill and hardening, and finally, road and pipeline construction. As you can see in the picture, Land Development and Utility Infrastructure construction, is currently on 50% progress along the Anseong stream To the northwest direction. The remaining amount of landfill is approximately, 1.69 million tons, which include areas including, the downtown area and the training grounds to the north of the garrison. ④ Road & pipeline construction ③ Move soil & landfill
YRP CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM STATUS (5/7) PMO Construction(55%) : Interior Ceiling Construction in progress PMO Construction(55%) : Exterior Elementary and Highshool Construction (7%) : Ground Floor Installation of Concrete Wall) Elementary and Highshool Construction(7%) : Ground Floor Installation of Concrete Wall
YRP CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM STATUS (6/7) ❑ Exterior Infrastructure Construction GAS Water Sookseong Station Railroad Pyeongtaek Station Naeri Maeul Access Road Road 10 Naeri Road Dongchangri Road Electricity City plan road Dodoori Road Dodoo Construction Road Hamjeongri Road Sewage Process Plant CPX Road Road 12
YRP 건설사업 추진 현황 (7/7) Railroad connection Construction (1.5Km) Sub-Station Construction (90%) 인입철도는 기지의 북서쪽에서 안성천을 횡단하여 철도조차장으로 인입되고, 전기공사는 험프리기지와 확장지역에 충분한 전기가 공급되도록 하였으며 인입도로는 10개 구간 중 3개소를 제외한 전 구간이 개통완료 되었습니다. 하수종말처리장 용량은 확장지역을 수용하도록 일일 1.4만톤 규모로 증설하여 시공 중입니다. The railroad will enter to the garrison from the northwest, across the Anseong Stream into the Railhead. Electricity has been connected to supply sufficient electricity, to Humphreys Garrison and expanded areas, and the 7 among 10 access roads have been completed and opened. The sewage treatment plant is under construction, expanded to process 14,000 tons on a daily basis, which will accommodate the entire expanded area. Road Construction (7 of 10 roads complete) Construction within Garrison
DIRECTION OF PROGRAM EXPEDITION (1/4) 2015 Complete Construction, 2016 Complete Relocation (OCT 2010 SCM Agreement) Goal ① Ensure connection between CP Design and Detail Design ② Early completion of Land Development and Utility Infrastructure ③ Apply technical proposal bid method for procurement ④ Cost reduction through using localized materials Method “Adequate program expedition through reduced program duration and appropriate costs” (ROK US Joint Program Management Perspective)
③ Criteria Package (CP) DIRECTION OF PROGRAM EXPEDITION (2/4) Ⅰ. Ensure connection between CP design and detail design ROK US facility agreement procedure (E-MOU) ① Master Plan(MP) : ROK US Agreement ☞ Facility size and layout per ROK US responsibility ⇒ ② Facility Requirement (DD1391) ☞ Use, number of personnel, square area, cost ③ Criteria Package (CP) : US prepared ☞ Appr. 30% designed Approved by SOFA Joint Committee, JAN 2008 48 among 57 agreed 31 among 48 complete ④ Detailed Design : ROK prepared ☞ Appr. 70% designed ⑤ Facility Construction : ROK Construction ⑥Facility Turn-over 9 among 31 complete 5 among 9 awarded Final Verification (US FED) Joint effort for facility requirements of remaining facility and early completion of CP
DIRECTION OF PROGRAM EXPEDITION (3/4) Ⅱ. Early Completion of Land Development and Utility Infrastructure (LDUI) Construction ROK US LDUI cost share(SEP 2007) : ROK 55%, US 45% ROK US LDUI progress : 50.4% / Completion scheduled in late 2013 Improvement of quality of life and welfare of USFK through relocating Downtown area ⇒ Necessity of US swing space plan and early completion of design change ROK US Joint T/F for on-site interface management, share information and maintain cooperation Humphreys utlities Completion plan
DIRECTION OF PROGRAM EXPEDITION (3/3) Ⅲ. Applying technical proposal bid method for procurement CPTP(Criteria Package Technical Proposal) General Facility ⇒ Criteria Package(US) Detaied Design(ROK) + Construction(ROK) Special Facility Detailed Design(US) DDTP(Detailed Design Technical proposal) Conduct design review at 60, 90, 100% under supervision ROK US DCAs and PMC (E-MOU) Technical Proposal bid method includes construction management, shortening of duration, cost reduction, high quality construction at 30~100% design completion phase
DIRECTION OF PROGRAM EXPEDITION (4/4) Ⅳ. Cost reduction through using local material USFK facility is constructed based on DoD facility standards, usage of local material was low ※ Apply US standards such as UL, ANSI, ASTM etc Method for easier O&M and reduction of maintenance costs after the completion of YRP/LPP program 243 among 302 domestic materials localized : 73.4%
CURRENT TASKS Establishing concrete plan regarding relocation of PMO in May, 2012(Seoul→Pyeongtaek) and site control (Operate on-site situation room) Focus on design and construction management of 10 main projects including US KORCOM, EUSA HQ On-site interface management for land development and utility infrastructure Management of main infrastructure for site access including Road & Railroad, and completion schedule Effort for ROK US joint design VE and localization of materials
Road 43 road construction Railroad Access Construction (1.6km) Road 43 access construction (11.2km) Railhead Construction Railroad and Railhead construction
CLOSING REMARKS 같 이 갑 시 다 ! ● Based on strong ROK US Alliance ● Program completion within target year ● Build the best US Base in the world 같 이 갑 시 다 ! ( We Go Together! )