Hope is a waking dream. - Aristotle
INTRODUCTION The Children's Science Congress made a humble beginning as an experiment in Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh in the early nineties with joint initiatives of the National Council for Science and Technology Communication (NCSTC)- Network and Rashtriya Vigyan Evam Prodyogiki Sanchar Parishad (RVPSP), Department of Science and Technology, Government of India. 3 September 20153
It became a nationwide activity since 1993 with the holding of the first National Children's Science Congress (NCSC) in New Delhi. The Children's Science Congress is coordinated by (NCSTC)-Network catalysed and supported by RVPSP. Since 1993, National Children's Science Congress is held during the last five days (27-31) of December every year. 3 September 20154
OBJECTIVES Providing a forum to the Children (Age group 10–17 years) both from formal and non-formal school system as well as from outside of school to exhibit their creativity and innovativeness and more particularly their ability to solve a societal problem. Relating learning science with the environment around. 3 September 20155
OBJECTIVES Promoting the "methods of science" and applying the same for finding solutions. Catalysing curiosity, spirit of inquiry and inquisitiveness. Inculcation of Scientific Temper. 3 September 20156
THE MAGNITUDE OF NCSC Starting from 16 States in 1993, today CSC is in all districts of all the States/UTs. NCSC is a much sought-after children's programme in the Indian S&T calendar. Around 10 lakhs children participate every year. Since 1997, best two projects of each State participate in Indian Science Congress. 3 September 20157
THE MAGNITUDE OF NCSC From 2001 onwards, each State/Union Territory can send a fixed number of students, escort teachers and coordinators to the NCSC. The quota is based on the size of the State, number of districts in the State and its population size among others. 3 September 20158
Who is eligible ? This is a forum open to young scientists in the age group of years as on December 31 of the calendar year. This event of NCSC is not restricted to the school-going children only but is also open for the non-school children from the marginalised sections of the society who can be involved as team members. 3 September
Modalities of participation Formation of a group with like minded friends (not exceeding five group members) and selection of group leader Choosing a guide Selection of topic/issues for study in relation to Focal theme and sub-theme (through consultation relevant literature, experts and guide teacher) 3 September
Modalities of participation Framing design of the study, selection of field study area (local area) and preparation of work plan Carry out the study (field observation, field study, field or laboratory experiment or both) and collection of primary and secondary data, compilation and validation of data, data analysis, interpretation and framing of results 3 September
Modalities of participation Writing report and preparation of posters for presentation Submission of Report and Presentation at block/district level (from where selection will be there for state level than state to national level on the basis of the merit of the project) 3 September
What is a Scientific Project ? A scientific project is a study of a problem carried out with a objective of finding out a solution of the problem. It involves defining the problem, making the hypothesis, observation, collection of data through survey or experimentation, its analysis and then arriving at conclusion to find out the solution. 3 September
Nature of CSC Project Innovative, simple and practical; Representing teamwork; Based on exploration of everyday life- situations; Involving Experimentation and/or field based data collection; 3 September
Nature of CSC Project Having definite outputs, arrived through scientific methodology; Related directly to community work in the local geographical area; Having follow-up plans. 3 September
Criteria of Good Projects As per past experience it has been found that projects which were rated very good had the following elements while implementing and documenting the project: Proper understanding and definition of the problem undertaken. Quality and quantity of work, including team work, learning process, subject understanding and efforts to validate the data collected. 3 September
Relevance of the proposal to the community/school problem and impact of project on schoolmates, neighborhood community. Originality, innovation and creativity shown to understand the problem and find solution i.e. in methodology and experiment design. 3 September
SMART Approach The Project may follow the steps of SMART approach S – Specific – The subject/issues of study must be specific M – Measurable – The issues of study must be measurable in quantitative/qualitative forms so that component of comparability is maintained 3 September
SMART Approach A – Appropriate - The topic must be appropriate to focal theme and subthemes, along with field study area, methodology must be appropriate to nature of the issues considered for the study, R – Realistic – The issues of the study must be realistic along with the methodology adopted for the purpose 3 September
SMART Approach T – Time bound – study must be carried out in limited time frame. The project activities may not destabilized normal activity schedule of the Child. 3 September
The focal theme for the year 2014 & 2015 is UNDERSTANDING WEATHER AND CLIMATE with six sub-themes. 3 September
3 September
SUB - THEMES 1.Weather Around You 2.Impact of Human Activities on Weather & Climate 3.Weather, Climate & Ecosystems 4.Weather, Climate – Society & Culture 5.Weather, Climate & Agriculture 6.Weather, Climate & Health 3 September
As a teacher one should not hesitate to come forward for NCSC While working with our students for inculcating scientific temper among children we should not hesitate… but, feel proud that ….you are an important person who is performing his/her fundamental duty for good of the nation, very especially for the children of the nation who are the future pillars of the nation. 3 September
Article 51 A (H) of the constitution which explains…. ………It is the fundamental duty of every citizen of India to expand and share the knowledge of science to make the people aware for good of the nation…….. 3 September
“A social movement along the lines of Children’s Science Congress should be visualised in order to promote discovery learning across the nation, and eventually throughout South Asia.” - National Curriculum Framework 2005, Executive Summary, Page (ix) 3 September
What is the soul of CSC? While involving in CSC it is important to understand the soul of CSC…… To make a forum available to the children of the age group years, both from formal school systems as well as from out of school, to exhibit their creativity and innovativeness and more particularly their ability to solve a societal problem experienced locally using the method of science. 3 September
Now the ball is in your court !! Because ……. The destiny of a nation is folded within its budding youth……..as flower within close embrace of petals……….that our youth think today……..the nation will think tomorrow. 3 September
51 Years of Empowering India Through Education - KVS Dr. S. Bose, Asst. Commissioner, KVS Guwahati