Enhancing Education Through Technology Competitive Grants PBS TeacherLine
Title II, Part D: Enhancing Education Through Technology Competitive grant Technology Integration Technology literacy for students Only high-need LEAs are qualified to apply If you are not a high-need LEA, you must partner with a high-need LEA. 25% must be used for professional development
Title II, Part D EETT: Project Goals Encourage school districts to develop & adopt sustainable projects that: Improve student academic achievement Assist every student Provide high quality professional development
Title II, Part D EETT Eligibility Projects of “significant size” and scope High-need LEAs ELA and mathematics focus Eighth-grade technology literacy Partnership
Title II, Part D EETT Benefits to Students Technology Literacy through Effective Integration Students must achieve fluency by the eighth- grade Increase Access Raise Achievement
Title II, Part D EETT - Benefits to Teachers Provide professional development focused on effective integration of technology 25% for professional development Support innovative methods of instruction online learning Promote communication and family involvement
Title II, Part D (State) Specific Requirements State focus areas Date of RFP release Date proposals are due
Title II, Part D Programs Funded in (State) LEA A Focus area Kind of professional development used LEA B Focus area Kind of professional development used
Meeting the Requirements of NCLB Scientifically based research High quality professional development Effective integration of technology Measurable effect on student performance
Grant Writing Timetable DescriptionStart Date to Completion Date Phase 1Grant planning Meet with teachers and administrators Select curriculum focus Conduct needs assessment January through March Phase 2Proposal writing Assign roles Assemble narrative Create budget narrative Submit proposal – June 1st April through May Phase 3Implementation of the programPlanning meeting
Funding Considerations Stipends paid to participants Stipends for face-to-face facilitators Teacher laptops Classroom application materials software books
Sample PD Budget ResourceBudget Stipends (3 schools, 20 teachers, 60 courses at $100 stipend/course) (PD expense) $6, Technology (20 laptops)$24, Professional Development Courses (60 courses at $180/course) (PD expense) $10, On-site support (5 days at $1500 per day) (PD expense) $7, Supplies and Materials$7, Total$55,800.00
Key Personnel District Administration: Tech Director, Director of PD, PD Providers, etc. Building Admin Professional Development Personnel Building Admin Professional Development Personnel Building Admin Professional Development Personnel Team Teams must be assembled before grant is submitted.
Evaluation How and when will the project will be evaluated? quality assurance steps evaluation methods acting upon results
PBS TeacherLine online professional development facilitated courses supportive learning community exemplary resources Proven effect on student outcomes Meet NCLB requirements
PBS TeacherLine: Goals Improve student outcomes Support collaborative learning Provide rich course content aligned with state learning outcomes and objectives help teachers achieve highly qualified status Professional recognition PDPs graduate credit
PBS TeacherLine Benefits Research based content Meets NCLB requirements Flexibility Cost savings Time saving Affects change in the classroom ISTE certificate
PBS TeacherLine Technology Courses ISTE certificate In-depth study Network Earn credits Create a portfolio
PBS TeacherLine Content NCTM IRA NCTE ISTE
We can help you! Partnership Needs assessment Program design Grant narrative Project management
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