ASCCC Leadership Institute 2006 Intersegmental Efforts to Facilitate Student Transfer Jane Patton Michelle Pilati
Description Improving transfer for our students has become an ever-more important and complex goal, especially given the dissolution of CAN and new transfer initiatives such as LDTP at CSU and the UC Streamlining Project. A replacement proposal to CAN, called C-ID is being developed, and the 3 segments seek ongoing funding for IMPAC---the only formal forum for inter-segmental faculty dialog. As a senate leader, you will be expected to understand and promote efforts that strengthen student transfer to four-year institutions. This is your chance to learn about these important initiatives.
Alternative Titles Transfer Initiatives Acronym Hell How does anyone ever get out of here? What happens when the legislature tries to simplify our lives..
Can you identify these? CAN C-ID IMPAC LDTP ICAS SB 70 SciGETC Streamlining UC OSCAR; ASSIST
CAN California Articulation Number CC – CSU (UC never really played) What can CAN do for us now? While essentially defunct, CAN numbers will be relied upon initially for LDTP (more on that later)
CCC Numbering System “C-ID” Course Identification
What is C-ID? A proposal that improves upon CAN –a supra-numbering system –a response to mandates and needs –course descriptors for use by postsecondary institutions and CCC students
C-ID: a response to mandates Legislation (SB 450, SB 851, SB 1415) MOUs
C-ID: a response to need Students Articulation officers, counselors, staff Universities
IMPAC Intersegmental Major Preparation Articulated Curriculum
IMPAC To facilitate intersegmental and interdisciplinary discussion among segments of higher education To clarify expectations for major preparation To encourage faculty dialog of curriculum To foster intersegmental cooperation
Progress 33 disciplines met 12 interdisciplinary discussions held 2,290 faculty participated 167 CAN descriptors were written/revised How many of you intended an IMPAC meeting?
Accomplishments SciGETC One-semester chemistry course Supplemental labs Advising letters Alignment of learning objectives Development of LDTP course descriptors
Future Uncertain—not funded in Funds could be available in Working with ICAS to advertise the accomplishments of IMPAC
LDTP Lower Division Transfer Pattern CSU Project (SB 1785 & MOU) Goal: to improve transfer into majors Gives highest priority for admission Plan: to take effect Fall 2007 First 30 majors are to be completed by June 2006 Approved courses will have a TCSU number Status
ICAS Intersegmental Committee of Academic Senates The dysfunctional family dines together No, really – a valuable opportunity for intersegmental collaboration.
Statewide Career Pathways: Creating School to College Articulation
Statewide Career Pathways SB 70--chaptered into Ed Code CCC System Office ---developing many projects Academic Senate will develop this one project: HS articulation
Goals 1. Target relevant regional fields 2. Develop artic. & pathways 3. Create artic. standards 4. Identify online technology 5. Increase student participation 6. Develop database 7. Build sustainability
Some components H.S. and college faculty meetings Database of agreements Outreach to students & institutions Mechanism to sustain, renew, disseminate agreements
Status Steering committee meets in July Existing articulation agreements are collected Progress on database Working with System Office, DoE, schools, ROPCs, tech prep
Senate’s role Curriculum oversight over all articulation (with universities & high schools) Benefit for our students Reaching students in H.S. can bring them to colleges, then to universities
SciGETC Science IGETC (intersegmental general education transfer curriculum) For high unit science majors Goal: to permit postponement of 2 GE courses until after transfer
Streamlining UC Articulation Project SB 477 requires every UC to articulate specific CCC courses/sequences when 4 or more UCs already articulated them Transfer pathways will be published
One more relevant acronym SACC =System Advisory Committee on Curriculum CIOs, SO staff, and ASCCC at the table to discuss matters related to curriculum Progress: Stand alones; Handbook
ICAS “A Transfer Discussion Document” Available at Click on: 1.ICAS 2.Current projects 3.A Transfer Discussion Document Helpful glossary and summary of all legislative actions re. transfer.
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