Version 3.0, 24 June 2011 Flight Briefing Stage 1, Module 2 Copyright © 2011 Ted Dudley
Which airplane are you flying? Hit the esc key Click on “Slide Show” Click on “Custom Slide Show” Select your aircraft
Preflight Any questions? On today’s preflight, show me the Fuel vent(s) Trim tab(s) Static port(s) Engine air intake At what oil level do we need to add more?
Radio Communications Your instructor will demonstrate how to operate your communication radios: Tuning and changing frequency Selecting radios to transmit and receive Volume and squelch controls Proper use of headset and microphone Radio Procedures are in the Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM), Chapter 4, Section 2. Read it!Read it
Radio Hints Ensure you’re on the proper frequency and are transmitting on the proper radio If two people transmit simultaneously on a frequency, neither will be clearly heard So, before keying the microphone… Listen – make sure nobody’s talking, particularly if you’ve just changed to this frequency Think - know what you want to say
Radio Call Basics Radio calls are built this way: Who you’re calling Who you are Your message Optional: “Over.” “Over” means “I’ve stopped talking, and I expect a response.” “Out” means “I’ve stopped talking, and am leaving the frequency now.” Never say: Over and out Anything that sounds like CB talk (pretend your mother’s listening)
Radio Frequency Flow - Outbound Listen to ATIS Ground Control Automatically switch to Tower when ready for takeoff Departure Control when directed If remaining in practice area, remain with Departure If going to a nontowered field Listen to ASOS/AWOS Check out with Departure, switch to CTAF If going cross-country, Boston Center for flight following when directed
Initial Contact That’s the first call you make on a new frequency. Should consist of Who you’re calling Your full aircraft identification e.g., Cessna 738ZD When operating on an airport surface, your position The type of message to follow or your request if it is short; and The word "Over" if it’s not clear your transmission is done If you get a conversation going, you may omit the agency you’re calling and (if not reading back a clearance) your callsign The controller may abbreviate your callsign after initial contact If this happens, you may use the abbreviated callsign (e.g., 8ZD) for any further transmissions with that agency You don’t get to abbreviate your callsign unless the controller does it first If you change to another agency, you’re back to initial contact procedure
Initial Contact with Ground He wants to know: Who you are Where you are Where you want to go/ what you want to do Do you have the current ATIS? After you tell him all that, he will respond with A transponder code (“squawk”) The frequency for Departure Control (121.1) Taxi instructions
So it should go like this “Burlington Ground, Cessna 738ZD, in the Valley with information Alfa, VFR to the north practice area” This is where you’ll want a pencil ready to write the next thing down “Roger, 8ZD, squawk 0210, departure frequency 121.1, taxi to runway 33 via Kilo” “8ZD roger, squawk 0210, taxi to runway 33 via Kilo” Not necessary to read back frequency unless you’re unsure
When ready for takeoff Change to tower frequency Put in standby window so you’ll be ready to switch “Burlington Tower, Cessna 738ZD ready at 33” or intersection C or wherever it is you’re calling from “Cessna 738ZD, Burlington Tower, cleared for takeoff, fly runway heading” “Cessna 738ZD, cleared for takeoff, runway heading” “Cessna 8ZD, contact Departure” “Cessna 8ZD, roger”
Readback You’re required to read back all clearances Taxi (particularly instructions to hold short of a runway) Takeoff/landing Heading Altitude You’re required to acknowledge frequency changes or other instructions “Roger” will suffice for this, although you can repeat the frequency or instruction to make sure you heard it right You’re not required to repeat everything the controller says
Initial Contact with Departure The first thing the controller does is check that your transponder altitude encoder is working, so he needs to know what you think your altitude is “Burlington Departure, Cessna 738ZD, passing 1300” “Cessna 738ZD, Burlington Departure, radar contact. Proceed on course” “Cessna 738ZD, on course”
Radio Frequency Flow - Inbound Listen to ATIS Approach Control Tower when directed Ground Control when directed 121.9
FDC NOTAM 4/4386 ALL AIRCRAFT OPERATING IN UNITED STATES NATIONAL AIRSPACE, IF CAPABLE, SHALL MAINTAIN A LISTENING WATCH ON VHF GUARD This is so the F-16 that shows up on your wing can talk to you There’s only one other thing he can do for (to) you, and you don’t want that Don’t monitor if you want to see what that is And you may be able to report any ELTs you hear
Get and acknowledge clearance; line up on centerline Aileron into any crosswind Full power and hold throttle in Steer with rudder; anticipate tendency to turn left Slight back pressure to fly at 60 MPH 49R, 93L
Takeoff Get and acknowledge clearance; line up on centerline Aileron into any crosswind Full power and hold throttle in Steer with rudder; anticipate tendency to turn left Slight back pressure to fly at 55 KIAS 8ZD
Takeoff Get and acknowledge clearance; line up on centerline Aileron into any crosswind Full power and hold throttle in Steer with rudder; anticipate tendency to turn left Slight back pressure to fly at 50 MPH 43T
Collision Avoidance Radio is one of your best collision avoidance tools “Flight following” gets you a guy with a radar scope telling you about everything he sees that might be a collision factor In the pattern, the radio tells you where everyone is and where they’re going So listen up! Even if the call isn’t for you, it can help build your situational awareness But the radio is not a substitute for looking out the window
Climbing Flight Advance the throttle to full, apply back elevator pressure to raise the nose of the airplane and right rudder to center the ball As power is increased, the airplane’s nose will rise due to increased download on the stabilizer As pitch attitude increases and the airspeed decreases, progressively more right rudder must be applied to compensate for propeller effects and to hold a constant heading Climb speed is MPH; establish the appropriate attitude and trim for MPH 49R, 93L
Climbing Flight Advance the throttle to full, apply back elevator pressure to raise the nose of the airplane and right rudder to center the ball As power is increased, the airplane’s nose will rise due to increased download on the stabilizer As pitch attitude increases and the airspeed decreases, progressively more right rudder must be applied to compensate for propeller effects and to hold a constant heading Climb speed is KIAS; establish the appropriate attitude and trim for KIAS 8ZD
Climbing Flight Advance the throttle to full, apply back elevator pressure to raise the nose of the airplane and right rudder to center the ball As power is increased, the airplane’s nose will rise due to increased download on the stabilizer As pitch attitude increases and the airspeed decreases, progressively more right rudder must be applied to compensate for propeller effects and to hold a constant heading Climb speed is MPH; establish the appropriate attitude and trim for MPH 43T
Level Off Initiate the level-off at approximately 10 percent of the rate of climb Retain climb power temporarily so that the airplane will accelerate to cruise airspeed more rapidly Trim as you accelerate Good way to remember: PITCH-POWER-TRIM When speed reaches the desired cruise speed, set throttle to cruise power setting and trim for cruise speed
Straight and Level Flight Set power Select some portion of the airplane’s nose as a reference point, and then keep that point in a fixed position relative to the horizon Crosscheck against altimeter and vertical velocity, adjust nose position and trim as required
Straight and Level Flight Of course, if you want to fly straight, wings must be level
Descending Flight Descend with power as desired Airspeed will increase if you leave the power up; trim as required Carb heat on if RPMs below the green arc Flaps as desired But mind you don’t overspeed them! Initiate the level-off at approximately 10 percent of the rate of descent Return throttle to cruise setting after level-off Again, it’s PITCH-POWER-TRIM
Ailerons in the direction you want to go While rolling, rudder to overcome adverse yaw Equal amounts of rudder and aileron A little opposite aileron when you’re happy with the bank angle to stop the roll A little less rudder when bank angle is set A little more power and elevator back pressure, especially in turns greater than 30 degrees bank Level Turns
Turn Coordination Keep the ball centered – step on the ball
Turns to Headings Rollout must be started before reaching the desired heading Normally, the lead is one-half the degrees of bank For example, if the bank is 30°, lead the rollout by 15°
10 deg 31
10 deg 32
DownwindDownwind BaseBase FinalFinal Wind o to Downwind Prior to Downwind: Clear! SEATS/BELTS/HARNESSES - SECURE FUEL SELECTOR – BOTH ON LIGHTS - ON AS REQ MIXTURE - FULL RICH “Descent/ Before Landing Check complete” Appropriate altitude and direction On Downwind: About 100 mph Radio call if nontowered Maintain altitude Appropriate wind correction Appropriate distance from runway On Final: Flaps – Landing setting Airspeed – 65 mph Assess glidepath Pitch for speed; Power for glidepath Abeam touchdown point: CARB HEAT – ON “Landing Check Complete” Touchdown point 45 o behind wing: (this drawing not to scale) RPM Maintain level flight Flaps (check airspeed below white arc) – 10 o Slow to 80 mph, then let nose fall to maintain 80 mph Clear! Turn to base On base: Radio call if nontowered Apply appropriate wind correction 80 mph Flaps – 20 o Assess glidepath Lead turn to final to line up with runway “Knapp State Traffic, Cessna 5749R, left downwind 17, Knapp State” “Knapp State Traffic, Cessna 5749R, left base 17, touch and go, Knapp State” 49R, 93L
DownwindDownwind BaseBase FinalFinal Wind o to Downwind Prior to Downwind: Clear! SEATS/BELTS/HARNESSES – SECURE FUEL SELECTOR - BOTH LIGHTS - ON AS REQ MIXTURE - FULL RICH “Descent /Before Landing Check complete” Appropriate altitude and direction On Downwind: About 95 KIAS Radio call if nontowered Maintain altitude Appropriate wind correction Appropriate distance from runway Abeam touchdown point: CARB HEAT – ON “Landing Check Complete” On Final: Flaps – Landing setting Airspeed – 60 KIAS Assess glidepath Pitch for speed; Power for glidepath Touchdown point 45 o behind wing: (this drawing not to scale) RPM Maintain level flight Flaps (check airspeed below white arc) – 10 o Slow to 75KIAS, then let nose fall to maintain 75KIAS Clear! Turn to base On base: Radio call if nontowered Apply appropriate wind correction 75 KIAS Flaps – 20 o Assess glidepath Lead turn to final to line up with runway “Knapp State Traffic, Cessna 738ZD, left downwind 17, Knapp State” “Knapp State Traffic, Cessna 738ZD, left base 17, touch and go, Knapp State” 8ZD
DownwindDownwind BaseBase FinalFinal Wind o to Downwind Prior to Downwind: Clear! SEATS/BELTS/HARNESSES - SECURE FUEL SELECTOR - ON LIGHTS - ON AS REQ MIXTURE - FULL RICH “Descent /Before Landing Check complete” Appropriate altitude and direction On Downwind: About 100 mph Radio call if nontowered Maintain altitude Appropriate wind correction Appropriate distance from runway Abeam touchdown point: CARB HEAT – ON “Landing Check Complete” On Final: Flaps – Landing setting Airspeed – 65 mph Assess glidepath Pitch for speed; Power for glidepath Touchdown point 45 o behind wing: (this drawing not to scale) RPM Maintain level flight Flaps (check airspeed below white arc) – 10 o Slow to 80 mph, then let nose fall to maintain 80 mph Clear! Turn to base On base: Radio call if nontowered Apply appropriate wind correction 80 mph Flaps – 20 o Assess glidepath Lead turn to final to line up with runway “Knapp State Traffic, Cessna 5943T, left downwind 17, Knapp State” “Knapp State Traffic, Cessna 5943T, left base 17, touch and go, Knapp State” 43T
Final Approach Objective: arrive over the runway numbers On final approach speed Over the runway centerline With the planned flap setting At a height suitable for the roundout/flare maneuver
Final Approach Flap settings First 20 0 extension – mostly extra lift Further extension – mostly extra drag Which is very helpful if you want to descend Trim changes As you slow, you’ll need to trim nose up. Until… Flaps more than 20 0 – get less flow over horizontal stabilizer, resulting in requirement for nose down trim
Final: Airspeed/Aimpoint Adjust airspeed with nose position; “Pitch for speed” Want to go slower? Nose higher! Want to go faster? Nose lower!
Final: Airspeed/Aimpoint Adjust aimpoint with power; “Power for glidepath” Too shallow? More power! Too steep? Less power! And don’t forget to stay on centerline
Common Error on Final It’s common to get the previous 2 slides backwards Student may just point the nose at the runway numbers, which results in nose low/higher speed And try to slow by pulling the throttle back Which doesn’t work because the nose is low All this results in a long, fast landing
Estimating Glidepath Aim for the runway numbers Shouldn’t be so slow or steep that you lose sight of the runway numbers The point at which your flight path intersects the planet is the point which does not move up or down on your windscreen
Estimating Glidepath You only have one engine, so why not approach a little steep? That way, if the engine quits on final, you may not have to settle for landing in the trees just short of the runway For normal approaches, use the PAPI/VASI “on glidepath” indications as a lower limit until nearing flare The more headwind there is, the steeper your aircraft can approach
Roundout/Flare A slow, smooth transition from a normal approach attitude to a landing attitude Gradually round out the flightpath to one that is parallel with, and within a very few inches above, the runway Look ahead half- to three quarters the way down the runway Begin at about half a wingspan in altitude Start a little higher, flare more quickly if steep; lower, less quickly if shallow Once started, should be a continuous process until the airplane touches down on the ground This means the yoke should be slowly moving throughout the flare
Common Error in the Flare As you descend below 100 feet, you’ll notice the ground seem to approach you rapidly Natural tendency is to pull the nose up to slow the rate at which the ground is approaching This gets you very slow, high above the runway Hold the nose down to maintain final approach airspeed until it’s time to flare At about half a wingspan in altitude
In the Flare Level off a few inches above the runway Power to idle stop Align nose with runway with rudder Try to keep it from touching down It’ll eventually touch down anyway if the power is in idle But you’ll need to continually and slowly keep the yoke coming back as you decelerate
After Touchdown You’re not done flying! Don’t just release all pressure on the yoke Ease the nosewheel to the runway Nosewheel steering available after nosewheel touches down Maintain runway centerline until slowed to taxi speed Brake as required
Really Bad Common Error Never try to touch down at a particular place by releasing back pressure in the flare You will bounce, every time And this can lead to very disappointing results We’ll go over how to recover from a bounce in later lessons
Touch and Go Make sure there’s enough runway remaining! While rolling down/correcting to the centerline: Flaps –up Either trim back to takeoff index or be prepared to pull back harder to rotate at proper speed Power and carb heat all the way in; hand remains on throttle Be prepared for left yawing tendency Rotate at proper speed
CrosswindCrosswind UpwindUpwind Wind 49 Upwind leg: Maximum Power Normal climb speed (Nontowered) Climb straight ahead until 300 ft below pattern altitude Clear! Turn crosswind On crosswind Roll out with wind correction Clear! Climb to pattern altitude Prepare to do Descent / Before Landing and Landing checklists Turn downwind
After Landing When clear of runway… 49R, 93L
After Landing When clear of runway… 8ZD
After Landing When clear of runway… 43T
Shutdown Flow 49R, 93L
Shutdown Flow 8ZD
Shutdown Flow 43T