G uilds A nd J obs o f t he M iddle A ges. BY: AUSTIN B. and JORDAN R.
Guilds & Jobs The craft guilds controlled trade.
Guilds & jobs Merchant Guilds were richer than Craft Merchant Guilds were richer than CraftGuilders
Guilds & Jobs A man went through three obstacles apprentice, journeyman, and master A man went through three obstacles apprentice, journeyman, and master
Guilds and Jobs All prices were decided by guilds. All prices were decided by guilds.
Guilds and Jobs Guild members were expected to help protect the town. Guild members were expected to help protect the town.
Guilds and Jobs Guilds were there because the worked to protect the city and protect the citizens. Guilds were there because the worked to protect the city and protect the citizens.
Guilds and Jobs Religion was very important and guilds were expected to help build the churches. Religion was very important and guilds were expected to help build the churches.
Guilds and Jobs The guilds controlled the way people trade. The guilds controlled the way people trade.
Guilds and Jobs They got important jobs in the community. They got important jobs in the community.
Guilds and Jobs Some jobs of the guilds were bakers,barbers, butchers and plumbers. Some jobs of the guilds were bakers,barbers, butchers and plumbers.
Guilds and Jobs A craft guilder was in charge of one family. A craft guilder was in charge of one family.
Guilds and Jobs A journey man is a skilled worker who gets paid by the master in wages. A journey man is a skilled worker who gets paid by the master in wages.
Guilds and Jobs When merchants and workers come together it was called a guild. When merchants and workers come together it was called a guild.
Guilds and jobs A craft guild master could set up an office and teach his students. A craft guild master could set up an office and teach his students.
Guilds and Jobs Some different kinds of guilds were Merchant Guilds and Craft Guilds Some different kinds of guilds were Merchant Guilds and Craft Guilds
Guilds & Jobs A merchant Guild was a bunch of traders
Guilds and Jobs The most important guild was an apprentice. The most important guild was an apprentice.
Guilds and Jobs Merchant guilds helped members in their family. Merchant guilds helped members in their family.
Guilds and jobs When a guild died, the guild aided the widow and the kids. When a guild died, the guild aided the widow and the kids.
Guilds and Jobs 1.What are the jobs guilds had to do? 2.What guild was richer a craft guilder or a merchant guilder? 3.What was the most important guild? 4.what was a bunch of traders called? 5.what were merchants and workers called? 6.how was a journeyman paid?