Advisory Council 10 th Council Meeting - 3 rd September 2008 Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Ray Spain
SEA and RBMP’s SEA is derived from Directive 2001/42/EC on the effects of certain plans and programmes on the environment, commonly known as the SEA Directive. The Directive was transposed into national legislation in both Ireland and Northern Ireland in Required for Plans or Programmes for; Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries, Energy, Industry, Transport, Waste Management, Water Management, Telecommunications and Tourism. EPA Report 2007 concluded SEA is required for RBMP’s and POM’s.
What is an SEA? Directive - “to provide for a high level of protection of the environment and to contribute to the integration of environmental considerations into the preparation and adoption of plans and programs with a view to promoting sustainable development, by ensuring that, in accordance with this Directive, an environmental assessment is carried out of certain plans and programs which are likely to have significant effects on the environment.” In reality - a formal process, involving the systematic identification, evaluation and integration of significant environmental effects of plans, programs and policies and managing the implications.. Also- a valuable tool that will influence decision-making at each stage and which also gives the public and other interested parties an opportunity to comment and to be kept informed on decisions that may impact on the environment and how they were made.
Main Steps to SEA Four main steps of SEA 1.Screening – Is an SEA needed? √ 2.Scoping – What should it include? √ 3.Environmental Assessment Report 4.SEA Statement
Technical Advisors Grace Glasgow -WFD Gerry Carty - SEA Shane Herlihy - SEA Richard Hamilton - Planning Elizabeth Arnett - Stakeholders Tom Curtis – Appropriate Assess. Eastern, Western & South Western RBD North Western iRBD PILOT North Western iRBD PILOT Shannon, Neagh Bann, North Eastern (i)RBD South Eastern RBD Shannon, Neagh Bann, North Eastern (i)RBD South Eastern RBD Staff Resource: Antonia Gaughran Ruth Barr Dr Jennifer Haddow Dr Fiona Curran Richard Bingham Staff Resource: Ruth Barr, Dr Jennifer Haddow, Richard Bingham, Sophie Gilloway Resource & Technical Assistance: RPS Belfast, RPS Limerick, RPS Letterkenny, RPS Carlow Resource & Technical Assistance: RPS Dublin, RPS Cork, RPS Galway Staff Resource: Dr Marian Coll, Maeve Walsh, Dr Fiona Curran Project Team – RPS Group Project Manager Dr Alan Barr SEA Coordinator Dr Antonia Gaughran
Programme Phase I: Environmental Assessment & Report (Jul – Dec 2008) Phase II: Public Consultation (Jan – Jun 2009) Phase III: Preparation of Submission Reports (Jul –Aug 2009) Phase IV: Preparation of SEA Statements (Jul - Sep 2009) Fixed Milestones: Draft RBMP 22 December 2008 Final RBMP 16 October 2009
Key Issues River Basin Management Plans are top tier plans - driving future land use plans. They are Strategic. 8 Separate Plans - each with its own unique issues and needs Statutory Deadlines – no slippage Communication – critical through all stages Local Knowledge with Central Management Habitats Directive Assessment
SEA PROCESS Screening Methodology RBMP PROCESS Initial Characterisation ScopingSignificant Issues Alternatives Status / Risk / Possible Measures Set Objectives Action Programme Objectives / Indicators / Targets Environmental ReportDraft RBMP Final RBMPSEA Statement Consultation Implementation & review cycle - 2nd RBMP
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