Introduction to DPSIR Framework Han Wang March 9 th, 2012
What is it? A strategy for Integrated Environment Assessment (IEA) adopted by European Environment Agency (EEA) As an approach to manage environmental problems, it presents: –indicators needed to enable feedback to policy makers on environmental quality –resulting impact of the political choices made, or to be made 3/9/121 Driver Pressure State Impact Response
3/9/122 environment-reporting_379f#
Example Water resource management –State of waters How is it? (nutrients, pesticides, heavy metals, …) How much is there? (runoff, availability, demands, …) –Time trends Getting better or worse? Within or outside agreed limits? –What is causing the problems? –Pressures on the environment Human Industrial Agricultural –State of actions or policies Are they working towards targets? 3/9/123
4 Water
3/9/125 Water Quantity
Informatics & Semantics Informatics provides interoperability among diverse and heterogeneous data and information sources Semantic web technologies capture knowledge from data DPSIR domain ontology Information products (figures, tables) are produced to present the elements of DPSIR 3/9/126
DPSIR Ontology 3/9/127
Summary DPSIR is an approach for environment/ecosystem assessment. It identifies five different classes of indicators, which can be mapped to the needs of environmental management/evaluation. Ontology with DPSIR helps. 3/9/1211
References P. Kristensen, The DPSIR Framework, Workshop on a comprehensive / detailed assessment of the vulnerability of water resources to environmental change in Africa using river basin approach, UNEP Headquarters, Nairobi, Kenya, September P. S. Levin, M. J. Fogarty, G. C. Matlock, and M. Ernst, Integrated Ecosystem Assessment, NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-NWFSC-92, June 2008 S. Karetsos, D. Haralampopoulos, and K Kotis, An Ontology-based framework for Authoring Tools in the Domain of Sustainable Energy Education. P. Fox and A. Mafffei, Facilitating Next Generation Science Collaboration: Respecting and Mediating Vocabularies with Semantics in Ecosystems Assessments. AGU 11 IN33E-01, December P. Fox, A. Maffei, M. DiStefano, S. Lawrence, and C. Chandler. The Integrated Ecosystems Assessment Initiative – Enabling the Assessment of Impacts on Large Marine Ecosystems: Informatics to the Forefront of Science Based Decision Support. reporting_379f# reporting_379f# 3/9/1212