1 Putting things in Perspective I&M Plan Workshop July 9, 2008 or, “Why bother with your Natural Gas Engine?”
2 Relative Cost per Btu Energy Unit BTU Content $ / Unit EnergyCents per MBtu 1 Lb. Coal 12,500 $ Therm Natural Gas 100,000 $ Gal. Propane 91,000 $ Gal. Diesel #2 139,000 $ Gal. Gasoline 125,000 $ SCE TOU-8 Primary (Summer) Off-Peak kWh Mid-Peak kWh On-Peak kWh Annual Average kWh July, 2008
3 Energy UnitCost/MBtuC.O.PCents per Ton-Hr Natural Gas Engine SCE TOU-8 Secondary (Summer) Off-Peak kWh Mid-Peak kWh On-Peak kWh Ton Electric Chiller costs $74 per Hour to operate On-Peak Gas Chiller cost is $32 to $56 per Hour at all times… Relative Cost per Btu (IC Engine Driven HVAC Chiller)
4 Engine Cost/MBtu Heat Rate Cents per HP-Hr Natural Gas SCE TOU-8 Secondary (Summer) Electric Motor Efficiency Off-Peak kWh Mid-Peak kWh On-Peak kWh HP Electric Motor costs $46 per Hour to operate On-Peak Gas Engine cost is $23 per Hour at all times… Relative Cost per Btu (IC Engine Prime Mover)
5 “When Do Engines Save Money?”
6 Steve Rawski Principal Engineer (714) Remember, your Gas company Representatives are here to help… Understanding the Regulations Developing and Implementing a Long Term Plan.