GridPP Steve Lloyd, Chair of the GridPP Collaboration Board
Steve Lloyd GridPP PPAP July 2014 Slide 2 A Brief History of GridPP 2001 – 2004 GridPP1 – From Web to Grid 2004 – 2007 GridPP2 – From Prototype to Production 2007 – 2008 GridPP2+ One year extension 2008 – 2011 GridPP3 – From Production to Exploitation 2011 – 2015 GridPP4 - Computing in the LHC era 2015 – 2016 GridPP4+ One year extension ? GridPP5 GridPP provides UK Computing resources for the LHC experiments, other HEP experiments and other activities.
Steve Lloyd GridPP PPAP July 2014 Slide 3 Project Management GridPP only exists to facilitate analysis of data from the experiments. This is reflected by the management of the project which has the LHC experiments directly represented. Oversight Committee (OC) Collaboration Board (CB) Project Management Board (PMB) Operations Team (Ops-Team) Experiments Liaison Review Operation UtilisationProvision
GridPP Activities Steve Lloyd GridPP PPAP July 2014 Slide 4 Tier-1 Hardware 23% Tier-1 Staff 20% Tier-2 Hardware 10% Tier-2 Staff 23% Operations Staff 15% Manage/Travel 10%
Hardware Costs Steve Lloyd GridPP PPAP July 2014 Slide 5 STFC have signed an MoU with WLCG for the UK to provide Tier-1 and Tier-2 resources The LHC Experiments provide estimates of their required future resources These are scrutinised and approved by the CERN Computing Resource Review Board (CRRB) We multiply by the ~UK authorship fraction: 2% of ALICE, 12.5% of ATLAS, 8%/5% of CMS and 31.5%/21.5% of LHCb [Tier-1/Tier-2] We add ~10% for other experiments then multiply by the estimated cost Gives total hardware cost per year at Tier-1 and Tier-2s – NO DISCRETION!
RAL Tier-1 Steve Lloyd GridPP PPAP July 2014 Slide 6 5,760 Logical CPUs 59,641 HEPSPEC06 12 PB Disk 12 PB Tape The UK Tier-1 at RAL provides: CPU and disk resources to meet the UK’s WLCG Tier-1 MoU requirements; An Archival (robotic) Tape service to preserve raw LHC data; Manpower to maintain and operate the disk and tape systems, Grid Middleware, Oracle databases, fabric and day to day production; Embedded manpower to interface directly with ATLAS, CMS and LHCb; Excellent reliability, a high level of availability and rapid responsiveness; Excellent Network connections including an optical private network (OPN) direct connection to CERN.
Tier-1 Delivery Steve Lloyd GridPP PPAP July 2014 Slide 7 Tier-1 CPU Delivery
Steve Lloyd GridPP PPAP July 2014 Slide 8 Tier-2s The UK Tier-2s provide: CPU and disk resources to meet the UK’s WLCG Tier-2 MoU requirements; Manpower to support Group Analysis Sites, with large amounts of disk and excellent network connections, for ATLAS and CMS; Manpower to provide all experiments with CPU and disk for opportunistic user analysis and Monte Carlo simulation; A distributed ecosystem to support UK physicists doing their analysis; The majority of the Deployment, Operations, and Support staff who transform the distributed resources into a coherent Grid infrastructure Hardware resources for testing middleware releases, new technologies and running some core services; A successful framework for leveraging local resources and support; Opportunities for reaching out to other communities to support STFC’s impact agenda.
Tier-2 Resources Steve Lloyd GridPP PPAP July 2014 Slide 9 Large sites (green) have ~2 FTE staff Medium sites (yellow) have ~1 FTE staff Small sites (blue) have ~0 FTE staff London ScotGrid NorthGrid SouthGrid Some redistribution following mid-term review
Tier-2 Delivery Steve Lloyd GridPP PPAP July 2014 Slide 10 Tier-2 CPU Delivery
UK Tier-2 Delivery Steve Lloyd GridPP PPAP July 2014 Slide 11 UK Tier-2 CPU Delivery
External Activities Steve Lloyd GridPP PPAP July 2014 Slide 12 GridPP is part of WLCG that combines: EGI (European Grid Infrastructure) OSG (Open Science Grid) in the US NorduGrid in the Nordic countries There are new Initiatives looking towards Horizon 2020 etc. such as EU-T0 – an initiative to federate national centres into a European Computing Centre for Experimental Data Management formed by major EU funding agencies inc. STFC. HEP Software Foundation – a collaborative framework to develop and maintain all major HEP-related software. VLData – a generic platform for distributed computing integrating existing Grid, cloud and other computing and storage resources. UK Project Directors Group. E-infrastructure academic user community. JOIN – A joint DiRAC (HPC)-GridPP Authentication and Authorization Infrastructure (AAI) initiative
Steve Lloyd GridPP PPAP July 2014 Slide 13 The Future 13 GridPP5
The Future Steve Lloyd GridPP PPAP July 2014 Slide 14 Hardware costs will hopefully continue to fall (Moore’s Law etc) but: Data accumulates and trigger rates are going up (x2.5 Run-2, x10 Run-3?) and more complex (pile-up) requiring much more hardware The Grid is continually evolving – multi- cores, new architectures, clouds, storage technologies, WAN access etc. Manpower requirements may decrease slightly but not dramatically in face of increased resources and complexity GridPP with continue to be a necessary component of UK particle physics for many years for ALL experiments. Distinction between Tier-1, Tier-2 is blurring. LUX/ZEPLIN are bidding for computing and storage that will be run by GridPP leveraging existing support and expertise. Could be a good model for other communities, T2K, Hyper-K, ILC, NA62 etc.)