Welcome to the 7th Grade Classroom with Mrs. Denison!
A Little About Me 7th Year Teaching at St. Bede Teach 7th Grade Homeroom, 6 th - 8th Grade Religion & Social Studies
Policies Homework - Unless Otherwise Specified, Homework is Due the Day After it is Assigned. Late Work is not tolerated. Mrs. Pierre-Antoine’s Missing Homework Policy will be followed Cheating - Any Kind of Cheating/Plagiarism Will Not Be Tolerated & Will Result in A Zero for the Assignment Without the Possibility of Making it up. Extra Credit - I Give 1 Extra Credit Assignment Per Trimester
7 th Grade Religion Textbook - “Christ Our Life” Primary Topic: The New Testament, specifically the Gospels Service Learning Project Point Project Each Trimester, Students Must Write a Proposal, Complete 3 Hours of Community Service and Write a Reflection, Due Dates are 10/30, 02/13, 05/15
6th Grade Religion Textbook - “Christ Our Life” Primary Topic: The Old Testament, specifically Genesis & Exodus Service Learning Project Point Project Each Trimester, Students Must Write a Proposal, Complete 2 Hours of Community Service and Write a Reflection, Due Dates are 10/30, 02/13, 05/15
8 th Grade Religion Textbook - “Christ Our Life” Primary Topic: Church History Service Learning Project Point Project Each Trimester, Students Must Write a Proposal, Complete 4 Hours of Community Service and Write a Reflection, Due Dates are 10/30, 02/13, 05/08
7th Grade Social Studies Textbook: “Across the Centuries” Topics Include - Age of Exploration, Roman & Byzantine Empires, Roots of Islam, African Empires, Early China, Japan, Feudalism, Crusades, and Renaissance & Reformation Projects - There Will Be 1 Project Per Trimester Homework & Tests - There is Homework Only After Each Lesson is Completed (Lessons Take about 2 Days), Non-Written Nightly Homework Includes Studying Notes, Rereading the Lesson, Working on Study Guides, Tests & Quizzes are Announced at Least 1 Week in Advance Current Events - 20 Point Oral Presentation on a Current Event From an Assigned Topic
6th Social Studies Textbook - “A Message of Ancient Days” Topics Include: How Cultures and Societies Develop, Mesopotamia & Sumer, Ancient Egypt, Ancient India, Ancient China, Ancient Greece & Ancient Rome Projects - There Will Be 1 Project Per Trimester Homework & Tests - There is Homework Only After Each Lesson is Completed (Lessons Take about 2 days), Non-Written Nightly Homework Includes Studying Notes, Rereading the Lesson, Working on Study Guides, Tests & Quizzes are Announced at Least 1 Week in Advance
8th Grade Social Studies Textbook - “A More Perfect Union” Topics Include: Exploration & Settlement of the New World, American Revolution, Constitution, People of the New Nation, Manifest Destiny, Industrial Revolution, Cotton Kingdom, Civil War Projects - There Will Be 1 Project Per Trimester Homework & Tests - There is Homework Only After Each Lesson is Completed (Lessons Take about 2-3 Days), Non-Written Nightly Homework Includes Studying Notes, Rereading the Lesson, Working on Study Guides, Tests & Quizzes are Announced at Least 1 Week in Advance Current Events - 20 Point Oral Presentation on a Current Event From an Assigned Topic
One-to-One Laptop Program Students are using laptops for all subjects Using the laptops allows students to regularly practice typing, while also introducing them to commands and shortcuts Students are using Google Drive to learn how to create folders and documents Students are provided with an address through the domain stbedeparish.org, which we have administrative access to
Other Info. Mandatory Concerts & Mass - Christmas (12/18) & Spring Concerts (04/30) are Part of the Music Grade & the 7th & 8th Grade/CCD Mass (10/26) is Part of the Religion Grade, Excuses Must Be Submitted Prior to these Events Requirements for Chaperoning & Volunteering - Chaperones & Volunteers Must Be Fingerprinted, There Must Be 2 Adults Per Vehicle Website: Contact Info:
7 th Grade Responsibility As is tradition, the 7 th Grade plans and hosts the 8 th Grade Dinner Dance The Dinner Dance will be held Thursday, May 28 th at 6:00pm in the small gym We will need a Dinner Dance committee to help with planning, organizing, and facilitating the Dinner Dance. If you would like to volunteer, please send me an . All volunteer will receive service hours.
Reminders: School Begins at 8:00; the first bell rings at 7:55, and students who arrive after 8:00 need to get a tardy slip from the office. Students Who Arrive to School Before 7:45 & Are Not Supervised By Their Parent/Guardian Will Be Sent to Morning Care.
Reminders Continued: If your child is home sick, please call in to the office and let Ms. Galindo know. If you would like to request homework for your child when they are sick, please call the office by 10:00 am A note must be submitted to the office when your child returns. An to Ms. Galindo is fine, also.
Thank you for coming!