CONNECTICUT STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION BUREAU OF EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION Laboratory School and Model Early Childhood Learning Grant 2008-2009 2009-2010.


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Presentation transcript:


Background and Purpose  pursuant to Connecticut General Statutes Sec j;  establish two pilot early childhood learning programs.  each program may include a laboratory school and model day care program; and  serve a minimum of 60 children, ages 3 to 5 years.

Vision o To establish model child care and education programs that provide practical, site-based demonstrations of high quality preschool and child care programming.  To provide access to early childhood practitioners, who provide professional development and training to childcare and education teaching and support staff.

Oversight A lab is supported by the higher education institution who must: - administer the grant; - translate principles of school readiness program model to professional development partners;

 showcase high quality comprehensive preschool and child care practices for 3 -, 4 - and 5- year-olds; and  support environment that promotes the overall development of children.

Requirements: The higher education institution must:  take fiscal, administrative and programmatic responsibility for the grant;  have an academic program in early childhood education;  delegate an experienced early childhood faculty member as grant manager;  provide professional and technical support in the development and ongoing operations of the laboratory school;

 disseminate knowledge about effective and innovative preschool and child care theories;  translate the principles of developmentally appropriate practice to a broad community of practitioners;

 collaborate with early childhood education professional development partners: -(CCAC); -Higher Education Institutions; -S E R C, Head Start, Early Head Start, Even Start, DSS, DCF, Non- profits; -RESCs and others.

Requirements from Lab School: Model School: contract with higher education institution; be licensed; be accredited by NAEYC the NEASC, or the CT Commission on Independent Schools accredited; a head start or school readiness program or otherwise state approved;

serve 60 children aged 3 -, 4 - and 5- years old on the higher education site or on another site; have a written collaborative agreement with the higher education institution;

serve a diverse population: economic, racial, ethnic; partner with the LEA to serve children with disabilities and adhere to standards of the Americans with Disabilities Act; and promote State Department of Education policies related to early childhood education;

Expectations  show-case practices that support the overall well-being of children;  provide comprehensive early childhood services and a range of services to families; and  participate in training and research.

Proposal A program plan for operating as a laboratory school: -specify activities related to the planning, development & implementation phases of the program; -address administrative structure of the project; -delineate roles and responsibilities of each higher education faculty; and

- identify and describe roles of administrators, child care and education staff. Note:The applicant must provide resumes of key people involved in the project from the higher education institution and the child care and education facility.

The Plan Must Specify: how the laboratory school will reach out and inform ECE communities about the activities and services available; the manner and extent to which training and other activities will be coordinated with professional development partners;

how the laboratory school will advance the knowledge and skills of practitioners, parents, and the community; and about effective, result-oriented early childhood practices.

Program evaluation  describe your program evaluation plan for Years 1 and 2;  address the effectiveness of the program for children and the benefits to families and communities;  identify indicators of success; and  provide evidence.

Funds Available  Pending the availability of funds $100,000 will be available for each program for each year Note: The SDE holds the right to determine continuation of funding after the second year based on program performance.

Application Requirements  Abstract (maximum 1 page double spaced);  Proposal Narrative (maximum 15 pages double spaced);  Budget Form (as presented in the RFP);  Budget Justification;  Signed Statement of Assurances; and  Signed Affirmative Action Packet.

Format  THE APPLICATION, EXCLUSIVE OF: -Affirmative Action Packet; -Statement of Assurances; -Cover page; and -Form ED 114. NOTE: MAY NOT EXCEED 15 PAGES DOUBLE SPACED.

Content Cover Page  must be signed by authorized signatories; - the higher education institution; - the agency (agencies) that represents the child care and education program;

Must indicate the number of children that will be served; - ages of children; - key features: planning, development and activities; and - evaluation of project.

Community  district/municipality of laboratory school; and  the higher education institution that will administer the grant.

Proposal Narrative  maximum of 15 pages double spaced;  detailed description of plans for continuing the project for Years 1 and 2;  describe the program’s: -social and economic environment; -goals and objectives; -design and activities; and -evaluation

Five-Year Goals and Objectives  state goals and objectives for Year 1 to Year 5;  expected outcomes for the five years;  proposed timeline of what will be accomplished in Years 1 to 5 of the project;  design and activities for five years; and  address the program components outlined on pages 2 to 4 of the RFP.

Evaluation Report  review goals and objectives;  describe the degree to which goals and objectives have been achieved; and  the extent to which outcomes achieved are directly linked to the grant.

Budget  ED 114  Indicate how grant funds will be expended for Year 1, July 1, 2008 – June 30, Note: No carryover funds will be allowed. Year 1 budget ends June 30, 2009.

Other Requirements  bi-annual project evaluations reports by Dec. 31, & July 31 of the grant fiscal year; and  evidence of the impact of grant activities on the quality of early childhood care and education in the community.

Submission Information Submit one original and two copies of the grant application by 4:30 p.m. on Friday June 20, Dr. Yemi Onibokun, Consultant State Department of Education Bureau of Curriculum and Instruction 165 Capitol Avenue, Room 215 Hartford, CT Telephone:

 The deadline will not be extended.  Faxed copies are unacceptable.  Phone applications will not be accepted.