Information Evening 15th October 2014 Literacy
Reading Writing Speaking and Listening
What we aim to do: Encourage children to read widely and with enjoyment by introducing them to a wide range of top quality children’s fiction and non-fiction. Foster the continuing development of the skills necessary to read and understand a variety of texts. Encourage children to become critical and responsive readers. Develop children’s skills in locating, interpreting and applying information from non-fiction texts. Continue the development of children’s word awareness-the study of word structures, word usage and spelling patterns. Aid the development of writing skills and oral language skills by using text as a stimulus..
Oxford Reading Tree Key Stage 1 Key Stage 2 Free /Independent readers Library time
AF1Use a range of strategies including accurate decoding of text, to read for meaning AF2 Understand, describe, select or retrieve information, events or ideas from texts and use quotation and reference to text AF3Deduce, infer or interpret information, events or ideas from texts AF4 Identify and comment on the structure and organisation of texts, including grammatical and presentational features at text level AF5 Explain and comment on writers' uses of language, including grammatical and literary features at word and sentence level AF6Identify and comment on writers' purposes and viewpoints and the overall effect of the text on the reader AF7Relate texts to their social, cultural and historical contexts and literary traditions
Questions for Lower KS2 Where does the story take place? Is the setting important or could the story have taken place anywhere? What do you think will happen next? Can you retell the story in your own words? What do you think…in the story feels? What if…? Can you think of a different story ending? Why do you think … did that? Which character did you like most/least? Why?
How do you know who is telling this story? When is the story set? What clues are there to confirm this? What words or phrases have been used to develop an atmosphere of suspense/mystery? Which character did you find the most interesting? Why? Can you tell from the opening paragraph what kind of story you are reading?
Summarise what has happened in a show. Predict what is going to happen next (giving evidence), Describe the setting of the show. Identify the main ideas. Describe characters (guess who).
Discuss the blurb. Predict the story Discuss any other books by this author Read reviews Discuss the opening scenes of books How does the author draw you into the story? Mistakes will be made in initial choice of books. This is an important stage for the children to learn how to choose their own reading material.
Hear your children read at home Discuss the story with your children Visit the library/bookshops Have somewhere quiet to read Bedtime story/Reading aloud Share a book with your children Be a role model
In primary schools, children who write proficiently are always readers. It is impossible to write a text type without being familiar with the language patterns. Children who are read to regularly before coming to school are the most likely to have success. Children who read for pleasure are also most likely to succeed (across the curriculum).
Female Dolls Story Completion People Collaborative Male Car Action Immediate Objects Hierarchical
Instead of think write Try think communicate write
Afternoon support sessions Rapid Read / Write Literacy support groups –Teacher KS2 Phonic Groups
Complete the sentence below with a contraction that makes sense. If you give me the recipe, ____________ buy the ingredients on the way home.
Staff are available to answer questions. Thank you for coming to tonight’s session.