Overview of ENEA role and activities Technical Unit Models, Methods and Technologies for the Environmental Assessment Dr. Rovena Preka Italian National Agency of New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA) Belgrade, 25° June 2012 Workshop: Serbia – Italia, Status and Perspectives of the Scientific and Technological Bilateral Cooperation
ENEA’s History ENEA was founded in 1952, as the National Committee for Nuclear Research (CNRN), with the specific objective of studying the multiple applications of nuclear energy for civil purposes, e.g. biological and agricultural sciences, physics and electronics In 1982, CNEN becomes ENEA and deals from now on with Renewable Energy Sources (RES), energy efficiency and environmental impact After the Chernobyl disaster, in 1987 through a referendum Italy decides to quit nuclear technology for power generation purposes: in 1991, ENEA’s research activities are partially re-directed towards RES, Environment and New Technologies, including research on nuclear fission and fusion In 2009, ENEA becomes an Agency of the Ministry of Economic Development, with the aim of pursuing, according to Law 99 (art. 37):
Facts and Figures Human Resources: 2640 permanent staff Master and PhD students International Fellows Infrastructures Headquarters located in Rome 9 Research Centres 5 Research Laboratories 43 pilot plants and research facilities 11 Local Offices Brussels Liason Office
ENEA’s R&D activities Energy Efficiency Renewable Energy Sources: Concentrated Solar Power, Biomass and Biofuels, Solar Thermal, Hydrogen and Fuel Cells, Energy Storage Systems Nuclear Energy Fission and Fusion Environment and Climate Change: environmental technologies, modelling, prevention, conservation and reclamation activities Health and Safety: Seismic protection, biological effects of ionising radiations, radioprotection, metrology of ionising radiations New Technologies: material sciences, applications of ionising radiations, Agro- industrial innovation & technologies, ICT Power System Research
UT VALAMB Mission ENEA Technical Unit Models, Methods and Technologies for the Environmental Assessment (UT VALAMB) is to develop and implement tools for the analysis and evaluation of environmental policies in order to couple environmental and socio-economic sustainability. Research on Atmospheric modelling and pollutants measurements (AIR Laboratory) Water Resources Management and Protection, water cycle (IDR Laboratory) Life Cycle Assessment ed Eco-Design (LCA Laboratory)
Air Quality Laboratory MINNI Integrated National Model in support to the International Negotiation on Air Pollution On behalf of the Italian Ministry of the Environment, in collaboration with Arianet and IIASA, MINNI aims at providing Italy with a tool in support to the polycies for emissions reduction GAINS - Italy (Greenhouse Gas Air Pollution Interactions and Synergies) is an integrated model which combines information on current and future level of emission generating activities (e.g., energy use, industrial production, agricultural activities, etc.), allowing the assessment of measures aimed to reduce emissions from all or specific sources in terms of alternative emission scenarios, alternative air quality scenarios and abatement costs. Ozone mean annual concentration (μg/m 3 ) PM 10 mean annual concentration (μg/m 3 )
Water Resources Management and Protection Laboratory Research studies for of new methodologies and technologies development for the treatment and management of waters and wastewaters in urban areas, buildings and industry. Studies for the removal, from the treated wastewaters, of macro, micro and emerging pollutants using biological or chemical physical technologies for the reduction of the environmental impact. Recovery of bioenergy, as biogas hydrogen or bioelectricity, from wastes and wastewaters. Development of new ICT technologies for the management and automatic control of wastewater treatment plants using artificial intelligence approaches. Studies for the biological population dynamics in wastewater treatment plants and in natural waters by FISH and techniques of molecular biology. UASB bioreactor treating agro wastewater
Life Cycle assessment and Eco-design Laboratory Sustainibility assessment through life cycle approach Life Cycle Sustainability Analysis LCSA Research and methodological development applied to: energy systems technologies protoypes and innovations simplified LCA software and databases, basic software for product eco- innovation, web portal for eco-innovation in SMEs : Support to Public administration concerning GPP Partecipation to national networks (coord. Rete Italiana LCA) and international committee (SETAC, … ) Technological transfer, tutoring and training.
LECOP ENEA – High Tech Network of Emilia Romagna Region It includes industrial research laboratories and technology transfer and innovation centres, with the aim to create a qualified industrial research offer and provide practical solutions to meet business development needs (innovative products, more efficient processes, new technologies and skills) The research aims at developing and transferring innovative technologies and methods to enterprises through the LECOP ENEA Laboratory in the framework of the Emilia-Romagna Technopole network distributed in Platforms that define the research offer in the region Platform Air quality: models and characterization of pollutants - MIA Integrated technologies for water resources management - TIGRI Life Cycle Assessment ed Ecodesign - LEI Air quality: models and characterization of pollutants - MIA Integrated technologies for water resources management - TIGRI Life Cycle Assessment ed Ecodesign - LEI
Technology Transfer The TT Unit deals with Property Rights and Patents Networking Engagement with SMEs Dissemination and E-learning ENEA has produced 709 patents in Italy, which yielded over 1200 patents abroad, and 9 spin-offs
International Scientific Cooperation Until March 2012, about 145 projects have been financed under the FP7, for a total contribution to ENEA of €33 mn Main themes: EURATOM fission, Energy, Environment and Research Infrastructures more than 1100 partners from 60 countries all over the world Overview of ENEA’s participation to FP5, FP6 and FP7ENEA’s participation to FP7 in 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011
International Scientific Cooperation Besides taking part to co-funded research programmes, ENEA takes part to: European Technology Platforms Several European Associations and networks, e.g. Cofounder of the EERA (European Energy Research Alliance) Cofounder of ECRA (European Climate Research Alliance) European Energy Network Europe Enterprise Network Mediterranean Association of the National Agencies for Energy Conservation (MEDENER) TAFTIE - the Association For Technology Implementation In Europe International initiatives, e.g. EUREKA, ITER, ITPA, CSLF, GIF, IPHE, VAMAS…
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