Alberta Beef Industry From Pasture to Plate
Cow-Calf Operation Beef production starts with ranchers who raise a breeding herd of cows that nurture cattle every year. The cows are selected by mothering abilities and beef quality traits. In this stage, over the next few months each calf will live off of its mother milk and graze grass in pasture. The purpose of the cow-calf operation is to produce heavy calves and mating takes place during the summer.
Weaning Weaning is the process of gradually introducing calves to what will be it’s adult diet by withdrawing supply of it’s mothers milk. Calves are weaned between six to ten months of age when they weigh between 450 and 700 pounds. These calves are now fed grass in pasture.
Stockers and Backgrounders This stage comes after weaning and is a time where the cattle continue to grow and thrive by grazing. It can last for 3-9 months and happen on many different kinds of pasture. The calves convert forage and grass into protein products for people in this stage.
Livestock Auction Markets In this stage cows are sold in livestock auction markets. Usually 1/3 of the cows stay on the farm for breeding purposes.
Feed Yard The next step in beef production is when mature calves are moved to feed yards. They generally spend four to six months here with constant access to water, room to move around, and free grazing with a carefully balanced diet.
Packing Plant Once cattle reaches a market weight ( ) they are sent to a processing facility. Inspectors are stationed here and oversee the safety, animal welfare, and quality standards from the time until the animals arrive at the plant, until when the beef products are shipped to grocery stores.
Food Service and Retail In the final step in beef production, beef is sold in Canada or shipped abroad. Operators in retail and food service channels take steps to provide consumers with safe, wholesome, and nutritious products.
Sources a/en/article/beef-cattle-farming/ a/en/article/beef-cattle-farming/ spx spx