Do Now: Read and Think… For groups to work successfully, Group Norms must be established. – Norms stands for the word normal. In other words, what needs to be normal – an everyday habit – for groups/pairs to work effectively? Write these down on your half sheet of paper. As a group, discuss and write down what you believe to be the top 5 norms we need for groups to work effectively. Compile a list you all agree with – write these down on the back of one of your sheets. Be clear because I am collecting these.
Daily Learning Targets 8/29/14 – What is new today? 1.I can make inferences to deepen my understanding of Inside Out & Back Again. 2.I can cite evidence from the novel to explain how incidents reveal aspects of Ha’s character. 3.I can use context clues to figure out word meanings. 4.I can participate in discussions about the text with a partner, small group, and the whole class.
Agenda 1.Do Now & Learning Targets 2.New Vocab 3.Essential Questions for this unit 4.Numbered Heads Together Protocol – quote analysis 5.Books! 6.Close read “1975: Year of the Cat” & Ha’s character 7.Text dependent questions 8.Closing
Vocabulary – spiral notebook critical incident - an important event that reveals characteristics of someone, or causes them to change annotate - making notations (notes, symbols) in a text to help us understand the meaning of what we have read historical fiction - a made up story that is based on real historical events
Essential Questions: in spiral notebook Think about our gallery walk and mix and mingle protocols. Write this question in your notebook: What is home? Answer this question based on your experiences in ELA for the past 2 days. Complete the same for this question: How do critical incidents reveal character?
Analyze this Quote: “No one would believe me, but at times I would prefer wartime in Saigon to peacetime in Alabama.” (p. 195) Based on the last two days, what do you think might have to happen to a little girl to make her say this?
Books! What do you notice about how this novel is written? How is it like other novels you have read? How is it different?
Who is Ha? Anchor Chart What have I learned about Ha from the novel so far? Quickly draw in spiral notebook – use a whole page, you will add more later
Text Dependent Questions 1.Tet is a special day. When is Tet, and what two events are celebrated on Tet? 2.How does the family celebrate Tet? 3.So, how does this special day affect the other days? 4.What does the narrator do that might bring bad luck? 5.What can you infer about the narrator based on this action?
Ticket Out – for a classwork grade (5pts.) Not using the examples from class, what is one more characteristic you inferred about Ha? – Cite the evidence that leads you to this inference.