Seva Mandir Rural Education Program Udaipur/Rajsamand, Rajasthan 2010 Project Update and Proposal Review
Background: Seva Mandir Founded in 1968 with an extensive education promoting for promoting primary education since 1991 The work of the organization spans over 626 villages, around 70,000 households, distributed across five blocks – Badgaon, Kotra, Girva, Kherwara, and Jhadol Key strategic organizational objectives: To create and strengthen institutions for development To enhance people’s capabilities for self-development To create sustainable improvements in the livelihoods base AfE-SV supports education program in Badgaon block since 2007
Seva Mandir Education Program Seva Mandir Education Program includes: Shiksha Kendra to support primary education [till grade-III] Seasonal Residential Learning Camps for tribal children Activity Centers in government middle/upper-primary schools Action Research Project Jan Shikshan Niliyams or Village Libraries Uurja Ghar – Youth Resource Centers AfE-SV supports: Operating 20 Shiksha Kendras in Badgaon block Initiating 5 Activity Centers in Government schools Supporting at least 25 tribal children from Badgaon for learning camps Evaluation Document: new/documents/876/AfE_evaluation_ _complete.doc new/documents/876/AfE_evaluation_ _complete.doc Annual Report: new/documents/876/annual_report_2010_converted.docx new/documents/876/annual_report_2010_converted.docx
Seva Mandir – Progress Update Shiksha Kendra # of Shiksha Kendra/NFE CenterEnrollment Feb ‘09Mar ‘10ClosedNewInstructorsApril ‘09March ‘ total 3 female 652 total 331 Boys 250 Girls 582 Total Level 0Level 1Level 2Level 3Level 4 Half Yearly Dec ‘ Yearly April ‘ Half Yearly Dev ‘ GirlsBoysTotal from 63 Performance of students in last three evaluations (year/year progress) Enrollment in Government schools in 2009
Seva Mandir – Progress Update Activity Centers Village/ZoneClasses in School Teachers# of children in July ‘09 July ’09March ’10 Negria/Delwara1 st - 5 th 3390 Ushaan/Ghorach1 st - 8 th Selu/Kadiya1 st - 8 th Undithal/Bagdunda1 st - 10 th Peepad/Kadiya1 st - 8 th Activity Center component was jointly evolved/developed between Seva Mandir and AfE-SV to expand the reach into Government Schools There are on-going challenges in working with government schools, but, reach and scale possible with Activity Centers is quite large and promising Activity Centers are now a part of overall Seva Mandir education program in all five blocks, however, AfE is the only funding agency formally supporting this intervention
Seva Mandir – Progress Update Activity Centers [2] CenterClass 5Class 6Class 7Class 8Total Selu Pepad Negadia Ushan Total Baseline comparative sample assessment Apr ‘09 – Apr ‘10
Seva Mandir – Progress Update Activity Centers [3] Only 12 children were able to score 30 or above marks in baseline, while the number reached 42 by endline survey State board exam of class 8 showed significant improvement In 2010, out of 28 children appeared in boards, 26 children were able to clear the exams Dramatic improvements are noted in attendance rates, and many students attend the centers on Sundays and after school hours On average 30% improvement in attendance reported in Selu school since the activity center was started Instructor selection is an on-going challenge, and Undithal school has not been able to retain instructors due to remoteness of the school Challenges in setting expectations with the School management
Seva Mandir – Progress Update Seasonal Residential Learning Schools Seasonal School# completedGirlsBoysComments School 1 May 5 th ‘09 – Jun 30 th ‘ children attended, and 13 left in the middle School 2 Nov 5 th ‘09 – Jan 5 th ‘ Scholl 3 Jan 20 th ‘10 – Feb 25 th ‘ children attended, and 5 were removed due to chicken-pox TotalLevel 0Level 1Level 2 School School School Evaluation Results of Children from 3 learning camps
Proposal Proposed Project Overview Continue Education Program in Badgaon with following components: 23 Shiksha Kendras/NFE Centers 5 Sahayod Kendra/Activity Centers Support 25 tribal children to attend Seasonal Residential School Program Request to Expand the education program support to Kotra block with following components: 55 Shiksha Kendras/NFE Centers
Proposal Proposed Budget Budget ItemAmount (INR)~Amount (USD) Shiksha Kendra23 x 45,300 = 1,041,90023,253 Activity Center5 x 107,000 = 535,00011,888 Seasonal Schools834,82518,551 Coordinator Salary1 x 8000 = 96,0002,133 Total2,507,72555,825
Proposal Proposed Budget Budget ItemAmount (INR)~Amount (USD) Shiksha Kendra23 x 45,300 = 1,041,90023,253 Activity Center5 x 107,000 = 535,00011,888 Seasonal Schools834,82518,551 Coordinator Salary1 x 8000 = 96,0002,133 Total2,507,72555,825 Kotra Extension55 x 45,300 = 2,491,50055,366 Extended support is sought for 55 NFE centers in Kotra block. Kotra is the biggest, the most remote, and backward block of Udaipur district, and is in need of focused strategic intervention as Badgaon Support for Kotra block seems infeasible for AfE-SV because of very high cost of the component ~56K USD
Proposal Proposed Budget – Shiksha Kendra Budget ItemDetailsAmount in INR Teacher Stipend12 x 2,15025,800 Study Material25 x 30075,00 Infrastructure (repairs, maintenance) 2,500 Evaluation/Exams2 x 5001,000 Instructor Meetings8 x 2502,000 Instructor Training2 x 1,5003,000 Certification Course3,500 Total45,300 Budget estimate of running a Shiksha Kendra
Proposal Proposed Budget – Activity Centers Budget ItemDetailsAmount in INR Teacher Stipend2 x 12 x 3,50084,000 Study Material10,000 Infrastructure2,000 Teacher Training10,000 Children Events1,000 Total1,07,000 Budget estimate of running an Activity Center
Proposal Proposed Budget – Seasonal residential School Budget ItemDetailsAmount in INR Boarding & Lodging25 (children) + 3 (teacher) x Rs 150 x 55 days 231,000 Study Material25 x 2506,250 Medicines & Toiletries25 x 1503,750 Uniform25 x 1604,000 Teacher Stipend3 x 55 days x Rs 13522,275 Total1,07,000 Budget estimate of 25 children attending Seasonal Residential Schools Seasonal Residential Schools represent a significant budgetary component of the proposal, and has been contentious amongst volunteers in the past from The overall impact while significant, is very hard to quantify in long term
Proposal Opinions/Discussion Proposal discussion summary with Seva Mandir is here new/documents/876/sevamandir_2010_proposal_discussion.docx new/documents/876/sevamandir_2010_proposal_discussion.docx Shiksha Kendras have proven to be a very strong tool to promote primary education in the region, and is central to the education program The number of children who graduate to regular schools and continue their education has steadily increased year over year Activity Centers are a strategic initiative that was started with AfE support, and perfectly complement the Shiksha Kendra (primary school) component It is recommended to open activity centers in primary schools to drive attendance and improve the quality of education in conjunction to running Shiksha Kendras, especially in places where primary schools are running in reasonable proximity Current Activity Centers are operated in upper primary and middle schools and serve as a capacity building instrument, similar methodology can be possibly extended to primary schools. Learning from 5 activity centers is helping us to establish working relationship with the government schools, but, primary schools are a difficult nut to crack!
Proposal Opinions/Discussion [2] Seasonal Residential Schools are being operated by Seva Mandir for almost a decade and caters to most marginalized children who are otherwise forced into manual labor in mines or fields Seasonal schools show a fairly decent turnaround rate in terms of continued attendance, but primarily strive to make such children literate, and is in general difficult to quantify its impact Long term results, especially sustained results, are also hard to establish Given the prevailing budgetary constraints, it is recommended to continue at-least the Activity Centers and Shiksha Kendra components of the proposal It is advised for Seva Mandir to focus on expanding activity center into primary schools instead of operating Shiksha Kendras, where applicable
Proposal Revised Proposal Budget ItemOriginal BudgetRevised Budget Shiksha Kendra $23,680 (Rs.1,041,900)$14,793/(Rs.650,900) Activity Center $12,160 (Rs.535,000) Seasonal Schools $18,970 (Rs.834,825)$12,650 (Rs.556,550) Coordinator Salary $2,133 (Rs. 96,000) Total$55,825$41,736
Proposal Revised Proposal (options) Budget ItemOriginal BudgetRevised Budget Shiksha Kendra $23,680 (Rs.1,041,900)$14,793/(Rs.650,900) Activity Center $12,160 (Rs.535,000) Seasonal Schools $18,970 (Rs.834,825)$12,650 (Rs.556,550) Coordinator Salary $2,133 (Rs. 96,000) Total$55,825$41,736 $36,855$29,086
Proposal Revised Component (Shiksha Kendra)
Proposal Site Visit (Apr ‘09) Site Visit report (by Amit and Teesta) to Lousing Dhana Shiksha Keendra and Selu Activty Center is here new/documents/876/sitvisit_sevamandir_april_2010.dochttp:// new/documents/876/sitvisit_sevamandir_april_2010.doc Activity Center Case Study from Negdiya is here new/documents/876/update_negdiya_activity_center.dochttp:// new/documents/876/update_negdiya_activity_center.doc Available Additional Documents: Annual Report Sample Study Material 2009 Audited Source of Funds (Seva Mandir) 2009 Active interventions and Projects in Udaipur (by funding agency)