4th Session of the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction IGNITE stage www. angginurqonita.blogspot.com Geneva May 2013 “SchoolaTourRahmi” Network of Safer School Clubs Anggi Nurqonita Grade 11, Student of Senior High School 98 Jakarta, Indonesia Regional Ambassador for Indonesia, Eco-Generation UNEP-Tunza Chairperson of FOSCA Young Scientist Club, Jabodetabek, Indonesia Ambassador of “SPEAK” Magazine, The Jakarta Post, Indonesia
4th Session of the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction IGNITE stage www. angginurqonita.blogspot.com Geneva May 2013 You know me already, no? Involvement of young volunteers to incorporate DRR during Emergency Response (Jakarta Flood, Jan 2013)
4th Session of the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction IGNITE stage www. angginurqonita.blogspot.com Geneva May 2013 We met already, no? AMCDRR in Yogyakarta, Indonesia (October, 2013) Youth may not be able to talk a lot, but we want to know a lot, so that we can contribute a lot, like a lot of you…. Little involvement of youth in such of these events can mean great resilience in the future!
4th Session of the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction IGNITE stage www. angginurqonita.blogspot.com Geneva May 2013 Now you know me … and I’d be happy to know you more … my little bro and sis… Facebook: Anggi Nurqonita
4th Session of the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction IGNITE stage www. angginurqonita.blogspot.com Geneva May 2013 You may want to know my project… “SchoolaTourRahmi” * from the word “SILATURRAHMI” (means ‘social networking’) * Integrating SCHOOL + TOUR + RAHMI (‘rahmi’ means ‘love, passion’)
4th Session of the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction IGNITE stage www. angginurqonita.blogspot.com Geneva May 2013 “SchoolaTourRahmi” Project Mission: to engage active participants of school community in DRR established school emergency temporary school
4th Session of the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction IGNITE stage www. angginurqonita.blogspot.com Geneva May 2013 “SchoolaTourRahmi” Project Approach: encourage schools to have “Safer School Club” do a cross-visit tour among clubs
4th Session of the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction IGNITE stage www. angginurqonita.blogspot.com Geneva May 2013 “SchoolaTourRahmi” Project Target: students active discussing DRR, with passion students active speaking out about DRR thru Media
4th Session of the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction IGNITE stage www. angginurqonita.blogspot.com Geneva May 2013 “SchoolaTourRahmi” The Progress: I have a monthly column in “SPEAK” Magazine I have a music group who has been winning couple of international awards My grandma gives me a slot of land to build “SchoolaTourRahmi” Center
4th Session of the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction IGNITE stage www. angginurqonita.blogspot.com Geneva May 2013 “SchoolaTourRahmi” The Progress: Your supports are most welcome for the continuity and improvement of “SchoolaTourRahmi” project the insertion of DRR column in “Speak” Magz and its distribution to wider audiences the proliferation of “Safer School Clubs”
4th Session of the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction IGNITE stage www. angginurqonita.blogspot.com Geneva May 2013 What Next? For further ‘Silaturrahmi’ (that is, further contact/ information/ networking) next years with your support
4th Session of the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction IGNITE stage www. angginurqonita.blogspot.com Geneva May 2013 Thank You so very much!