After the Leaving Cert…2014 Applying to college CAOPLC HEAR (Access Programme) Changes in Grants due to Budget
Choosing Courses Check the websites e.g..,,,,,,, postgradireland etc.. Check the websites e.g..,,,,,,, postgradireland etc.. Check prospectuses for details Check prospectuses for details Go to open days Go to open days Discuss your options with Discuss your options with Family and friends Family and friends Guidance counsellor Guidance counsellor Subject teachers Subject teachers
Overview Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI), established in 2012 is now responsible for the following: NQAI – establishes and maintains National Framework of Qualifications NQAI – establishes and maintains National Framework of Qualifications HETAC - HEIs (Higher Education Institutions) comprise of the Institutes of Technology and the Universities/Colleges HETAC - HEIs (Higher Education Institutions) comprise of the Institutes of Technology and the Universities/Colleges FETAC - PLCs (Post Leaving Certificate Courses/Colleges) include all the Colleges of Further Education and similar types of institutions FETAC - PLCs (Post Leaving Certificate Courses/Colleges) include all the Colleges of Further Education and similar types of institutions IUQB – responsible for quality assurance in the university sector IUQB – responsible for quality assurance in the university sector
HEIs unite under the CAO system covering levels 6 to 8 HEIs unite under the CAO system covering levels 6 to 8 PLCs have individual application systems and consist of levels 5/6 PLCs have individual application systems and consist of levels 5/6 There is a bridge between the 2 systems, commonly known as the FETAC Links There is a bridge between the 2 systems, commonly known as the FETAC Links There are many differences between the two types of institutions involved and therefore careful consideration must be taken when applying There are many differences between the two types of institutions involved and therefore careful consideration must be taken when applying Financially, there is no difference in grant amount issued Financially, there is no difference in grant amount issued
QQI Levels Level 6 – Advanced/Higher Certificate (HC) Level 6 – Advanced/Higher Certificate (HC) 2 years in duration 2 years in duration Mainly in the IT’s Mainly in the IT’s Level 7 – Ordinary Bachelor Degree (DG) Level 7 – Ordinary Bachelor Degree (DG) 3 years in duration 3 years in duration IT’s and some universities IT’s and some universities Level 8 – Honours/Higher Bachelor Degree (HD) Level 8 – Honours/Higher Bachelor Degree (HD) 3-4 years in duration 3-4 years in duration IT’s and Universities IT’s and Universities Must be doing 2 higher level subjects in the Leaving Cert Must be doing 2 higher level subjects in the Leaving Cert
Requirements for College Residence Residence Basic entry requirements or matriculation Basic entry requirements or matriculation Course/Faculty requirements Course/Faculty requirements Final selection system Final selection system Interview Interview Suitability test Suitability test Audition Audition Portfolio Portfolio Points – 6 best grades. The points level published for any course in any year will be the points level achieved by the last entrant onto that course for that year Points – 6 best grades. The points level published for any course in any year will be the points level achieved by the last entrant onto that course for that year
Minimum Entry Requirements Institution Minimum grades Required subjects NUI Colleges: UCD, NUIM, NUIG, UCC. (RCSI, Shannon, Miltown) 2HC3 + 4OD3 OD3 in English, Irish & Modern Language*. Trinity College Dublin 3HC3 + 3OD3 OD3 in Maths, English & another Language Dublin City University 2HC3 + 4OD3 OD3 in Maths, English or Irish University of Limerick 2HC3 + 4OD3 OD3 in Maths, English & Irish or another Lang. Dublin Institute of Technology 2HC3 + 4OD3 (H.D.) 5OD3 (O.D. or H.C.) OD3 in Maths, English or Irish Institutes of Technology (DK*) 2HC3 + 4OD3 (H.D.) 5OD3 (O.D. or H.C.) OD3 in Maths, English or Irish
Points System All subjects count equally for entry to college or university All subjects count equally for entry to college or university Points are calculated from the student’s six best results in one sitting of the Leaving Certificate, maximum 600/625 points Points are calculated from the student’s six best results in one sitting of the Leaving Certificate, maximum 600/625 points Entry given to those with the highest points for competitive courses Entry given to those with the highest points for competitive courses
Points System Grade Hons Ordinary A A B B B C C C D D D Bonus points HD3 or above in Maths Extra 25 points LCVP points Distinction70 Merit50 Pass30
Sample Calculation Paul SubjectLevelGradeScore IrishHC265 EnglishOA160 MathsHC =85 GeographyHB280 BiologyHC170 PhysicsOA160 FrenchHB375 LCVPCMerit50 Add the 6 best scores shown in RED Points = 435
Examples Bachelor of Commerce UCD Course Information CAO Code: DN650 CAO Points Range 2012: Length of Course: 3 Years Places: 275 Leaving Certificate: Passes in six subjects including English, Irish, a third language, Mathematics (Min OB3/HD3) & two other recognised subjects. Two of the six subjects must be minimum HC3.
Bachelor of Business WIT Code - WD048 Code - WD048 Level 8 Level 8 Duration - 4 years Duration - 4 years Previous Points Previous Points – – 300 Leaving Certificate: Passes in six subjects including Maths (Min OC3/HD3), English or Irish, (Min OD3/HD3) & two other recognised subjects. Two of the six subjects must be minimum HC3. Leaving Certificate: Passes in six subjects including Maths (Min OC3/HD3), English or Irish, (Min OD3/HD3) & two other recognised subjects. Two of the six subjects must be minimum HC3.
Making an CAO Application Applicants are encouraged to apply online. Applicants are encouraged to apply online. The website address is The website address is Applying online is cheaper and it prevents many of the errors commonly associated with completing a paper application form. Applying online is cheaper and it prevents many of the errors commonly associated with completing a paper application form. There are 2 parts to the form, A & B There are 2 parts to the form, A & B Part A (pages 1&2) of the Application Form is mostly self explanatory. Part A (pages 1&2) of the Application Form is mostly self explanatory. Information which identifies you is of the utmost importance. Information which identifies you is of the utmost importance. Carefully enter details such as your name, address, date of birth, schools attended etc.. Carefully enter details such as your name, address, date of birth, schools attended etc.. Your examination details must be entered with great care. Your examination details must be entered with great care. Make sure you inform CAO about all relevant qualifications. Make sure you inform CAO about all relevant qualifications. HEAR HEAR DARE DARE
Timely Action IIIIn order to be fair to all applicants, closing dates are strict and therefore action should be taken in good time. Do not leave everything to the last minute. TTTThe closing date for paper applications is 5:15pm February 1st, 2014; although if the application is admitted online on or before January 20th, 2014 there is a 10 euro discount. (25 Euro per application)
Two Applications on One Form There are two course choice lists and applicants may make up to ten course choices on each list. There are two course choice lists and applicants may make up to ten course choices on each list. 10 choices may be made on the Level 8 list 10 choices may be made on the Level 8 list 10 choices may be made on the Level 7/6 list 10 choices may be made on the Level 7/6 list Your choices on one list do not in any way affect your choices on the other list. Your choices on one list do not in any way affect your choices on the other list. They may be considered two separate applications on one form. They may be considered two separate applications on one form. It is possible to receive an offer on both lists It is possible to receive an offer on both lists You may then decide to accept either your Level 7/6 or your Level 8 offer. You may then decide to accept either your Level 7/6 or your Level 8 offer. Alternatively, you might not wish to accept either offer. Alternatively, you might not wish to accept either offer.
Your offer notice may contain an offer Your offer notice may contain an offer for a Level 8 course for a Level 8 course or a Level 7/6 course or a Level 7/6 course or both or both If you receive two offers at the same time you may only accept one of them. If you receive two offers at the same time you may only accept one of them. If you wish to accept an offer of a place you must carry out the instructions on the offer notice before 5.15pm on the closing date for acceptance printed on the offer notice. If you wish to accept an offer of a place you must carry out the instructions on the offer notice before 5.15pm on the closing date for acceptance printed on the offer notice. There can be no delays at the offer/acceptance stage. There can be no delays at the offer/acceptance stage. Any offer not accepted by the closing date for receipt of acceptance of offers in CAO will be offered to another applicant in the next round of offers. Any offer not accepted by the closing date for receipt of acceptance of offers in CAO will be offered to another applicant in the next round of offers.
Genuine Order of Preference You can not guess what the points are going to be for the courses you are interested in. You can not guess what the points are going to be for the courses you are interested in. Simply list your courses in genuine order of preference from the highest preference 1, to the lowest preference 10. Simply list your courses in genuine order of preference from the highest preference 1, to the lowest preference 10. If you are entitled to an offer, you will be offered the highest preference that you are entitled to. If you are entitled to an offer, you will be offered the highest preference that you are entitled to.
Your Application Number If you apply online your application number will appear on your Receipt of Online Application which you must save or print out If you apply online your application number will appear on your Receipt of Online Application which you must save or print out This number is private and it will be used in every correspondence between you and the CAO for the rest of the year. This number is private and it will be used in every correspondence between you and the CAO for the rest of the year. Always quote your CAO application number in any communication with CAO. Always quote your CAO application number in any communication with CAO. If you apply online you may change your course choices free of charge until January 31st. If you apply online you may change your course choices free of charge until January 31st.
How Places are Allocated When examination results are released in August they are entered into the CAO computer. When examination results are released in August they are entered into the CAO computer. The computer checks each applicant’s results. For each course the applicant has applied for, the computer first determines if the applicant has the minimum entry requirements for the course. The computer checks each applicant’s results. For each course the applicant has applied for, the computer first determines if the applicant has the minimum entry requirements for the course. If the applicant meets the minimum entry requirements for the course, the applicant’s points are calculated for this course choice. If the applicant meets the minimum entry requirements for the course, the applicant’s points are calculated for this course choice. All eligible applicants are then placed in a list, in order of academic merit, for each course that they applied for. All eligible applicants are then placed in a list, in order of academic merit, for each course that they applied for.
The admissions officers of the Higher Education Institutions tell CAO how many places are to be offered on each course The admissions officers of the Higher Education Institutions tell CAO how many places are to be offered on each course CAO then makes offers to the required number of applicants on each course starting with the applicant with the highest points and working down until enough places have been offered. CAO then makes offers to the required number of applicants on each course starting with the applicant with the highest points and working down until enough places have been offered. Should some applicants decline to accept their offers these places become available in the next round of offers. They will be offered to the next applicants on the order of merit list. Should some applicants decline to accept their offers these places become available in the next round of offers. They will be offered to the next applicants on the order of merit list. This process continues until all the places on the course are filled or until all the eligible applicants on the order of merit list have been offered places. This process continues until all the places on the course are filled or until all the eligible applicants on the order of merit list have been offered places.
The Offer Process In the week following the release of the Leaving Certificate results CAO will post a communication to all applicants. In the week following the release of the Leaving Certificate results CAO will post a communication to all applicants. If you have not yet become entitled to an offer you will be sent a Statement of Application Record which you should check carefully as important information may be incorrect or missing. If you have not yet become entitled to an offer you will be sent a Statement of Application Record which you should check carefully as important information may be incorrect or missing. If you are entitled to an offer, you will be sent an offer notice. You should check that all of the details on the offer notice are correct and that there are no omissions. If you are entitled to an offer, you will be sent an offer notice. You should check that all of the details on the offer notice are correct and that there are no omissions. Offers will also be available on the CAO website. Offers will also be available on the CAO website. You may check for and accept offers on the website. In fact, most applicants now record acceptances online. You may check for and accept offers on the website. In fact, most applicants now record acceptances online.
Statement of Application Record. Before the end of May, you will receive a Statement of Application Record as a final acknowledgement and to enable you to verify that all the information is correct Check the following carefully, if there is any error or omission, amend the Statement and return it to CAO. Check the following carefully, if there is any error or omission, amend the Statement and return it to CAO. Are all the courses shown and in the correct order? Are all the courses shown and in the correct order? Are all the codes correct? Are all the codes correct? Are the exam numbers correct? Are the exam numbers correct? Are all exams mentioned? Are all exams mentioned? If you do not receive a Statement by 1st June contact CAO immediately If you do not receive a Statement by 1st June contact CAO immediately
Change of Mind Facility Included with the Statement of Application Record will be a Change of Mind form. You may use this to change the order of your course choices and/or to introduce new courses, subject to the restrictions detailed in the Handbook. Included with the Statement of Application Record will be a Change of Mind form. You may use this to change the order of your course choices and/or to introduce new courses, subject to the restrictions detailed in the Handbook. It is safer to use the Change of Mind Facility on the website than to use a paper Change of Mind form. It is safer to use the Change of Mind Facility on the website than to use a paper Change of Mind form. You may use the online Change Courses facility from February 5th until March 1st. A fee of 10 euro must be paid for this service. You may use the online Change Courses facility from February 5th until March 1st. A fee of 10 euro must be paid for this service. After 1 st May, you may register a change of course choice online free of charge. The closing date for this facility is 5:15pm July 1 st, After 1 st May, you may register a change of course choice online free of charge. The closing date for this facility is 5:15pm July 1 st, 2014.
Order of Preference If you learn nothing else from this presentation let it be this... Place your course choices in genuine order of preference! To do otherwise is a grave mistake.
Finally Remember to carefully read all of the documents and instructions from CAO. Remember to carefully read all of the documents and instructions from CAO. Most applicants follow the simple instructions from CAO and get along just fine. Most applicants follow the simple instructions from CAO and get along just fine.
PLC system Post Leaving Certificate courses (Level 5/6) Post Leaving Certificate courses (Level 5/6) Why choose a PLC course? Why choose a PLC course? Not enough points Not enough points Not sure about what course to do Not sure about what course to do Want to find out more about a career Want to find out more about a career Need to repeat a subject Need to repeat a subject Personal/Financial reasons Personal/Financial reasons Course only available through PLC route Course only available through PLC route
Where are they available? RCS! RCS! Waterford College of Further Education Waterford College of Further Education Wexford Vocational College Wexford Vocational College Enniscorthy Vocational College Enniscorthy Vocational College Dublin - Crumlin, Ballyfermot, Dun Laoghaire, Colaiste dhulaigh, Colaiste Ide, Dublin - Crumlin, Ballyfermot, Dun Laoghaire, Colaiste dhulaigh, Colaiste Ide, And many many more And many many more
Qualifications & Application System Mostly Level 5 Mostly Level 5 Some Level 6 in the bigger colleges Some Level 6 in the bigger colleges Technical qualifications such as City and Guilds Technical qualifications such as City and Guilds Beauty/Complementary Therapy – CIBTAC, CIDESCO Beauty/Complementary Therapy – CIBTAC, CIDESCO Sports Coaching/Therapy Qualifications Sports Coaching/Therapy Qualifications And again, many more And again, many more Each college has their own application form which is usually filled out in late January / February Each college has their own application form which is usually filled out in late January / February Points in the Leaving do not determine entrance onto the course Points in the Leaving do not determine entrance onto the course Applicants are called for an interview in April/May Applicants are called for an interview in April/May A place in the course may be offered before the applicant sits the Leaving Cert pending results A place in the course may be offered before the applicant sits the Leaving Cert pending results
After the PLC... Full/Part time employment Full/Part time employment Further education through links with HEI’s Further education through links with HEI’s Applicants re-apply through CAO Applicants re-apply through CAO Places are reserved in the HEI’s Places are reserved in the HEI’s Points are allocated based on PLC results or in some cases added to Leaving Cert results Points are allocated based on PLC results or in some cases added to Leaving Cert results Links with UK institutions Links with UK institutions Work experience Work experience