Non renewable energy Renewable energy Nuclear speaker Coal plant Speaker Air Pollution Miscellaneous I Miscellaneous II Energy ReviewScore sheet
ptsNon renewable energy Renewable energy Nuclear speaker Coal plant Speaker Air PollutionMiscellaneous I Miscellaneous II 100 Why is nuclear energy considered non- renewable? Why is biomass considered renewable even though it uses living resources like wood and corn that die? How does Uranium create electricity – describe the pathway through the plant. On average, how many trains a day unload coal at the Sherco plant in Becker MN? What compounds are the main concern(s) for air pollution? what country is the main user of petroleum or crude oil? What region of the globe or country contains a majority of the oil reserves? 200 How were petroleum/oil/ natural gas formed in the earth? Name 1 reason that renewable energies are beneficial? What is the best benefit of nuclear energy? What helps keep pollutants like CO 2 & SO 2 out of the atmosphere? How does global dimming relate to air pollution? Name 3 types of energy that Xcel energy uses to provide reliable electricity to its customers. What does a refuse derived fuel plant burn to create energy? 300 How were coal deposits formed in the earth? Describe how hybrid cars work. What is the biggest draw back of nuclear energy? What is the main by- product (waste) from burning coal & where is it stored? What is AQI from the smog city simulations? What gas is burned as Natural gas to create electricity? Name 3things that all energy plants have in common. 400 What is the major use of fossil fuels in the USA? The heat of the Earth is utilized in what renewable energy source? Where does the US government plan to store all the wastes from the nuclear plants in the future? Describe the pathway from coal to electricity. What is a temperature inversion? Wind energy is unreliable and variable, what do electric companies do to help fix this problem? Both speakers talked about job/career opportunities. Name Describe/ define non- renewable energies. 4 renewable energies are run by the heat of the sun. Name 3 of them. Name 2 types of reactors found at the MN nuclear plants. What white substance is used to chemically neutralize the emissions of the coal plant? What is smog & what human activity is the major contributor to it? What term defines the splitting of the uranium atom? Based upon running expenses, what top 2 energy sources are used to create electricity in the US? Energy ReviewQuestions
ptsNon renewable energy Renewable energy Nuclear speaker Coal plant Speaker Air PollutionMiscellaneous I Miscellaneous II 100 Limited Uranium deposits They are regenerated in a short period of time compared to fossil fuels U pellets are split in the reactor, water steam, turbine, generator, electricity 3Carbon & sulfur dioxides USAMiddle east (Saudi Arabia) 200 Heat & pressures of the earth on buried marine animal deposits Most are non- polluting No emissions, clean energy Scrubbers, bags & chemical reactions with neutralizers Pollutants in the air, don’t allow the sun’s radiant energy to reach the earth Coal, Natural gas (methane) and nuclear garbage 300 Heat & pressures of the earth on buried plant deposits have gas engine, but also have fuel cells or batteries that store energy for future use & less gas used. wastes ash & in ponds on the site in Becker A number for the Air Quality Index methaneWater/steam, turbine, generators, waste, electricity 400 Industries, then transportati on is second. geothermalYucca Mountain Coal, Mill, boiler, steam, turbine, generator, electricity Where the thermocline drops over a region to trap smog in the area Build a natural gas turbine nearby various trades like welder, pipe fitter, interns, careers like engineers 500 Energy created from sources that are constantly being formed in a timely manner Solar, wind, biomass, hydro Boiling water (radioactive wastes) and pressurized water (non reactive wastes) Lime or calcium carbonate Air pollution over a city & transportation (vehicles) Fission NOT FUSION Coal (47%) & nuclear (23%) Energy Reviewanswers