Welcome back to Year Three BSc (Hons) Digital Media Digital Media Computing
Programme Leader Programme Leader:Barry Dean Web home page: Follow links to course structure and module resources. Room number: 2Q20
Level Three Modules 3D Modelling and Animation Professional, Ethical and Policy Issues Web Games Programming Computer Project (40 Credits) Options Post Production and Soundtrack Development Advance Topics in Web Development Students who have taken UFPES during their placement year will not need to choose an option module
Computing Project You need to sort out a project topic, title and supervisor quickly So get your project proposal together for discussion with possible supervisors 4
Guidelines for Choosing a Multimedia Project Don’t approach a potential supervisor with: “ I want to build a website using Flash” An interactive multimedia scenario must have: Presentation Layer (design around HCI etc.) Application Layer (e.g coded in AS3, Java) Data Layer (remote) (populates application) Flash may provide an appropriate solution Choose a project with depth and scope (but within your interests and abilities - build on your strengths) Educational scenarios usually provide good potential
Important Documentation & Information The induction schedule Your timetable is available via MyUWE New department web site: Choose the “For students and staff” menu option Links to: myUWE Library Blackboard PAL others 6
7 Online Information Sources myUWE Access to: Library, Blackboard Computer Science Programme Handbook on the Computer Science site Assessment results Assignment schedule Assignment covers Timetables
8 Degree classification Determined largely by performance on level-three modules Predicted class: follow the “Timetables and exams”, “Work out degree class” and “Degree Classification Calculator” links from Get a good degree! Work hard on this year’s modules! Attend GDP 3 performance-improvement sessions Computing Project Worth 40 credits Mark may influence border-line classifications Annual faculty degree show: prize money to be won
9 Academic Writing and Other Study Skills The following web sites will help you improve your academic writing and other study skills: Improving your academic writing skills, particularly your referencing skills, will help you avoid plagiarism
10 Plagiarism (Reminder) AVOID: Copying large chunks from books or the web; Unauthorised sharing of work; Including experts’ work without proper acknowledgement through referencing If you do not, you will be penalised!
11 Library Find information on the library by clicking the Library Services tab on the university’s home page Look at the “iSkillZone” online area for the: “Guide to Referencing” Ask a Librarian: Includes 24h chat facility
Second-hand books The Students Union runs an online marketplace at: Use it to buy and sell second-hand books (also DVDs, etc.) The University bookshop also sells second-hand books Programme notice boards in the faculty often feature lists of books students are trying to sell 12
Student Advisors (Reminder) Appointment If you have non-academic problems (fees, extenuating circumstances, like illness, accommodation etc.), you should: make an appointment to see a Student Advisor at any Information Point (e.g. at 2Q56 in Q block) Academic problems If you have academic problems with, or concerns about, a module, you should take them up first with the module tutor, then with the module leader. If the issue is still unresolved, see your programme leader. Programme Staff Student Liaison Group (PSSLG) Problems experienced by the whole cohort which remain unresolved should be brought to the attention of your student representative, who should then raise them on your behalf at the next Programmes Staff Student Liaison Group (PSSLG) meeting (one each term) 13
14 Student Representatives Represent students as the Student Voice Receive a Student Representative Certificate Attend the Student Rep. Awards In 2011, a student from your department won the “Vice Chancellor’s Award for Lifetime Achievement”. Student Rep training will be provided by the Students’ Union Trained Students Reps will be paid £6.78 per hour for attending official meetings The FET Students’ Union Rep. Coordinator is Kate Dawson More information about Student Reps can be found at:
15 Part-time Jobs We have noticed that a student’s performance suffers if he or she takes on a part-time job that requires more than 8 hours per week of their time Be warned!
GDP Year-3 Your first session will be on your timetable Your tutor will tell you then how the remaining sessions will be scheduled The year’s focus will be on how to improve your academic performance The department’s GDP coordinator is Nick Plant 16
Post-placement tea & professional practice review When: Time?? Post Placement tea & workshop – room? for all students returning from placement. Refreshments provided?? When?? Professional Practice review –room? Workshop for all students who took this module last year during their placement 17
Useful Web Addresses Check those listed in the Computer Science Programme Handbook in the Computer Science site on Blackboard Information for students: Students Union: Peer-Assisted Learning (PAL) Go to And follow the Study Support link 18
Fire Alarm Continuous sound means EVACUATION!! Alarm test: Continuous sound for just 20 seconds Do not use the lifts to evacuate Help anyone who is struggling to evacuate 19