Focus and talking points “ WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS! ”
Tuesday’s Focus – every period Be on Time Like a Champion Tardiness A student is considered tardy when the student arrives to class after the class bell rings. A student who is tardy to class will be subject to the disciplinary consequences established by the tardy policy. It is the parent’s responsibility to explain in writing any tardiness to school. Failure to provide a written explanation will automatically be considered unexcused tardiness. Tardies are accumulated per semester. Students will begin each semester with zero tardies.
Tuesday’s Focus – every period (The following steps will be followed when a student is tardy to school or class without an excuse.) Excessive tardies without an excuse could result in the following: Warning/Conference Teacher contacts parent Referral to Counselor/Social Worker Letter sent to the parent Student referred to office Be on Time Like a Champion
Tuesday’s Focus – every period Parent will be required to contact the school and attend a mandatory conference with the Principal or designee Student’s ability to participate in extra-curricular activities may be affected Student’s conduct and/or effort grade(s) may be lowered in the subject(s) missed Students on out-of-area transfers will be returned to home campus Students on intra/inter district transfers will be returned to home campus Be on Time Like a Champion
Tuesday’s Focus – every period When a student accumulates 12 unexcused tardies in a semester, all Judson ISD campuses are officially authorized to take legal action against the student and/or parent for violation of the compulsory attendance law. Be on Time Like a Champion
Tuesday’s Focus – every period Dress and Grooming/ 9th-12th Grade Dress Like a Champion T his is the policy of the Judson I.S.D. School Board has adopted for this year and Judson High School staff will enforce these standards. The school principal does have the discretion to determine what is inappropriate for the campus. The Following Items are Acceptable: Any collared shirt (Polo Style, button down oxford) Must be appropriately buttoned. Must have a finished neckline. Jeans (no holes above the knee) All shorts, skirts and dresses must be-knee length or longer, to include basketball and/or athletic shorts
Tuesday’s Focus – every period Dress and Grooming/ 9th-12th Grade Dress Like a Champion The Following Items are Acceptable: Warm-ups Sweats (must fit appropriately) Any T-shirt that is not offensive – t-shirts cannot have anything related to drugs, gangs, alcohol, sex, ammunition…) Principal’s discretion. Sandals are acceptable Shirts do not have to be tucked in – but should be no longer than around the hips
Tuesday’s Focus – every period Dress and Grooming/ 9th-12th Grade Dress Like a Champion The Following Items are Prohibited: Shoes with wheels House shoes, shower shoes, or slides Sagging (no visible undergarments) Sleeveless shirts Inappropriate facial piercings or tattoos Bandanas, flags, or gang related attire. Remember: The school principal does have the discretion to determine what is inappropriate for the campus.
Tuesday’s Focus – every period Electronic Devices A Champion’s Use of Technology Possession and Use of Personal Telecommunications Devices, Including Mobile Telephones Electronic devices will be turned off and put out of sight at the 8:25 bell. These devices must remain turned off during the instructional day, including testing days. The use of any device capable of capturing images is strictly prohibited in locker rooms or restroom areas while at school or at a school-related or school- sponsored event.
Tuesday’s Focus – every period Electronic Devices A Champion’s Use of Technology Possession and Use of Personal Telecommunications Devices, Including Mobile Telephones Unauthorized use of electronic device will result in confiscation the device and the parent may pick up the confiscated telecommunications device from the JISD campus administration for a fee of $15. The district will not be responsible for damaged, lost, or stolen telecommunications devices. Go to Advisory
Tuesday’s 3 rd Period Talking Point – all week Cafeteria’s Expectations – Eat Like a Champion Lunch is determined according to the wings and location on the campus. Take out your schedule and find your 4th period class. If you have 4 th period in …. o The P-Wing or BACK Portables – A Lunch A Lunch, Advisory, Class o G/F Wing – B Lunch Advisory, Lunch, Class o H/E Wing – C lunch Class, Lunch, Advisory o Rest of Campus (and Port 21) – D Lunch Class, Advisory, Lunch
Tuesday’s 3 rd Period Talking Point – all week Cafeteria’s Expectations – Eat Like a Champion At the end of third, “A” Lunch needs to report directly to the caf é – NOT TO 4 th PERIOD! All others, go to class/advisory. Students going to “D” Lunch should take all items with them, as they will NOT RETURN TO 4 th PERIOD.
Tuesday’s 3 rd Period Talking Point – all week Cafeteria’s Expectations – Eat Like a Champion Reminders for lunch: Judson High School is a closed campus. Students MAY NOT leave campus unless they have a pass and have checked out through the attendance office. (Co- Op/Shortened Schedule students will have a sticker) Lunch is the students’ class for that period. They may only be in the cafeteria or the courtyard. No food or trays can leave the cafeteria/courtyard. Students are expected to clean up their area after eating. The following areas are OFF LIMITS during lunch: parking lots, athletic fields, the PAC, gyms. Students should not be in the hallways during their lunch unless they have a pass from a teacher.
Tuesday’s 3 rd Period Talking Point – all week Cafeteria’s Expectations – Eat Like a Champion Expectations for cafeteria behavior Gather food quietly and select a seat Be courteous, no cutting in line Clean up your area: pick up all trash on, around, and under the table IDs must be worn Only walk in the cafeteria Open seating – no “saved seats” Conduct talking to a conversational tone No talking on cell phones or electronic devices No food is allowed outside of the cafeteria Ask for help from an adult if confronted with a conflict Students must get their lunch right away and finish eating before the end of the lunch period
Tuesday’s Focus – Advisory Teachers The bookroom is located in the front of the P hall (P141). Students must have their ID or know their student ID number. There is no need for a request form; books can be issued based on the student’s schedule. Some teachers will be setting up times for classes to come and get books for their class. Books may also be checked out before school 7:45 - 8:30 and after school from 4:20 – 4:45 in the P wing bookroom. Students can start checking out books Tuesday, Sept. 3. Read like a Champion - Textbook Checkout Procedures
Tuesday’s Focus – Advisory Parents Parents can use the textbook request form that is located on Mr. Vigil’s webpage and on the Judson High School webpage. Requests forms can be filled out and ed to Forms can also be filled out and ed to Mr. Vigil from the “T” drive in the Administration folder under “Textbooks” Read like a Champion - Textbook Checkout Procedures