Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)on Food Security Ridzwan Abdul Rahman, PhD Study Team Leader, TWG (SEA) on Food Serurity in Sabah
Background Food security in the State of Sabah as suggested in the Sabah Development Corridor (SDC) Blueprint Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) on the environmental and social impacts of the policies, strategies and programmes for food security in the State.
Objective To provide an indication of the long-term environmental and social impacts (up to 2025), both positive and negative, that may result from the strategies and programmes directly and indirectly directed to improving food security in the State of Sabah To highlight the need for any future assessments or special studies in specific areas as well as possible alternative or new programmes to enhance food security in the long-term.
Output A baseline report on impacts from the programmes in the SDC and those suggested for food self-sufficiency This baseline can be reviewed and updated at any time as new information or policies become available.
Food Security Strategies (SDC) 1.Enhance quality and productivity for food- based agriculture. 2.Ensure Sabah can become self-sufficient in the production of the basic food requirements of the State.
Food Security Programmes (SDC) 1.Agri-Excel outreach programme 2.Agri-Business acceleration programme (particularly for aquaculture, fisheries and livestock) 3.Modernised collection, packaging and distribution centres
Sabah SEA Process 1.Definition 2.Screening 3.Scoping 4.External factors 5. Analysis Mitigation 6.Documentation & Reporting Public Participation Quality Assurance
Definition The boundary: The political boundary of the State of Sabah, and the EEZ waters of the State. All matter affected outside this boundary, but affecting the SEA will be considered as External Factors.
Screening The Screening step removes unnecessary strategies and programmes (of SDC) from consideration by the SEA.
Scenarios demand for basic foods and the levels of production needed land availability, including alternative uses, infrastructure and marketing support assessment of specified production areas (eg. paddy in Kota Belud) to determine their value as models/demonstrations for other food areas.
Scoping Covers the selection of environmental components, and is the step that will determine the actual environmental issues that the SEA will examine.
Environmental Issues Examined
Food Basket Commodities for self-sufficiency: – Paddy production – Meat (Beef/Lamb/Mutton/Poultry/Pork/etc) – Fish (finfish/prawn/shellfish/etc.) – Vegetables,and – Fruits.
Public Participation all stakeholders have a chance to provide input into the process, and their inputs should be used to improve scoping and mitigation in particular. Consultation Fieldwork: direct surveys, questionnaires, group or community meetings
External Factor To consider whether there are any external factors that may affect the SEA – factors that will impact on the bounded SEA or on external areas from the bounded SEA. To consider activities outside of the local area defined by the specific scenario. To consider the impacts on and from other development sectors.
Data Collection Heavy reliant on secondary data Cooperation from the Departments of Agriculture, Fisheries, Livestock and Vet. Services, and many others. Some primary data collected as part of fieldwork, including data relevant to the interests of stakeholders. To ensure that unnecessary data is not collected (a waste of assessment resources) most of the data collection will take place after scoping.
Analysis Uses the Rapid Impact Assessment Matrix (RIAM) f The advantages of RIAM : Provides a transparent record of the judgement system Provides a clear, permanent record Allows rapid comparison of development options & ‘what if’ conditions Provides an evaluation platform for all sectors Organises the analysis process of an assessment
SEA Steering Group SEA Core Team Technical Working Group RIAM Analysis Data Collectio n & Fieldwork Public Participation Specialist inputs Secretariat Organisation Logistics Record keeping Reporting SEA Quality Assurance Team SEA Organisation Chart
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