September 2013 ASTM Officers Training Workshop September 2013 ASTM Officers Training Workshop ASTM Leadership Opportunities & Resources September 2013 ASTM Officers Training Workshop Dennis Rounds, Bob Morgan and Kate McClung
September 2013 ASTM Officers Training Workshop September 2013 ASTM Officers Training Workshop OVERVIEW My Leadership Experience with ASTM – presented by Dennis Rounds, ASTM Board of Directors Importance of Leadership ASTM 2013 Year of the Leader Committee Structure and Leadership Roles and Responsibilities of Various Leadership Positions Tools and Resources Available from ASTM
September 2013 ASTM Officers Training Workshop September 2013 ASTM Officers Training Workshop Conclusion Any questions or interest in leadership positions within ASTM, please contact Kate McClung Thank you! “Pull the string and it will follow you wherever you wish. Push it and it will go nowhere at all” Dwight D. Eisenhower
September 2013 ASTM Officers Training Workshop September 2013 ASTM Officers Training Workshop Leadership Why ASTM? Fundamental leadership skills are naturally promoted by participation in the ASTM International forum. Good leadership is essential to cordial, productive and professional meetings and interactions between ASTM members. Good leadership assures the sound, unbiased development of standards ASTM offers many opportunities for participants to develop and hone their leadership skills 4
September 2013 ASTM Officers Training Workshop September 2013 ASTM Officers Training Workshop Stone Soup The theme behind this old tale is reflected in the modern day standards development forum provided by ASTM International. ASTM provides the organizational centerpiece that encourages leadership & the contribution of knowledge and talent from participating professionals. 5
September 2013 ASTM Officers Training Workshop September 2013 ASTM Officers Training Workshop My Introduction to ASTM 1992: Letter seeking participation in developing ASTM risk assessment standard. They needed interest, expertise and balance. First meeting: Feb in Las Vegas I volunteered and was selected to chair the task group. Required tremendous energy & relentless perseverance for next two years. 6
September 2013 ASTM Officers Training Workshop September 2013 ASTM Officers Training Workshop My ASTM Leadership Experience Chairman: RBCA Task Group Chairman: Subcommittee E50.01 on Tanks Chairman: Subcommittee E50.04 on Corrective Action Chairman: Committee on Standards First Vice Chair: Committee E50 on Environmental Risk and Corrective Action Member: ASTM International Board of Directors 7
September 2013 ASTM Officers Training Workshop September 2013 ASTM Officers Training Workshop Things I’ve Learned from ASTM Participation that Have Contributed to My Leadership Skills There are a diversity of opinions. There is an authentic driving force behind every opinion. The driving force is not always clear. There is tremendous talent & knowledge holding out within many contributors. The trick is getting them to release it in a meaningful way (Stone Soup). There is no short-cut, and no substitute for perseverance and participation. 8
September 2013 ASTM Officers Training Workshop September 2013 ASTM Officers Training Workshop My Personal Leadership Skills that have Been Aided by Participation in ASTM Respecting and appreciating the value of diversity. Keeping emotions at bay in confrontational situations. Focusing on goals. Keeping things on track & backing off from time-to-time to view from the 60,000 ft. level (the “big picture”). Being dependable and accountable. Developing long-term professional relationships. Bringing out the best in people. 9
September 2013 ASTM Officers Training Workshop September 2013 ASTM Officers Training Workshop The Importance of Leadership Leadership Skills gained by participating in ASTM Ability to manage meetings Collaboration Delegation Effective communication “Great leaders are almost always great simplifiers, who can cut through argument, debate, and doubt to offer a solution everybody can understand.” General Colin Powell “Leadership is influence.” John C. Maxwell Decision Making Openness Dedication to a task Organization
September 2013 ASTM Officers Training Workshop September 2013 ASTM Officers Training Workshop Why Choose to be a leader in ASTM? Well-defined and proven process for voluntary consensus standards development. International recognition and credibility. Sound & transparent executive organization. Proven record. Take a seat at the standards development table. It’s good for business. And it’s good for your career.
September 2013 ASTM Officers Training Workshop September 2013 ASTM Officers Training Workshop 2013 ASTM Year of the Leader Active participation in ASTM International technical committees offers many opportunities to develop career-enhancing skills. Year of the Leader … Highlights the benefits of leadership within ASTM Created new programs to encourage mentoring within ASTM Committees Provides Leadership Connection Webpage with leadership tools, such as… –Reference Articles on topics from your first meeting to tools for the ASTM Officer –Best Practices for orienting new members –Video testimonials on the ASTM advantage –Information on the “Standards Boost Business” campaign Emphasizes ASTM continuous virtual training classroom sessions Leadership Connection:
September 2013 ASTM Officers Training Workshop September 2013 ASTM Officers Training Workshop Committee Structure Main Committee Chairman Subcommittee XX.01 Sub-Chairman Subcommittee XX.02 Sub-Chairman XX.02 Task Group for WK12345 Task Group Leader XX.02 Task Group for WK54321 Task Group Leader Subcommittee XX.03 Sub-Chairman Subcommittee XX.04 Sub-Chairman Sub Vice-Chair Sub Membership Secretary
September 2013 ASTM Officers Training Workshop September 2013 ASTM Officers Training Workshop Executive Subcommittee Chairman Recording Secretary Membership Secretary Members at Large Remaining Members (Subcommittee Chairman) First Vice Chairman Second Vice Chairman
September 2013 ASTM Officers Training Workshop September 2013 ASTM Officers Training Workshop Task Group Leader Roles and Responsibilities Establish missions and goals of task group Conduct effective task group meetings (face-to-face or virtual) Coordinate task group reports at subcommittee meetings Work with ASTM Staff to use available resources at ASTM in handling administrative responsibilities. These include: –Registering a work item –Preparing items for ballot –Resolving negative votes on the website –Sending information to the task group –Organizing meetings Assign tasks / responsibilities
September 2013 ASTM Officers Training Workshop September 2013 ASTM Officers Training Workshop Subcommittee Chairman Roles and Responsibilities Serve as a leader, communicator, administrator, organizer. Conduct an effective meeting Handling administrative responsibilities such as… –Preparing items for Sub and Main Committee ballots –Resolving negative votes effectively –Provide meeting room requirements and audio/visual needs for next meeting Report to main committee on subcommittee actions Assist in inquiries on standards Subcommittee Roster Maintenance
September 2013 ASTM Officers Training Workshop September 2013 ASTM Officers Training Workshop Subcommittee Chairman – Running an Effective Subcommittee Meeting Before the Meeting Review ballot results Review correspondence Review minutes and action items from previous meeting Review status of your subcommittee’s standards Update subcommittee roster/print attendance sheet Contact task group chairmen Contact staff manager During the Meeting Remain neutral Recognize attendees who wish to speak Maintain order State conclusions reached Summarize assignments Review requirements for next meeting After the Meeting Prepare Minutes and post to ASTM website Enter negative vote resolutions Make a list of subcommittee ballot items and main committee/concurrent ballot items and send to your staff manager Contact staff manager regarding any changes for the next meeting (time, room size, a/v, etc.)
September 2013 ASTM Officers Training Workshop September 2013 ASTM Officers Training Workshop Don’t worry… You’ve got help Many subcommittees have these additional leadership positions available to help manage the subcommittee Vice- Chair –Chair meetings in your absence, assign projects to task group chairmen and follows up on deadlines, answer correspondence Membership Secretary –Approve new members with classification and vote, check balance and classifications of existing members, address new members and out-of-balance rosters Recording Secretary –Record minutes and upload to the ASTM website ASTM Staff –Can answer any administrative questions and help you navigate the tools available
September 2013 ASTM Officers Training Workshop September 2013 ASTM Officers Training Workshop Responsibilities of Chairman As outlined in the ASTM Technical Committee Officer Handbook Chairing meetings of the executive subcommittee and the main committee Overseeing the standards development activities of the committee, including five-year review, due process for negative voters, and actions on standards With executive subcommittee approval, appointing subcommittee chairmen, liaisons, and executive subcommittee task groups, such as the nominating committee and strategic planning committee Ensuring that the executive subcommittee performs all required duties: approving membership applications and affiliate members, classifying members of classified committees, assigning voting status, and any duties outlined in the committee bylaws Handling ASTM circular letters and other correspondence With approval from the executive subcommittee, handling general administrative duties, such as planning future meetings, managing committee funds, and approving proposals for symposia Providing guidance on regulations and procedures to other officers and committee members
September 2013 ASTM Officers Training Workshop September 2013 ASTM Officers Training Workshop Responsibilities of Vice Chairman As outlined in the ASTM Technical Committee Officer Handbook Each committee’s bylaws provide for the number of vice chairmen and their duties. For example, First Vice Chairman, Second Vice Chairman, etc. Generally, a committee vice chairman: Serves as chairman in the chairman’s absence Executes those duties as described in the bylaws or as signed by the chairman Some typical responsibilities of Vice Chairman outlined in committee bylaws: Chairing a Strategic Planning/Long Range Planning Subcommittee Chairing an Awards Subcommittee Maintain and update the committee bylaws Assist the Chairman in coordinating standards development activities among technical subcommittees Periodically evaluate scopes of technical subcommittees Assist Chairman in establishing new activities
September 2013 ASTM Officers Training Workshop September 2013 ASTM Officers Training Workshop Responsibilities of Recording Secretary As outlined in the ASTM Technical Committee Officer Handbook General Duties Attend all meetings of the Committee Maintain accurate committee records Conduct the correspondence for the Committee Perform such other duties as may be delegated by the Chairperson. Meeting Duties Before the meeting Help the chairman prepare the executive subcommittee and main committee agendas At the meeting Circulate attendance rosters and collect proxies Identify voting members Approve minutes of previous meeting Take minutes After the meeting Prepare the minutes of main committee and executive subcommittee meetings Upload minutes to ASTM website and provide to Chairman, Staff Manager, etc.
September 2013 ASTM Officers Training Workshop September 2013 ASTM Officers Training Workshop Responsibilities of Membership Secretary As outlined in the ASTM Technical Committee Officer Handbook The membership secretary has the overall responsibility for handling membership issues within the committee. These duties include the following: Maintaining a current and complete roster of members on your committee by working closely with ASTM Headquarters Reviewing the classification of members and recommending action to the executive subcommittee to maintain balance Taking action to remove the official vote of inactive members as defined by Regulations and the committee bylaws Reporting on membership changes and status to the executive subcommittee including affiliate members and honorary committee members Ensuring that there is not more than one official voting member designated for each voting interest; any number of individuals may join the committee from each voting interest, but only one shall be designated as the official voting member Overseeing recruitment efforts
September 2013 ASTM Officers Training Workshop September 2013 ASTM Officers Training Workshop Tools and Resources Available from ASTM Virtual Classroom for Members, found at includes trainings on: New Member Orientation & Training Responsibilities for Task Group Chair & Technical Contacts Website Navigation Videos Balloting & Handling Negatives Votes WebEx Training Training on ASTM Online Tools Roster Maintenance Developing & Revising a Standard Interlaboratory Studies Program
September 2013 ASTM Officers Training Workshop September 2013 ASTM Officers Training Workshop Tools and Resources Available from ASTM Regulations Governing ASTM Technical Committees: For any questions you have about how ASTM committees operate, ballots are issued, and meetings are run. Your staff manager can always help to guide you through the Regulations Committee Bylaws: Information here will address committee scope, member classification structure, meeting requirements, quorum, and responsibilities of committee officers. Found under “Committee Documents” section of the “My Committees” Page Standard Templates: For development of a new ASTM standard, use these templates to start the process. MPLATES/lead_template.htm Form and Style Manual: Gives guidance on formatting of ASTM standards, required sections, and suggested language pdf ASTM Technical Committee Officer Handbook: For guidance on your officer duties and responsibilities and the ASTM resources available to assist you in your role.
September 2013 ASTM Officers Training Workshop September 2013 ASTM Officers Training Workshop Conclusion Any questions or interest in leadership positions within ASTM, please contact Kate McClung Thank you!