My School Name Here Date
Aug. 9 3 hrs District event Common Message provided to sites 1.5 hrs Sept hrs District event Individual Learning using Common Core Wiki 2 hrs Site Hours based on SIP PL focus 1 st Semester hrs = 3.5 hrs needed for November Trade-Out
: Misuse of data: If it is true that a high percentage of people who suffered from the flu last winter drove a car during the week before they had flu symptoms, does it mean that driving a car causes the flu? We must apply a process to estimate the relationship of one thing to another. You would need to know the statistical relationship between a dependent item/variable (suffering from the flu) and the independent item/variable (driving a car). Using Data Correctly to Inform Action Hmmm…I have data, now how do I use it effectively?
Best Practices for Using Data Data to take action is a broader endeavor than just compiling numbers and looking at reports. “When you have mastered numbers, you will in fact no longer be reading numbers, any more than you read words when reading books. You will be reading meanings.” ‐ W. E. B. Du Bois Having data and charts is a lot like having books. We have what we need to get started, but now we get to dig in and read the story. It is in that process that the story begins to shape our understanding, broaden our view, and inspire us toward meaningful action. We would not appreciate going to the doctor only to get readings and test results, but come away with no prescription or plan of action.
Performance Series Results over Time
Missouri Assessment Program (MAP) Results over Time
The Power of Systematic Focus Toward Improvement Source: Missouri Comprehensive Data System, Missouri Department of Elementary Education (DESE)
Collaboratively analyzing our data
Divide into __ equal teams based on the number on the back of your agenda. Move to your team area with the data we are analyzing. Work as a team to analyze your data, responding to the question. Take turns serving as the recorder, noting team observations on the question sheet. Rotate to each of the additional questions and repeat the process. When you return to your original question, summarize your findings. Prepare to share your findings with other teams.
Similarity Groups Inference Reading Complex Text Critical Thinking
We create shared understanding
And we keep moving forward…