Reaching for the Stars: Exploring New Destinations in
Literacy Increase the percentage of students meeting and exceeding the standard on the Reading DCAS Assessment Reaching for the Stars: Exploring New Destinations in SMS Reading Subgroups Fall % Prof. Spring I % Prof. Spring II % Prof.AYP African American 23%27%58% Hispanic 46%59%60% ELL 6%19%52% Special Education 6%14%42% Multicultural 36%38%74% White 54%56%79% All 33%46%70%
Mathematics Increase the percentage of students meeting and exceeding the standard on the Mathematics DCAS Assessment Reaching for the Stars: Exploring New Destinations in SMS Subgroups Fall % Proficient Spring I % Proficient Spring II % Proficient Goal ~ AYP ELL8%18%52% Special ED3%8%42% Hispanic39%48%60% White37%51%79% Multicultural27%38%74% African American16%28%58% All29%42%70%
Decrease the overall number of referrals generated by 10% at the conclusion of the school year. ( ) * Bullying *Repeat Offenders *Defiance of School Authority (158 to 142) *Disruption of the Educational Process (110 to 100) Reaching for the Stars: Exploring New Destinations in
2011 SPRING and 2012 FALL COMPARISON % of Grade Level Students Meeting or Exceeding Standard on the Reading DCAS % 70 67%63%67% % 40 38%39% SIMA6TH7TH8TH GRADE LEVEL 40%
Literacy Increase the percentage of students meeting and exceeding the standard on the Reading DCAS Assessment Reaching for the Stars: Exploring New Destinations in SMS Reading Subgroups % Prof. # of Students AYP % of increase # of students African American 23%5858%35%88 Hispanic 46%4060%14%12 ELL 6%252%46%16 Special Education 6%842%36%48 Multicultural 36%2474%38%25 White 54%18579%25%86 All 33%26470%37%297
MEASUREMENT, ANALYSIS, AND KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT -SOAR to Success -Treasures and Triumphs assessment data -William and Mary assessment data -Junior Great Books assessment data -Coaching walk-throughs (coming soon) -Formal observations -Data from DCAS, MAPS, DCAS ALT-1 -Lesson Plans -Classroom Formative and Summative assessments -Progress Monitoring -Report Cards and Progress Reports -Read 180 assessment data -Compass/Odyssey data (after/during) 75/125 -IEP Goals -Boost-Up -Spring Board (coming soon) -Learning Point Navigator -Summative/Formative Benchmark Data PROCESS MANAGEMENT To reach our goals the staff will work cooperatively in grade level teams and PLCs to: Collect, analyze and disaggregate data from multiple sources to guide instruction, enrichment and intervention decisions (DCAS, MAPS, formative and summative student data.) Implement and evaluate research based intervention programs based on academic needs for targeted students (African American and Special Education) : Treasures, READ 180, Triumphs, William and Mary, Junior Great Books FACULTY AND STAFF FOCUS LFS/Skillful Teacher Co-Teaching Reading Specialist Read 180 CSI Team SDT Walk-Throughs SIP PLC/PD
Action steps/objectives/ processes Timeline Person(s) ResponsibleResources Needed Monitoring tools or data points (formative & summative) Monitoring: Date and by whom Provide focused reading instruction for all students (Tier 1) in grades 5 – 8 who read below grade level or need reading support, with emphasis on African American and Special Education Students All reading/ELA teachers All Special Education Teachers ELL Support Para PLC Teams DCAS MAPS-R ELA Curriculum Junior Great Books William and Mary Treasures and Triumphs SOAR to Success SDT Reading Specialist Ongoing classroom observations Formative and summative assessments Quarterly review of data specific to action plan by ELL Support Para, PLC teams, All reading/ELA teachers, All Special Education Teachers, Reading Specialist, SDT and Administration Team Create pull-out for targeted subgroups (Tier 2 and 3) to provide reading instruction All 5-8 content and workshop teachers/PLC teams Reading Specialists ELL Support Para All Special Education Teachers Intervention Teacher Para Workshop/RTI: QUEUE books Learning Point Navigator Small Group Instruction/Pull-Out: SOAR to success READ 180 Odyssey/Compass System 44 Pre and Post Tests for DCAS content skills MAPS/DCAS data Odyssey/Compass data Lexile Scores for READ 180 Tri-Annual review of data specific to action plan by ELL Support Para, PLC teams, All reading/ELA teachers, All Special Education Teachers, Reading Specialist, SDT and Administration Team Conduct classroom walk-throughs to look for high impact literacy strategies to determine professional development needs. SDT, administration team SDT Reading Specialist ED Co-teaching specialist Walk-through tool Levels of questions Differentiated activities Formative and Summative Assessments Critical Thinking strategies Opportunities for collaboration Monthly data report compiled by SDT and discussed with administration team and district office supervisors. Teachers will provide opportunities for developing critical thinking strategies through the development and use of Bloom’s higher order questioning in class, in planning lessons, and on assessments All 5-8 teachers Administration Team SDT Professional Development from Critical Thinking Consortium Walk-throughs SDT Classroom/DPAS II Observations PLC discussions Administration Team All complete by end of 2012 – 2013 school year Students will read 20 minutes per night and/or 20 books per year. These books will come from Seaford Middle School’s Media Center. Homeroom Teachers Media Specialist Reading Specialist Reading Log kept by student with Lexile scores recorded Alert Now announcements to remind all and targeted students of the reading goal Monitored in homeroom with a SSR period of 10 minutes for 5 th, 6 th and 8 th grade and 7 th grade would find 10 minutes within the day Homeroom Teacher Weekly check of reading logs Quarterly review of all school data of logs Completion of goal by end of school year
Asked to read at least 3 nights a week! Use our Reading Logs to record this data on! This data will be collected by ELA teachers
Mathematics Increase the percentage of students meeting and exceeding the standard on the Mathematics DCAS Assessment Reaching for the Stars: Exploring New Destinations in SMS Subgroups % Proficient # of Students, Goal ~ AYP # of Students % of Goal Increase # of Student Increase ELL8%352%2044%17 Special ED3%442%5739%53 Hispanic39%3660%5621%20 White37%13179%28242%151 Multicultural27%1774%4847%31 African American16%4558%16342%118 All29%23070%56341%333
FACULTY AND STAFF FOCUS Co-Teaching LFS/Skillful Teaching CSI Team SDT Walk-Throughs SIP PLC/PD CCSS alignment PROCESS MANAGEMENT To reach our goals the staff will work cooperatively in grade level teams and PLCs to: Collect, analyze and disaggregate data from multiple sources to guide instruction, enrichment and intervention decisions (DCAS, MAPS-M, formative and summative student data.) Implement and evaluate research based intervention programs based on academic needs for targeted students (African American and Special Education) : Queue, Odyssey/Compass, Learning Point Navigator, Math MAPS+ MEASUREMENT, ANALYSIS, AND KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT - Skill based pre and post tests -Coaching /walk-throughs -Formal observations -Data from DCAS, MAPS-M, DCAS ALT-1 -Classroom Formative and Summative assessments -Progress Monitoring -Report Cards and Progress Reports -Compass/Odyssey data -IEP Goals -Boost-Up -Spring Board (coming soon) -Learning Point Navigator -Summative/Formative Benchmark Data New Math Interventionist was hired
Action steps/objectives/ processes Timeline Person(s) ResponsibleResources Needed Monitoring tools or data points (formative & summative) Monitoring: Date and by whom Provide focused math instruction for all students (Tier 1) in grades 5 – 8 who perform below grade level or need additional support in the area of math, with emphasis on African American and Special Education Students All math teachers All Special Education Teachers ELL Support Para PLC Teams DCAS MAPS-M Math Curriculum CMP IMP SDT Ongoing classroom observations Formative and summative assessments Quarterly review of data specific to action plan by PLC teams, All mathematics teachers, All Special Education Teachers, SDT, and Administration Team Create pull-out for targeted subgroups (Tier 2 and 3) to provide mathematics instruction All 5-8 content and workshop teachers/PLC teams All Special Education Teachers Workshop/RTI: QUEUE books Learning Point Navigator Small Group Instruction/Pull-Out: Odyssey/Compass Pre and Post Tests for DCAS content skills MAPS-M/DCAS data Odyssey/Compass data Tri-Annual review of data specific to action plan by PLC teams, All mathematics teachers, All Special Education Teachers, SDT, and Administration Team Conduct classroom walk-throughs to look for high impact mathematics strategies to determine professional development needs. SDT, administration team SDT ED Co-teaching specialist Walk-through tool Levels of questions Differentiated activities Formative and Summative Assessments Critical Thinking strategies Opportunities for collaboration Monthly data report compiled by SDT and discussed with administration team and district office supervisors. Teachers will provide opportunities for developing critical thinking strategies through the development and use of Bloom’s higher order questioning in class, in planning lessons, and on assessments. All 5-8 mathematics teachers Administration Team SDT Professional Development from Critical Thinking Consortium Walk-throughs SDT Classroom/DPAS II Observations PLC discussions Administration Team All complete by end of 2012 – 2013 school year Students will practice their basic multiplication and division facts by using flash cards (paper cards or internet sites) for 10 minutes per night Math Teachers Special Education teachers Math Fact Log kept by students Alert Now announcements to remind all and targeted students of the mathematics goal Monitored in math classrooms by using Power Drills Math Teacher Weekly check of Math Fact logs Quarterly review of all school data of logs Completion of goal by end of school year
Asked to take 2 opportunities to “re-do” their math! Use our Math Logs to record this data on! This data will be collected by Math teachers
Decrease the overall number of referrals generated by 10% at the conclusion of the school year. ( ) * Bullying *Repeat Offenders *Defiance of School Authority (158 to 142) *Disruption of the Educational Process (110 to 100) Reaching for the Stars: Exploring New Destinations in
Asked to be the 1 that makes the difference at SMS each week! THE PLEDGE will challenge students to make a commitment to building others up rather than tearing them down. It's a pledge to be part of the solution - a call to step up and make a difference.
FACULTY AND STAFF FOCUS PD on Diffusing Techniques and Diversity Refresher PD in October, January and April months Workshop on a 3 day cycle (with Literacy and Math) CSI Team to address interventions and supports PBS Implementation Programs MEASUREMENT, ANALYSIS, AND KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT Administrative Walk Throughs SDT Walk Throughs Formal Observations Student Conversations Parent/Guardian Conversations Data review of referrals Pre-Referral Process School Climate Survey PROCESS MANAGEMENT To reach our goals the staff will work cooperatively in departments, teams, and cohort planning groups to: Collect, analyze & disaggregate data from multiple sources to guide instruction/intervention decisions. Implement and evaluate research based intervention programs Implement PBS as a school-wide initiative Plan instructional activities that engaging to our students to keep them in active learning every day.
SMS Literacy Intervention Odyssey: Compass Learning (Boost Up, ELL) Read 180 Reading Log System 44 District Interventions Reading Specialist Parent Information Center Response To Intervention IST Co-teacher Race To The Top Measure Academic Progress Literacy Assessments Delaware Comprehensive Assessment System SMS Math Intervention Odyssey: Compass Learning (Boost Up, ELL) Math log Math Interventionist District Interventions: Response To Intervention Parent Information Center IST Co-teacher Race To The Top Measures of Academic Progress State Math Assessments: Delaware Comprehensive Assessment System SMS Climate Intervention Academic Behavior Intervention Log Child Support Intervention PBS/SOS District Interventions: School Climate Discipline Committee Parent Information Center Positive Behavior System Professional Learning Community School Success Team IST Assessments: Surveys Academic/Discipline data – SOS Events
SMS Needs Clear communication ~ ex. One contact for professional development Co-teaching training MAPS training Follow-through Goal-setting Consistency in procedures, protocol, among schools (articulation process) Timely resources Elementary/Secondary vertical alignment Common Core Standards Common summative assessments aligned with CCSS Student success? What happens to those who do not pass their grade with interventions? Inform parents/community about bullying Refer to Family Resource Center New parent service provider Parental involvement Read 180 ~ Shortened diagnostic test, placement of students Technology Math Interventions (have teacher but need materials) Time for SDT and reading specialist to meet, work with content teachers, IST, and other Funding Transportation
Faces of the Future I never meet a ragged boy in the street without feeling that I may owe him a salute, for I know not what possibilities may be buttoned under his coat. ~James A. Garfield~