The Apostle Paul Foundation Studies Introduction The Apostle Paul Paul’s Ministry Virginia Wiles
The Apostle Paul Foundation Studies Introduction Paul’s World
The Apostle Paul Foundation Studies Introduction Two Cultures -- One Context vJewish And vGreek In the City
The Apostle Paul Foundation Studies Introduction Judaism vDiaspora Judaism centered in the Synagogue vTorah and Prophets probably used in Septuagint version vThe “Writings” were not yet canonical vThe Temple was the center of Judaism -- even for the Diaspora vMany “God-fearers” and Proselytes
The Apostle Paul Foundation Studies Introduction Three Marks of Judaism vCircumcision vSabbath Observance vDietary Regulations -- Kashrut These three issues were central to Paul’s ministry
The Apostle Paul Foundation Studies Introduction Greco-Roman Context vMany gods and goddessesMany gods and goddesses vPhilosophiesPhilosophies vCollegia -- Voluntary AssociationsCollegia -- Voluntary Associations
The Apostle Paul Foundation Studies Introduction The Religions of the Greco-roman World The religious environment of the Greco-Roman world was v pluralistic v syncretistic v and inclusive The Goddess Isis
The Apostle Paul Foundation Studies Introduction Religion in the Ancient World vPluralistic and Syncretistic vThe Greek Mysteries vAsclepius vOfficial Cult
The Apostle Paul Foundation Studies Introduction Pluralistic Features vMultiple Gods and Goddesses â“populated by deities” vAssumption of multiple loyalties âinclusive vIn general -- Religion was not identified with morality âcontrast Ethical Monotheism
The Apostle Paul Foundation Studies Introduction Temples in Rome ca. 30 BCE
The Apostle Paul Foundation Studies Introduction Syncretistic Features âIdentification or combination of deities of different origins âOriental religions hellenized âInherited ancient concepts reinterpreted to fit into new world culture âCreation of new religions out of Greek and non-Greek elements
The Apostle Paul Foundation Studies Introduction The Greek Mysteries vDemeter cult in Eleusis vDionysian Cult vSarapis and Isis vMithras
The Apostle Paul Foundation Studies Introduction Demeter cult in Eleusis v“ Mother of Grain” vMost significant of the mystery religions vRitual âInitiation âConsecration âHigher Consecration vEach stage consisted of demonstrations, actions, and words vDestroyed in 5th c. C.E.
The Apostle Paul Foundation Studies Introduction Dionysian Cult (=Bacchus) vThracian == “Son of Zeus” vOriginally only women -- orgiastic feasts in middle of winter vWidely accepted vCommon meal and drinking of wine vMyth of the dying and revivification of Dionysius vObservances of ritual purity and rules of abstention Go to Cult Initiation
The Apostle Paul Foundation Studies Introduction Sarapis and Isis vEgyptian -- most Hellenized oriental religion vIsis = the goddess of the royal throne vHorus = the mythical representation of the living Pharoah (=Isis’ son) vOsiris = the mythical embodiment of Nile’s fertile lands, also God of the dead Pharoahs
The Apostle Paul Foundation Studies Introduction The Isis Myth vOsiris dies vIsis revives vIsis becomes pregnant with Horus vIsis buries Osiris vSarapis = Osiris manifested as “fatherly figure”
The Apostle Paul Foundation Studies Introduction vGod of Healing vTemples = Hospitals vStrong Devotion Asclepius
The Apostle Paul Foundation Studies Introduction Thanksgiving for Healing of the Ears......and the Feet
The Apostle Paul Foundation Studies Introduction vImported from Persia vPopular with military vExclusive for men vStrong competitor with Christianity Mithras
The Apostle Paul Foundation Studies Introduction The Emperor Cult vEspecially popular in Asia Minor & Macedonia vPertained to Civic duty vEmperors proclaimed divine after death Caesar Augustus
The Apostle Paul Foundation Studies Introduction Civic Religion
The Apostle Paul Foundation Studies Introduction Philosophies of the Greco-Roman World vMiddle Platonism âSeneca vStoicism âEpictetus âMusonius Rufus vEpicureanism âLucretius vSkepticism vCynicism âThe “hero” = Diogenes
The Apostle Paul Foundation Studies Introduction Influence of Philosophy on Paul vLifestyle -- âpreaching in the agora âstudying in the workshop vNotion of “Sin” as “Disease” vImportance of the Mind in both human misery and human hope
The Apostle Paul Foundation Studies Introduction Collegia vBurial Associations vProfessional “Guilds” vReligious collegia vOther special interest groups
The Apostle Paul Foundation Studies Introduction The Urban Context vThe Agora - Forum vThe Workshop vLiving Conditions
The Apostle Paul Foundation Studies Introduction The Agora - Forum
Living Quarters A reconstructed model of a Roman insula, with shops on the lower level and living quarters above, similar to one that Paul may have worked and lived in while in Thessalonica and Corinth.
The Apostle Paul Foundation Studies Introduction Upscale Living
The Workshop A shoemaker and cordmaker at work, from an ancient sarcophagus. These were manual laborers like Paul, who according to Acts 18:3 was a leather-worker.
The Apostle Paul Foundation Studies Introduction On Journey with Paul