The Northern Chamber of Commerce and Industry Murmansk, 2015
REPORT ON THE MARKET STUDY FOR ENERGY EFFICIENCY IN THE BARENTS REGION UNDER THE PROJECT ENERU-EFFICIENT ENERGY MANAGEMENT IN THE BARENTS REGION THE GOAL to investigate the market for energy efficiency in the Murmansk region to make a survey of the companies in this market related to their opportunities for international cooperation.
CONTENT : A study of the mechanism for access to the Russian market of energy efficiency related services for foreign companies (legislation requirements, algorithm, etc.) A survey of business opportunities in the energy efficiency related market in the Murmansk region legislation (Federal Law, regional programs in the field of energy efficiency), energy efficiency in the budgetary sector, the list of organizations in demand of such services. demand of the large-scale business of energy efficient technologies and services (interviews with mining companies, etc.) A list of companies of the Murmansk region working in the sphere of services for energy efficiency, specifying their priority market, competences, attitude to cooperation with similar foreign companies and their expectations from such possible cooperation (based on interviews). The list should include only the companies interested to cooperate with Swedish and Finnish companies. REPORT ON THE MARKET STUDY FOR ENERGY EFFICIENCY IN THE BARENTS REGION UNDER THE PROJECT ENERU-EFFICIENT ENERGY MANAGEMENT IN THE BARENTS REGION
Questionnaire Questionnaires were distributed into addresses of 75 companies, enterprises and organizations (i.e. legal entities of different type including budgetary organizations). 30 feedbacks were received, that amounts to 40% of the companies being questioned Spheres of activities of the responding companies include the following sectors of regional economy: mining industry, transport, gas and oil, subcontractors and private entrepreneur, housing and utilities, municipal services, construction, metallurgy.
A list of the companies responded on the questions ООО “Kolskaya Compressor Company” ОАО “Technogroup” ООО "КС Electro" ООО “Barents Region” ООО “Monchegorsk Mechanical Plant” Federal state budget institution “Kola Science Center” of RAS OAO “Arcticmomeftegasrazvedka” Murmansk Transport Affiliate of OOO “Norisk Nickel” ОАО "Murmanskaya Central Heating Station" ОАО “Murmansk Fishing Seaport” ОАО “KAZ-SUAL” ООО “Lovozersky GOK” ОАО “Murmansk Shipping Company” ОАО “Murmansk Commercial SeaPort” ZAO “North-West Phosphorous Company” ОАО “OLCON” ОАО “MurmanEnergoSbyt” ОАО “Kovdorsky GOK” ОАО “Apatit” ОАО “Kolskaya GMK” ZAO "KandalakshaCommercial SeaPort" ОАО "Severvzryvprom" JSC "Olenegorsk Mechanical Plant" ООО "Technostroyproekt" ООО "IPK Gorn" ООО “Gorno Technical Service" LLC "Gipronickel Institute" IE L. V. Boiko ООО “Sever Minerals”
ANALISYS OF THE QUESTIONNAIRE REGARDING ENERGY EFFICIENCY MANAGEMENT IN THE BARENTS REGION 1. Was the energy audit conducted at your enterprise? 27 enterprises confirmed that the energy efficiency audit was conducted at their companies, besides 2 respondents conducted the audit by themselves 1 company answered that the audit was not conducted yet
ANALISYS OF THE QUESTIONNAIRE REGARDING ENERGY EFFICIENCY MANAGEMENT IN THE BARENTS REGION 2. Is there any Program (Plan) on increasing energy efficiency at your enterprise? 3. If “Yes” which directions of the Program has the most important priority for your enterprise? 29 respondents YES 1 respondent NO
SPHERES OF PRIORITIES - Decreasing in TER consumption on own needs of boilers, reduction of heat losses during transmission, optimization of generating of compressed air; - Planning of energy consumption, replacement of insulation, elimination of leakages, output in reserve of the underloaded electrical equipment; - Reducing costs of fuel and energy resources (oil, water, heat) to produce a unit of basic production; - Reconstruction, modernization; - Reduce the cost of own needs of the enterprise; reduction of heat and water supply losses; cost optimization of technological cycles; - Modernization of domestic and street illumination of buildings using LED lights and motion sensors, modernization of district heating boilers using automated heat substations, improving the thermal insulation of the facilities of the enterprise; - Transfer of oil-fired boilers to alternative fuels; - Reduction in specific rates of fuel consumption of boiler units, - Energy savings during operation of steam and hot water boilers; - Reduction of heat losses during transportation and distribution, modern technologies of thermal insulation;
SPHERES OF PRIORITIES - Reduction of energy losses during its distribution in electric systems; - Use of modern heat exchangers for heat substations, installation of meters of water, and accounting the heat; - Energy saving in energy supply systems including outdoor and intra-shop lighting, work of electric motors, electric machines and devices; - Use of such technology, which really help to save energy, electricity, water and heat supply, etc.; - Cost reduction in the use of electricity and heat transfer - Reconstruction of Central Heating Station at one of the company, adjustment of the hydraulic regime of heating networks, implementation of instrumental metering of energy resources - Reduction in specific fuel consumption, reducing of heat losses during transmission, reducing the consumption of electricity and heat power for industrial and own needs - Reduction of electricity and heat consumption - Reduction of heat losses of walls and building envelope, cost optimization of electricity consumption by automating regimes of engineering systems of buildings, use of energy-efficient heating, ventilation and lighting equipment - Energy efficiency and energy saving - Automation of operating modes of heat networks
ANALISYS OF THE QUESTIONNAIRE REGARDING ENERGY EFFICIENCY MANAGEMENT IN THE BARENTS REGION 4.Does your company / firm / enterprise have any experience in cooperation with foreign partners in the sphere of energy efficiency technologies? If “Yes”, indicate the country: Germany (4), France, Norway (2), Check Republic, Slovenia, Finland (3), Denmark, Sweden (2), the USA, GB, the Netherlands Foreign partner companies: ABB (Sweden) Vacon (Finland) Tebodin B.V. (Netherlands) Linde Engineering Dresden GmbH (Germany) Danfoss (Denmark) 20 respondents YES 9 respondents NO 1 respondent NO ANSWER Germany (4) Norway (2) Finland (3) Sweden (2)
ANALISYS OF THE QUESTIONNAIRE REGARDING ENERGY EFFICIENCY MANAGEMENT IN THE BARENTS REGION 5.Is there any interest to establish contacts with foreign partners in the sphere of energy efficiency technologies? Indicate your expectation regarding the possible cooperation. Yes -introduction and use of modern energy efficient materials, equipment and technologies in the enterprise -exchange of experience and ideas oriented to improvement of energy efficient technologies -Introduction of direct air heating systems using natural gas and LNG -Use of foreign experience in the field of energy-efficient technologies -One responding company is interested in obtaining accurate and reliable information and technique of using effective, affordable and technologically advanced additives to reduce the cost of marine fuel;
ANALISYS OF THE QUESTIONNAIRE REGARDING ENERGY EFFICIENCY MANAGEMENT IN THE BARENTS REGION -Ability to attract investment in the implementation of energy efficiency projects and transfer of boilers to alternative and renewable fuels; joint implementation of investment projects -Future conclusion of energy service contracts with foreign partners -Implementation of resource-saving technologies and equipment -Conducting of joint informational and educational activities aimed at training and education in the field of energy saving and efficiency -Installation and use of energy efficient technologies -Installation of heat pumps -Reduction of energy-consumption. interested 19 interested in the future 2 not interested 8 difficult to answer 1
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