Your Senior Project Experience…
What do you need to know? 1.Submit Project Proposal (form online) 2.Write Letter of Commitment (form online) 3.Start project -30 hours needed (document all work with Time Log (form online) 4.Write Research Paper (min. 5 pgs./min. 8 sources from Power Library) 5.Create Presentation(Professional) of Project (minimum of 20 pictures to document your project) Presentation should be minimum of 10 minutes 6.Write Reflective Paper (guidelines are on s.p. site) What the experiences has meant to you— (1 to-2 pgs.)
What Kind Of Projects Can I Do? 1.Curriculum – Related Project 2.School Improvement Project 3.Internship/Apprenticeship 4.Community Project (serves community) 5.Entrepreneur Project (business related)
Project Ideas?
Prepare for a Pilot’s License
Teacher’s Aide
Investigate impact of recycling techniques
Plan for the future- shadow a career professional
-police officer -mail carrier -bank official Shadowing Possibilities?
Create an informational video on a topic of interest How to grow a vegetable/flower garden
Serve as an Intern in Behavioral Sciences Unit with the FBI
Help an immigrant prepare to become an American
Creative? Like to draw, write short stories? Consider doing so for publication
Physical Therapy Assistant
Organize/lead outdoor adventure/educational trips
Teach elementary kids sculpture
Create instructional material for an English as a Second Language (ESL) student
A successful start to your Senior Project! (and graduation!) Proposal + Letter of Commitment =
The Clock Has Started Act Now!!! Deadline for Proposal & Letter of Commitment: April 3rd 2009
Conclusion 1.Pick your presentation date 2.Place it in the folder/write your name on folder/ turn in folder 3.Pick up a senior project checklist 4.Questions for Mr. Pipher 5.Need Ideas? Have Questions? See Mr. Pipher!