Help with disabilities Rohan Subasinghe
Overview Types Services available Benefits available Charitable organisations Our duty to disabled patients and their families
Disabilities - Physical Blindness Deafness Paralysis /accident Mobility – disease, old age,
Disabilities - mental Down’s fragile X syndromes cerebral palsy autistic spectrum disorder
Services - physical disability OT assessments - referred by dr, nurse, relative assessment ability to carry out everyday tasks at own home, for example: preparing a meal or drink washing dressing bathing getting to the toilet SS - Support services include: Residential care Access to day centres Hot meals Home care Equipment and adaptations to your home Direct payments - to allow you to arrange your own care Personal alarm systems and other Telecare equipment to keep you safe at home Access to housing options - such as sheltered housing Information and advice
Social services Direct payments - enabling people to buy the services they need in a way that suits them Supported accommodation, Adult Placement and residential care Short-term services - to allow carers to have a break Community support (home care) services Training for community life - including communication skills and travel training Shared Leisure befriending scheme Access to advocacy Advice about education, employment and health Counselling - including social, sexual and emotional needs Support in making life choices, including finding a suitable place to live Person Centred Planning - working with the individual to plan for the future Services - learning disability
Benefits Attendance Allowance and Disability Living AllowanceAttendance Allowance and Disability Living Allowance Carer's Allowance Incapacity Benefit/Working Tax Credit/Industrial Injuries Benefits/War PensionsIncapacity Benefit/Working Tax Credit/Industrial Injuries Benefits/War Pensions
Charitable organisations Action for blind people Mencap Fragile x society SCOPE -CP Downs Syndrome association Rethink – mental health Local – Essex Disability Rayleigh, Rochford Association for Voluntary Service (RRAVS)
Mencap- The National Association of Parents of Backward Children (1946) Independent living Jobs and training Specialist care Education –city and guilds, essential skillsEducation Mencap National College Housing solutions Family support Leisure Mencap Sport Brokerage
SCOPE – levels of help early years Face 2 Face parent befriending schemes and promote Conductive Education through a national network of Schools for Parents, to teach parents effective ways to help their child develop.Face 2 FaceSchools for Parents Education Scope's schools and colleges for young disabledschools inclusion of disabled pupils in mainstream schools.inclusion adults' services residential and small group homes, supported independent living schemes and day and respite services. work Scope runs skills development centres employment through schemes such as WORKSTEP and Jobbroker. local support services information, advice and support to disabled people and their families. encourage the development of new and existing services that meet needs identified locally.
What should we be doing as GPs? Make sure proper access at surgery Referral to specialist care Regular contact with patients and families Take care of carers Know what is available-local services and national services. Make sure they are aware of all benefit's and services available to them