APPRECIATION AND SUPPORT FOR RESEARCHERS PROJECT AT THE UNIVERSITY OF TURKU A Human Resources Strategy for Researchers implementing the Charter&Code
THE STARTING POINT In 2005, the European Commission launched a Recommendation The European Charter for Researchers The Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers In 2009, the Finnish Council of University Rectors endorsed the Charter & Code
IN 2012 UTU JOINED A WORKING GROUP In 2008, to ensure that words are followed by deeds, the Commission launched a 5-step process HR Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R) in the first 3 cohorts: 160 members UTU joined the 3rd cohort of the working group (with Aalto, UEF, and JYU) the 4th cohort will start in 2013, with 7 universities from Finland
GOALS OF THE EU Sustainable career prospects for researchers in Europe Improved quality of research by promoting mobility – geographical, inter- and transdisciplinary and virtual To increase the number of researchers in Europe with open, transparent and internationally comparable selection and recruitment procedures MAKING THE EUROPEAN RESEARCH AREA (ERA) MORE ATTRACTIVE
GOALS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF TURKU Attractiveness as an employer of researchers Advanced internationalisation with improved ranking Researchers’ welfare through improved integration in the university community Financial benefits (e.g. EU funding) HR Excellence in Research logo – good employer image
PRINCIPLES IN THE HRS4R PROCESS Implementation of C&C was slow Bureaucracy was replaced with flexibility: The organisation (university, research institute, funding body) sets for itself realistic objectives that lead to better realisation of the C&C recommendations. Light reporting
PRINCIPLES ADOPTED IN UTU Focus on genuine development activities already underway or among our strategic goals Priority to actions concerning the entire community and advancing their well-being at work While realising our strategic goals, we integrate the C&C recommendations as far as is feasible.
WHAT DOES THIS MEAN MOTTO 1 No high-flying rhetorics, but concrete steps in the right direction. MOTTO 2 Wide involvement of the university community existing structures and sources of information are used flexible ways are opened for anyone to participate.
THE 5-STEP PROCESS 1.GAP ANALYSIS -How far does UTU already operate in alignment with the recommendations of the Charter & Code? -What should and could be improved? Collection of ideas and suggestions for improvements Examining their feasibility and Setting them in order of priority GAP ANALYSIS Jan to Mar ACTION PLAN 3.Application for the HR EXCELLENCE IN RESEARCH LOGO After 2 years (2015) 4.SELF-ASSESSMENT of the implementation of Action Plan After 4 years (2017) 5. EXTERNAL EVALUATION
2. ACTION PLAN The Steering Committee Receives the collected suggestions for improvements On the basis of the Gap Analysis information, drafts an Action Plan (deadlines, responsibilities) Sends the proposal for an Action Plan to the University leadership for approval THE 5-STEP PROCESS GAP ANALYSIS Jan to Mar ACTION PLAN 3.Application for the HR EXCELLENCE IN RESEARCH LOGO After 2 years (2015) 4.SELF-ASSESSMENT of the implementation of Action Plan After 4 years (2017) 5. EXTERNAL EVALUATION
3. HR EXCELLENCE IN RESEARCH LOGO The Action Plan is sent to the European Commision for approval UTU is awarded HR excellence in Research logo The Action Plan is published on the university website The logo can be used in all external communication of the University. THE 5-STEP PROCESS GAP ANALYSIS Jan to Mar ACTION PLAN 3.Application for the HR EXCELLENCE IN RESEARCH LOGO After 2 years (2015) 4.SELF-ASSESSMENT of the implementation of Action Plan After 4 years (2017) 5. EXTERNAL EVALUATION
4. SELF-ASSESSMENT After 2 years, a self-assessment is carried out on how the Action Plan has been implemented. Follow-up and self-assessment processes are integrated in the normal Quality Assurance work THE 5-STEP PROCESS GAP ANALYSIS Jan to Mar ACTION PLAN 3.Application for the HR EXCELLENCE IN RESEARCH LOGO After 2 years (2015) 4.SELF-ASSESSMENT of the implementation of Action Plan After 4 years (2017) 5. EXTERNAL EVALUATION
5. EXTERNAL EVALUATION After every 4 years, there will be an external evaluation. As the Ministry of Education and Culture is interested in the C&C process, one possible solution is that there will be a national evaluation procedure in Finland. THE 5-STEP PROCESS GAP ANALYSIS Jan to Mar ACTION PLAN 3.Application for the HR EXCELLENCE IN RESEARCH LOGO After 2 years (2015) 4.SELF-ASSESSMENT of the implementation of the Action Plan After 4 years (2017) 5. EXTERNAL EVALUATION
IN SPRING 2012 An operational group from the University Services made preparations for the Gap Analysis Some official working groups and committees were already informed of the process and piloted the Gap Analysis procedure Preliminary information on the forthcoming project was distributed Members were sought for the Steering Committee.
IN AUTUMN 2012 The Steering Committee was appointed and started work The Gap Analysis proceeded in new committees & working groups Information was gathered through various channels (workshop, , survey, various reports) The operational working group prepared a summary of the suggestions for the Steering Committee and looked into their feasibility
APPRECIATION AND SUPPORT FOR RESEARCHERS WORKSHOP on 15 Nov at 12:00-16:00, OP-Pohjola room, Turku School of Economics in English and Finnish Come to share and develop your ideas on how to make UTU a more attractive and supporting environment for researchers
JANUARY- MARCH 2013 The Steering Committee drafts a proposal for an Action Plan University leadership approves the Action Plan Plan to the European Commission for approval Goal: HR logo awarded by summer 2013
STEERING COMMITTEE Vice Rector, professor Riitta Pyykkö, Chair Coordinator, Doctoral Candidate Tuomas Karskela Lecturer Eero Kuparinen, Public Sector Negotiation Commission JUKO Quality Manager Anu Mäkelä HRD Specialist Johanna Mäkinen, Secretary HR Director Tom Riski International Liaison Officer Eeva Schoultz Postdoctoral researcher Tony Shepherd, Turku PET Centre UTUGS Coordinator Eeva Sievi Dean, professor Marja Vauras, Dept. of Teacher Education, TIAS Doctoral Candidate Jarkko Rasinkangas