Martin Zatkalík – Alena Hašková Secondary Vocational School in Senec Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra DEMANDS OF PRACTICE AND FURTHER EDUCATION OF VOCATIONAL TRAINING TEACHERS Agria Media Eger, October 2011
Ján Záhorec – Jozef Polák Alena Hašková - Kamil Buranský Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra SlovDidac Association SUPPORT OF E-LEARNING THROUGH FLASH ANIMATIONS Agria Media Eger, October 2011
Secondary Schools and Labour Market in Slovakia Leading position of automotive industry Car producers operating in Slovakia - Volkswagen Slovakia - Peugeot Citroën - Kia Motors Slovakia % proportion within the Slovak industry
Secondary Schools and Labour Market in Slovakia Leading position of automotive industry YearProduction Number of employees World production in 2010:
Secondary Schools and Labour Market in Slovakia - number of secondary school graduates: 50 thousand - 13 thousand of them – unemployed - 29 thousand of them – employed in other fields 2009 Rate of becoming out of date of the technical knowledge - in general 10 years - in automotive industry less than 10 years Creation of new educational programmes in vocational training for requirements of the automotive industry National Programme
Innovation and modernisation of the study branch Mechanic of Motor Vehicles - Engineering Apprentice School - Secondary School of Business Enterprise Secondary Vocational School in Senec Pilot Centre of the Automotive Industry Association of SR
Innovation and modernisation of the study branch Mechanic of Motor Vehicles - mechanician - electrician - coachbuilder - lacquerer Study program Car Mechanic / Mechanic of Motor Vehicles Specializations
Innovation and modernisation of the study branch Mechanic of Motor Vehicles develop an innovative school educational programme for the study field Mechanic of Motor Vehicles increase quality of the life-long continual education for teachers teaching the study field Mechanic of Motor Vehicles Main goal to innovate both content and teaching methods in the study field Mechanic of Motor Vehicles to achieve a better employment of its graduates on the labour market Two specific goals
Innovation and modernisation of the study branch Mechanic of Motor Vehicles Activities related to the first specific goal develop basic documentation including the school education programme for a new study specialization Mechanic of single-trace vehicles create worksheets for all four specializations Mechanician: Automobiles, Automobile diagnostic and repair, Electrical Engineering Electrician: Automobiles, Automobile diagnostic and repair, Electronics, Electrical measurement, Electroaccessories Coachbuilder: Automobiles, Automobile diagnostic and repair, Electrical Engineering, Plumber technology, Material science Lacquerer: Automobiles, Lacquer technology, Lacquer materials, Technical drawing 3. to create worksheets German language and English language directed on automobile repair terminology
Innovation and modernisation of the study branch Mechanic of Motor Vehicles Further education of teachers 1.Electrotechnics of motor vehicles I (electrical parts) 2.Electrotechnics of motor vehicles II (electronic systems) 3.Carriages of motor vehicles I (car and motorcycle chassis parts) 4.Carriages of motor vehicles II (electronics motor vehicle carriages) 5.Brakes of motor vehicles I (braking theory, mechanical brakes) 6.Brakes of motor vehicles II (electronic brake systems) 7.Gearings of motor vehicles I (clutches, manual gearboxes) 8.Gearings of motor vehicles II (automated gearboxes) 9.Gearings of motor vehicles III (robotized gearboxes, drive theories) 10. Engines of motor vehicles I (mechanical parts of car and motorcycle combustion engines)
Innovation and modernisation of the study branch Mechanic of Motor Vehicles Further education of teachers 11. Engines of motor vehicles II (internal and external mixture formation, fuel injection) 12. Motor vehicle comfort electronic (air conditioning, active and passive safety) 13. Complex diagnostic of motor vehicles (diagnostic technology) 14. Coachbuilder technology (planishing systems, body reparation technologies) 15. Lacquerer technologies (modern systems for body varnishing) 16. Lacquer materials (modern lacquer material properties and applications)
Ján Záhorec – Jozef Polák Alena Hašková - Kamil Buranský Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra SlovDidac Association SUPPORT OF E-LEARNING THROUGH FLASH ANIMATIONS Agria Media Eger, October 2011
Improving the Professional, Managerial and Linguistic Knowledge and Skills of Customs Officers and Customs Administration - Customs Direstorate of SR - SlovDidac Association Realisers and co-ordinators Duration of the project to improve the qualification and professional knowledge and skills of the target group and to increase its work effectiveness and quality Main goal
Improving the Professional, Managerial and Linguistic Knowledge and Skills of Customs Officers and Customs Administration - customs officers working with the European Union agenda - customs officers working with the Risk Information Form system - customs officers working at the eastern border Target groups of the project activities 3 activities aimed at improving language knowledge and skills 1 activity aimed at improving managerial skills and abilities - customs administration seniors and middle management employees 1 activity aimed at 5 areas: customs, consumptions taxes, basic training for the job, sampling, merchandise customs officers and employees of the Customs Administration
Improving the Professional, Managerial and Linguistic Knowledge and Skills of Customs Officers and Customs Administration - target group of customs officers working with the EU agenda 360 hours of the face-to-face teaching in groups with 2 – 6 members hours of individual learning activities with e-learning support Improving language knowledge and skills - target group of customs officers working in the RIF 468 hours of the face-to-face teaching in groups with 3 – 7 members hours of e-learning - target group of customs officers working at the eastern border 180 hours of the face-to-face teaching in groups with 5 – 12 members + 90 hours individual learning activities based on e-learning support
Improving the Professional, Managerial and Linguistic Knowledge and Skills of Customs Officers and Customs Administration - basic management skills (delegation of tasks and responsibilities, decision-making in difficult situations, formation teams, etc.), - effective communication and teamwork, - performance leadership, - staff motivating and appreciating, - crisis communication and managing difficult situations, - negotiation and communication with external partners, - stress management, - time management, - ethics and protocol Development Program for Customs Officers and Employees of the Customs Administration of SR in Management Positions Intensive (training) courses in a total of 96 hours in groups with 7 – 15 participants and subsequent individual consultations and development of individual assignments
Improving the Professional, Managerial and Linguistic Knowledge and Skills of Customs Officers and Customs Administration CUSTOMS: the Customs Code, the prohibitions and restrictions, the origin of goods, information systems in customs clearance, infringement proceedings, the Common Agricultural Policy; CONSUMPTIONS TAXES: introduction to the excise taxes, a tax ruling (Act no. 511/1992 Coll), excise taxes on electricity, coal and natural gas, excise taxes on beer, wine and tobacco, excise tax on spirit, excise tax on mineral oil, SYSNED information system; MERCHANDISE: general rules for the interpretation of the harmonized system, agricultural products, chemical products, leather - wood - paper, textiles, metals, glass - ceramics - precious metals, machinery and equipment; SAMPLING INTRODUCTION TO THE TRAINING FOR PROFESSION eLearning
Improving the Professional, Managerial and Linguistic Knowledge and Skills of Customs Officers and Customs Administration
Improving the Professional, Managerial and Linguistic Knowledge and Skills of Customs Officers and Customs Administration
Improving the Professional, Managerial and Linguistic Knowledge and Skills of Customs Officers and Customs Administration
Improving the Professional, Managerial and Linguistic Knowledge and Skills of Customs Officers and Customs Administration
Vzdelávanie v automobilovej špecializácii na univerzitách na univerzitách Slovenská technická univerzita v Bratislave - Strojnícka fakulta - Fakulta elektrotechniky a informatiky - Fakulta architektúry Vysoká škola výtvarných umení v Bratislave Technická univerzita v Košiciach - Strojnícka fakulta - Fakulta elektrotechniky a informatiky - Fakulta umení Trenčianska univerzita v Trenčíne - Fakulta mechatroniky Žilinská univerzita v Žiline - Fakulta prevádzky a ekonomiky dopravy a spojov - Strojnícka fakulta
Vzdelávanie v automobilovej špecializácii na stredných odborných školách na stredných odborných školách Pilotné centrá = existujúce školy, ktorých zriaďovateľom je VÚC a kde odbornú garanciu vzdelávacích aktivít pilotného centra zabezpečuje Združenie automobilového priemyslu SR a Cech predajcov a autoservisov SR a zvyšovanie odbornosti pedagógov pilotných centier zabezpečuje ŠIOV a MC - Bratislava - Trenčín - Senec - Banská Bystrica - Trnava - Lučenec - Galanta - Martin - Nové Zámky - Prešov - Nitra - Košice - Zlaté Moravce