Electricity! A Really Bright Idea… Mrs. Zoeller – 4 th Grade
Who Am I? Mr. Moorman Mr. Moorman Indiana Basketball Basketball Sunman Elementary Sunman Elementary 4 th Grade – Mrs. Hayden 4 th Grade – Mrs. Hayden Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Computer Engineering Computer Engineering General Motors General Motors Delco Electronics Delco Electronics University of Illinois University of Illinois Electrical Engineering Electrical Engineering Lucent Technologies Lucent Technologies Bell Labs Bell Labs Dr. Jay
WHAT IS ELECTRICITY ??? What do we use it for? What happens when it goes away? How does it work? How does it get to us? What kind of CITY is it?
Without Electricity… We might use Heat - Fires Communications – Semaphores Music - Piano Learn – Chalk Board Our lives would be very different!
Anatomy of an Atom The Electron Its Upwardly Mobile and Attractive
Today We Will Study Current Electricity… Current Flows In Circuit Turn on Light Listen to Ipod Watch TV Static Is Stationary Brush Your Hair Wool Socks In Drier Balloon Electricity Two Main Forms Static vs. Current (Dynamic)
Electrons in Motion Electrons are very very tiny particles Electrons carry energy Electricity is the movement of electrons Electricity flows through wires (current) -
Current Flows Like Water Electrons flow through wires like water flows through pipes H O H H O H H O H H O H H O H H O H H O H H O H H O H H O H H O H H O H
Supply of electricity Switch Electrons Light bulb
Frightening Lightening The Greater the Potential Energy (Voltage) the more the Electrons want to get back to ground AA Battery (1.5V) Plug in the House (110V) Lightening (100,000,000V)
Electric Safety Never Stick Anything in an Outlet Never Touch Metal Around Electric Without Asking Never Ever Use Water Around Anything Electric
Heavy pressure – many contact points Light pressure – very few contact points Finger meta l
Water increases contact area between skin and metal Wet Skin meta l
Generation, Circuits, and Electronics Electricity in your life…
How is Electricity Made? Batteries Batteries Generators Generators
Batteries Use Chemistry to Release Energy Store a Fixed Amount of Energy Big Batteries are Needed to Store Lots of Energy Portable Cars, Phones, Flashlights, Ipods, Laptops, GameBoys, Boats
Generators Use Energy to Make Electricity A moving magnet is able to push the electrons along a wire. The energy to move the magnet is carried by the electricity.
Electrons Light bulb Magnet Magnet has to move to make electricity
Power Factories, homes and schools need large amounts of energy! Generators in power stations supply electricity to these factories, homes, and schools. Generators in power stations supply electricity to these factories, homes, and schools. These generators are in power stations and are huge! These generators are in power stations and are huge!
A Power Station electric current
How to Generate Electric? Turn the Turbine Coal Natural Gas NuclearHydroelectricWindSolarThermalWaves Source: Energy Information Administration (EIA), Electric Power Monthly, June 2011, Table 1.1, 2010.
Electricity Transmission The electric current is generated in the power plantThe electric current is generated in the power plant AC of 60 Hz is produced and distributed at high voltageAC of 60 Hz is produced and distributed at high voltage
Electronics Circuits are used in … Computers, ipods, cars, clocks … Keyboards … … everything electric
Electronics Circuits are used in … Communications, phones, networks, TV’s … Satellites … … everything electric
Electronics Circuits are used in … Integrated circuits (IC’s) … Chips … … everything electric
Drawing Circuits A Battery A Motor A Lamp M
Remember what you have learned! Build you own circuit…
References Institute of Physics (IOP) in London, England neoK12