Jacqui Frazer Fuel Poverty Strategy Co-ordinator Public Health Agency – Northern area February 2012 Warmer Ways to Better Health
Public Health Agency – Northern area Northern Health and Social Care Trust Population: 426,965 Households: 158,520 (Source: NI Census, 2001)
Background Investing for Health – March 2002 Reduce health inequalities Improve wider health and wellbeing
Vision “To reduce fuel poverty by minimising energy inefficiency and maximising the incomes of households across the Partnership area that would be considered at greatest risk”.
Infrastructure Steering Group Strategy Co-ordinator Energy efficiency advisers in the ten Council areas Warmer Homes Groups
Training NEA awareness raising sessions City & Guilds training
Referrals Heating and insulation schemes Benefits advice
Talks and events
Oil stamp saving schemes
Partnership working
When homes are made warmer The whole place is lovely and warm all the time. Such a difference it’s made. You wouldn’t think it was the same house. When I had the coal fire, I used my inhaler three times a day. I’ve hardly used it since the gas heating went in.