World History Chapter 14B Changes in Medieval Society
A Growing Food Supply Prior to changing from oxen to horses, a new form of harness had to be invented Use of horses will replace the use of oxen Food production increased with the development of the three-field system With more food, the production grew stronger and larger
Three-Field System
Trade and Finance Expand Most trade will take place in towns Manors were no longer self-sufficient Guilds controlled the crafts and trade Guilds controlled wages and prices in their craft
Becoming a Master in a Guild Apprenticed for 5-9 years as a child to learn the trade Apprentice becomes a journeyman and could go to work for wages Journeyman made an item that qualified as a “Master piece” Merchants needing loans were faced with a problem
Continued Christians could not make loans that charged interest This was considered a sin (usury) Many Jews provided this service for Christians Trade will be the lifeblood of a town If a serf could make his/her way to a city and live there for a year and a day they would be free
The Revival of Learning University-a group of scholars meeting wherever they could People not buildings made-up the Medieval University Writers began using the vernacular (everyday language) to write in (French, English, Italian, and Spanish) By writing in the vernacular writers such as Chaucer and Dante brought literature to many people The Crusades opened new channels of information Europeans began reading ancient Greek works that were thought to have been lost
TA14C Read Pages 393-397 Copy & Define Terms on Page 397 Copy & Answer Questions 14 & 15 on Page 404