Federal Regulation of Land Use 9/27/11
What is NEPA? NEPA = National Environmental Protection Policy Act – Mandates an environmental assessment of all projects involving federal money or federal permits.
What is EIS? EIS=Environmental impact statement – Developer’s project proposal outlines the scope and purpose of the project, describes environmental context, suggests and analyzes alternatives.
What is an environmental mitigation plan? A plan stating how it will address the project’s environmental impact.
What is the endangered species act? 1973 law designed to protect species from extinction.
Government Interventions (remediation)? Regulatory taking Bioculture restoration Ecological restoration
What is a regulatory taking? Government taking over management of land, while not relinquishing the ownership by private property owner. – declaration of land as a wetland – endangered species habitat – unsuitable for mining
What is ecological restoration? The process of repairing damage caused by humans to the biodiversity and dynamics of an ecosystem.
What is bioculture restoration? Biocultural restoration is a process to integrate human values in ecological restoration to increase long-term restoration success.
What are International Categories for Public Lands? National Parks Managed Resource Protection Area Habitat/Species Management Areas Strict Nature Reserves and Wilderness Areas Protected Landscapes and Sea Scapes National Monuments