9-10 July 2013 WP 6 DISSEMINATION
WP6 Dissemination: o What has been done by the partners? (2 minutes presentation) o What has to be done with the final products: o Overall proposal by SYNTRA Flanders o Added value by the partners o Contractual dissemination wrap-up: final agreements o Further exploitation of ADEPTT – Next partner meeting in Portugal: Brainstorming
What has been done by the partners? (2 minutes presentation) SYNTRA Vlaanderen (BE) Expertisenetwerk School Of Education (BE) Scienter (ES) Valnalon (ES) Deutsche Kinder- und Jugendstiftung (DE) Plataforma para a Educação do Empreendedorismo em Portugal (PT) Grijp De buiten Kans (NL) Norwegian University Of Science (No) Norton Radstock College (UK) Swansea Metropolitan University (UK) Cardiff & Vale College (UK) University of Iceland (IS)
NEWSLETTERS by (e) - mail
Contractual dissemination wrap-up: final agreements T6.1 Dissemination and sustainability Planning Within the first three months of the project, the coordinator will produce an implementation plan which will plan every aspect of the dissemination The partners will dedicate time at their management meetings to develop a plan for sustainability and for the mainstreaming of results, which will provide for continued promotion of the key policy messages and of the tools supporting them beyond the lifetime of the project. There will be operational guidelines for its implementation by the project partners. All the partners will be involved in this task. T6.2 Creation and Maintenance of the Website As the main portal for communicating project activities and results to the public, a website will be created and extensively updated throughout the project. All partners will be encouraged to post to the website, and to use its content within their own websites. T6.3 Publication of project materials transferred in all the project languages This will include publications in scientific journals, presenting the Project concept, vision and results, as well as the archiving of deliverables in online repositories, and various university and public libraries. T6.4 Presentation at Events Including presentations at events and conferences, meetings, workshops, symposia, scientific and information “days”, either organised by other associations or by the partners of the project. T6.5 Promotion of Project This will be done mainly through an electronic blog published frequently through RSS, as well as through meetings with individual presentations with major public & private stakeholders as well as through the distribution of miscellaneous dissemination materials. T6.6 Monitoring of Dissemination The WP leader will monitor and record all dissemination activities, as well as encourage partners to structurally plan and evaluate their individual dissemination activities. T6.7 Formulation of Key Policy Messages This activity involves understanding the main outcomes of the project, and translating them into a few clear and concise policy priorities to be pushed in all valorisation activities.
TO DO’s: SPANISH NA(INTERIM REPORT) The national agency (NA) expects to receive a login and password to access all the project websites and platforms; / The NA advices to promote a more fluid and permanent communication between partners for which opening pages and profiles on both facebook and twitter are recommended, easy to handle and promoting interaction with Stakeholders (idea: Inform about it during training and ask participants to “like it”); OK Recommendation for the pilots: to take into consideration all the cultural and geographical differences between the partners and the different training levels of the participants in the pilots; ALL THE DISSEMINATION MATERIALS AND THE PROJECT WEBSITE NEED TO BE TRANSLATED TO ALL THE PARTNER LANGUAGES; OK
Contractual dissemination wrap-up: final agreements
MAINSTREAMING Name of partner organisation:SYNTRA Flanders/School of Education Mainstreaming Level (School, association of schools, local, regional, national, …)Flemish region Partners (in PROVIDING, egg.. local JA (Junior achievement) VLAJO (JA member) and “Stichting Onderwijs en Ondernemen” (UNIZO – employers’ organization) Estimated duration and frequency of provision 3 different modules, 100’ per module. Offered on demand. Objective: +10 courses/year Estimated total number of participants+200 participants/year Source of fundingFlemish regional budget
Further exploitation of ADEPTT – Next partner meeting in Portugal: Brainstorming