Congressional District Projects New CD-3 SMART 160 Trail: — This trail will be a multiple use trail and will offer access to a network of current and proposed trails along Hwy 3 that intersect with Hwy 160 US 285 North and South of SH 112: — Resurfacing. The estimated cost is $7.7 million and the work is scheduled for construction in the spring of Interstate 25 through Pueblo: — Safety and mobility improvements on I-25 through Pueblo. Total estimated project cost is around $750 million. Three alternatives are being considered in the document: The DRAFT EIS was published November 4 th and the public comment period ended December 19. The FEIS should be published late summer 2012 and the ROD in Jan The estimated cost of the 10-year EIS is $12 million. The first construction project is the Ilex Street FASTER bridge replacement with an anticipated construction start date of June Total estimated cost for the Ilex project is $36 million. US 50 East Pueblo to Kansas: — Tier 1 NEPA document for this 150 mile stretch of highway. Identifies the general location for a future four-lane highway from Pueblo to Kansas (Town of Holly). The DRAFT EIS has been completed and is in the review process. Public support for this study and subsequent improvements is high. Public Hearing on the draft expected in US 50 West: — from Pueblo to Pueblo West has a Planning and Environmental Linkage Study. CDOT worked with the City and County of Pueblo as well as the Pueblo West Metro district for the successful completion. The MOU approving the study is being signed by Pueblo City/County and West Pueblo Metro district. CDOT has created a list of projects to implement and plans on moving forward looking at specificprojects to construct in the near future. The total estimated cost for this corridor is $125 million. SH 13 Improvements: — The project consists of reconstruction that will increase visibility, widen shoulders, add guardrails, and add new drainage pipes to this section of roadway. Increased traffic and heavy truck activity from the oil and gas boom increased the need for this $4.9 million project and is scheduled for completion by November US 160 Jackson Mountain Slide: —Landslide mitigation and road widening. CDOT has undertaken efforts to keep this road stable and passable for years. The slide area has rapidly got worse in recent years. The State Transportation Commission thoroughly reviewed the details of this issue and determined immediate action was necessary. Work was completed November 2011; minor finish work spring SH 82 Glenwood Springs - Grand Avenue Bridge Environmental Assessment (EA): — CDOT has started work to address the deficiencies of the narrow, four-lane bridge and bring it up to current standards. The bridge crosses the Colorado River, I-70 and the railroad tracks. Built in 1953, the bridge is in poor condition, and is past its 50-year design life. CDOT has budgeted approximately $59 million for planning and construction. I-70 B Corridor Improvements: — Recently completed $9.6 million Phase I of I-70 B improvements, in July 2011 Reconstructed the corridor added capacity and safety improvements between 24 Road and 24 ¾ Road. Phase II, expected to get underway in the summer of 2012, will continue the reconstruction through 25 Road for apx. $5.8 million.