United Nations Non-Governmental Liaison Service. Project Background Addressing International Issues?  Global Financial Architectural Reform  Global.


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Presentation transcript:

United Nations Non-Governmental Liaison Service

Project Background Addressing International Issues?  Global Financial Architectural Reform  Global Economic Governance Key Stakeholders?  Miguel d’Escoto, President of the UN General Assembly  Nobel Prize Laurete Joseph Stiglitz  UN Non-Governmental Liaison Service (UN-NGLS)  Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)  Finance for Development (FfD)  Civil Society Organizations

Project Background Project 1 Civil Society Consultation on the Work of the President of the UN General Assembly’s Commission of Experts on Reforms of the International Monetary and Financial System Civil Society compilation report prepared for UN-NGLS on reform of the global monetary and financial system Project 2 Global Economic Governance Reform and the United Nations: Proposal and Analysis from Civil Society Extensive literature review of civil society proposals advocating global economic governance reform

Methodology – Project 1 Financial Architecture Reform: NGO Consultation Report Inclusive report bringing together civil society-based expertise and insights Online consultation that sought feedback on world financial and economic crisis: 1.Financial regulation 2.Multilateral issues 3.Macroeconomic issues & Addressing the crisis 4.Reforming the global financial architecture  Received submissions from civil society  Compiled submissions into 4 subject themes  Prepared report which provides a forum for debate

Methodology – Project 2 Global Economic Governance Reform: Civil Society Proposals & Analysis Background review of civil society-based expertise and insights Literature review of civil society proposals advocating reform of: 1.Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) 2.Strengthening the Financing for Development follow-up process 3.Formation of a new UN-based economic governance body  Researched proposals and advocacy documents  Sent our proposal outline and position briefing to NGLS  Intentionally excluded proposals That relied on narrow definitions of ‘global economic governance’ Included specific economic policy prescriptions

Project 1 - Compiled and analyzed recommendations from civil society, on behalf of NGLS, for reforming the global financial architecture in light of the current economic and financial crisis. Recommendations used as key inputs:  Deliberations of the President of the UN General Assembly’s Commission of Experts on Reforms of the International Monetary and Financial System  Financial system forum chaired by Professor Joseph L. Stiglitz Published paper is available at: Outcome & Results

Project 2 - Produce a background paper advocating global economic governance reform. The United Nations is best positioned to be the locus of global economic governance reform; through strengthening ECOSOC (or creating a new global governance body under U.N. auspices) and leveraging the FfD follow-up process. Platform to mobilize Civil Society around : Doha Review Conference (Nov/Dec in Doha, Qatar) High Level Conference taking place at the UN in June Paper is available at: Outcome & Results

Coordinate team members in collaboration with UN-NGLS offices in New York and Geneva Weekly in-person meetings, conference calls, and continuous dialogue to keep everyone up to date and on task Required constant reworking and revising of timelines, establishment of clear objectives and benchmarks, as well as definitive allocation of tasks Partnerships & Cooperation

Extensive individual research and group discussions to develop the understanding of two complex themes √ Global economic governance √ Financial and monetary architectural reform Research, writing and editing phases Collaboration

Group in Action

Political considerations Client inexperience managing consultants Differing or unclear expectations Client has inadequate time/other priorities incompatible with project timeline Challenges

Becoming an expert –Understanding topic before doing anything else Clear terms of reference –Our role/responsibilities to client –Client’s role, responsibilities and expectations Establishing standards & clear writing process –Workflow, editing, feedback from peers/client, style, voice, references Setting realistic objectives and deadlines –Up-to-date timeline Open a clear and continuous line of communication between group members and client –Regular meetings Lessons Learned

United Nations Non-Governmental Liaison Service
