Plum Senior High 9 th Grade Scheduling Orientation
Welcome Ryan Kociela – Principal x6312 Shannon Crombie – Assistant Principal (9-10) x6311 Rachel Gattuso – Assistant Principal (11-12) x6313
Guidance Mr. Fekety (A – Do) x6316 Mrs. Plesco (Dr – La) x6309 Ms. Abbondanza (Le – Rh) x6317 Mr. Betta (Ri – Z) x6315
Graduation Requirements Class of 2018 English – 4 credits (including English Literature) Social Studies – 4 credits Science – 3 credits (including Biology) Mathematics – 3 credits (including Algebra I if not taken in 8 th grade) Physical Education – 2.0 credits Health Education – 0.5 credits Electives – 9 credits Completion of Senior Graduation Project Keystone Exam proficiency (3 exams) TOTAL – 25.5 credits
Complete Program of Studies Now on the high school website: Under “Guidance” tab… - Program of Studies, 9th Grade Program of Studies
Grading Scale 100% - 90% A 89% - 80% B 79% - 70% C 69% - 60%D 59% or lessF
Goal Setting Decide now the things you want to accomplish at PHS. Examples… 3.5 GPA or better, get accepted to a college, be in the musical.
Scheduling Recommendation Choose the most rigorous and relevant course load for your freshman year!!!
College Admission – 9 th Grade Counts! Colleges look at the ENTIRE transcript! Students begin to seriously explore colleges in their junior years. The freshman year carries 1/3 of the weight of their transcripts. Grades AND rigor of courses are very important to college admission counselors. Activities are listed on transcripts!!!
Course Levels Honors Academic Supported
Honors Classes Honors English Composition - Required Summer Reading Biology (A) Plane Geometry (A) Honors Civics Letter Grade Value A5.0 B4.0 C3.0 D2.0
Academic and Support Courses Letter GradeValue A4.0 B3.0 C2.0 D1.0
Typical Schedule - Honors ClassTeacherRoomDay 1: HealthBoynton, JessicaT-1 1|2|5 1: Phys. Ed. SwimBoynton, JessicaPool 3|4|6 2: Honors CivicsRichards, Ronald209 1|2|3|4|5|6 3: Plane Geometry (A)Weiss, Ethan215 1|2|3|4|5|6 4: Lunchcafeteria1|2|3|4|5|6 5/6: Honors English Comp.Parente, Martin130 1|2|3|4|5|6 7/8: Biology (A)Faulx, MarkG-8 1|2|3|4|5|6 9/10: Biology LabFaulx, MarkG-81|4 9/10:Study HallVitula, David2082|3|5|6 11: ELECTIVE1|2|3|4|5|6 12: ELECTIVE1|2|3|4|5|6
ClassTeacherRoomDay 1: HealthBoynton, JessicaT-1 1|2|5 1: Phys. Ed. SwimBoynton, JessicaPool 3|4|6 2: Modern American HistoryFrazetta, Lynda225 1|2|3|4|5|6 3: Plane GeometrySpillar, Megan1151|2|3|4|5|6 4: Lunch1|2|3|4|5|6 5/6: English CompositionParente, Martin130 1|2|3|4|5|6 7/8: BiologyCooper JasonG-3 1|2|3|4|5|6 9/10: Study HallPickard, Amy102 1|3|4|6 9/10: Biology LabCooper, JasonG-32|5 11: ELECTIVE1|2|3|4|5|6 12: ELECTIVE1|2|3|4|5|6 Academic
Support ClassTeacherRoomDay 1: HealthBoynton, JessicaT-1 1|2|5 1: Phys. Ed. SwimBoynton, JessicaPool 3|4|6 2: Modern American History Supported Brown, Brianne225 1|2|3|4|5|6 3: IPSRebovich, Nate1181|2|3|4|5|6 4: Lunch1|2|3|4|5|6 5/6: English Composition Supported Martello, Amy1321|2|3|4|5|6 7/8: Algebra I w/ LabGillis, Eric217 1|2|3|4|5|6 9/10: Study HallGillis, Eric217 1|2|4|5 9/10: Algebra I LabGillis, Eric2173|6 11: ELECTIVE1|2|3|4|5|6 12: ELECTIVE1|2|3|4|5|6
Honors – core classes Honors English Composition Plane Geometry (A) – Recommendation: “B” or better in Algebra I Biology (A) – Recommendation: “B” or better in IPS Honors Civics ***…not “All or Nothing” with honors classes.
Academic – core classes English Composition Plane Geometry Biology Modern American History
Support – core classes (co-taught classes when available) English Composition, Supported Algebra I w/ Lab Modern American History, Supported Introduction to Physical Science
6-Day Cycle Courses Health & Physical Education – Swim 6 day cycle Days Health Days Swim
6-Day Cycle Courses Algebra I, Biology Study Hall Days 1, 2 & 4, 5 Study Hall Days 3 & 6 Algebra I and/or Biology Lab
Electives – Choose Two or Three Foreign Language – Spanish, French, Level I or II Computer Applications for School and Business Exploratory Engineering Technologies 12 weeks each C.A.D. - Energy Technology – Manufacturing Intermediate Band Concert Orchestra Girls Chorus Concert Choir - Boys Requesting Chorus’ Beginning Winds Art I Air Force Jr. ROTC – Journey into Aviation History Air Force Jr. ROTC – Leadership Laboratory Activity (summer) Online Enrichment Offerings
When do we schedule? April 7 – Meet with 8 th Grade class April 14–16 – O’Block Guidance Dept. PHS Counselors here to answer questions Choose core classes Honors – Academic – Support Choose 2-3 Electives ***NO changes or dropping classes after the last day of this school year.
Welcome to Plum Senior High Class of 2018