Acuity Training III Reports These are some of the most common reports used in Acuity. Division of Instruction will be identifying any required reports and that will be communicated to schools.
Reports All scores must be entered Assignments > Assessment Assignments > View Assignments Filter Results with Subject, Assessment Type, Grade, and Assessment (Left hand side) Test(s) currently assigned will appear, and number of students assigned and scored will appear. In addition, you can Manually Score and View Reports from here (if all scores have been entered):
Assignment Status = SCORED status Partially Scored Status or In Progress/Online will prevent reports from generating successfully “Items Not Scored” Error Message on Reports if student is not in SCORED status as a reminder
Reports Types of reports that are used most often: Classroom Roster Report (from there can access individual student assessment report), Classroom Assessment Report, Item Analysis
Roster Reports > Class Roster Report
Readiness Reports Reports, available at the session level, and aggregate across 2 sessions, include: Types: Roster Assessment Item Analysis Matrix Cohort Growth Report batching Current and prior year Data extracts Dashboards via Engrade Deeper student insight: CCSS alignments Vertical scale across 3-8 Growth measures* Predictions to PARCC summative exam* Standards-level mastery indicators* On track for college and career readiness indicator*
Readiness Reports Sample Acuity College and Career Readiness Class Assessment Report. Predictions, growth measures, mastery indicators, and on-track for college and career indicator to be added in future year.
Readiness Reports Sample Acuity College and Career Readiness Class Item Analysis Report. Link from reports into items to use assessments for learning.
Readiness Reports Readiness solution complements existing Acuity CCSS solution Diagnostic assessments in K-12 Item banks across K-12 Item authoring capabilities Custom test building Performance tasks in grades 2-12 Online, technology-enhanced, instructional resources written to the CCSS
Class Roster Report Predictive Tests (Reading and Math) were originally designed to predict to TCAP. *Please note: These student predictions cannot be compared from predictive A, to B, to C because each of these tests (predictive A, B, C measure different standards and are different tests). For example, to look at predictions from A to B and say that a student has shown growth would not be accurate because they are different tests. You could say however that the student did better on predictive B and the standards it covered, but not that they had grown per se on the standards as measured from A to B. *Please note: These student predictions cannot be compared from predictive A, to B, to C because each of these tests (predictive A, B, C measure different standards and are different tests). For example, to look at predictions from A to B and say that a student has shown growth would not be accurate because they are different tests. You could say however that the student did better on predictive B and the standards it covered, but not that they had grown per se on the standards as measured from A to B. Also, these percents will often not add up to 100% because students are counted multiple times depending on their individual predicted performance (see 2 slides from now the Individual Student Assessment Report example). Another good reason not to compare these percents of predicted performance from A, to B, to C.
Class Roster Report Shows all students, their scale score, their expected performance on the state assessment (TCAP), and the overall % of points obtained. If any student shows Items not scored then go and enter CR scores. Clicking on any student name will take you to the individual student assessment report (this is what the students have access to through their login screen as well). Scale score simply means that some items are weighted more than others. Can sort by scale score, expected performance, or overall %.
Individual Student Assessment Report Remember, there may be things on this test that haven’t been taught yet. If the student didn’t get a particular thing that hasn’t been taught yet, or that there was only 1 item on a skill then don’t want to spend too much time with that information.
Class Assessment Report video: http://acuitycommunity. ctb Drill Down Shows for the entire class, by standard, and which tier (1,2,3, 4) percents of students fell within for each standard. Tiers do not equate to the proficiency levels on state assessments (i.e. Tier 1 does not mean Unsat). It only means that percent of students scored within the 0-25% tier on that skill. Drill Down
By clicking the standard and then the item number you see… You will see the actual item and all the answer choices as well as the item statistics.
By clicking the percent of any tier you see names of each student in that tier for that standard… 36% of students—Tier 1
Class Item Analysis Report
Classroom Matrix Report Exports to an excel file. Lists each student name, scale score, proficiency, tier, pts. Obtained, and then the item number as well as their response to each item (colored green if that is the correct answer). Items may be listed more than once b/c they cover more than one standard. Printing this out is lengthy, instructions will be on Division of Accountability and Research website to get it down to 4 pages or so if printing.
Customer Service Acuity customer service: 1-800-282-4705 Rostering Questions: General Questions/Issues: Susan Collins Kim Terry Ext. 28335 (720) 837-5608 (cell) Christina Ethier Ext. 28337
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Acuity Community Free Training/Instructional Videos Connect with other Acuity Users/Forum Access Free Training Materials Search by Media Type/Topic/etc. Not a Customer Service Tool!
How to Avoid “Items Not Scored” In Acuity Help, type in “Manually score” and click on the result entitled “Manually Score Assessment Assignment” The instructions explain how to most efficiently score constructed response items in Acuity, the most common cause of "Item not scored" errors. Generate Roster Report Note, you must be logged in to Acuity or the Acuity community to view this video