PUBLIC SECTOR STANDARD & CUSTOM REBATE GUIDELINES Kate Tomford | DCEO Energy & Recycling Office DCEO Trade Ally Rally |
Utility Service Areas Electric utilities Ameren Illinois ComEd Gas utilities Nicor North Shore Peoples Public Sector Government Public Schools Community Colleges Public Universities Municipal Corporations 2 Illinois Energy Now | | WHO IS ELIGIBLE FOR ILLINOIS ENERGY NOW ?
3 Energy savings goals: Electricity: 146 million kWh per year Natural gas: 5.33 million therms per year Program budgets: Electricity: $54.1 – $55.1 million per year Natural gas: $21.1 – $21.8 million per year ILLINOIS ENERGY NOW GOALS & BUDGETS FOR Illinois Energy Now | |
Standard Measures Lighting HVAC Equipment HVAC VSD NG Water Heaters Showerheads Compressed Air LED Traffic Signals Kitchen Custom Measures Electric & Gas measures not listed as Standard and show 1-7 year payback Non-HVAC VSD Geothermal $0.12 per kWh saved $3.00 per Therm saved Maximum rebate of 75% of total project cost + bonuses PUBLIC SECTOR STANDARD & CUSTOM REBATES Illinois Energy Now | |
5 CFLs Fluorescents LEDs Exit signs Occupancy sensors Air conditioners Heat pumps Chillers Boilers Furnaces Water heaters Variable speed drives Vending machine controls Building automation systems Water treatment aeration systems Pumps Motors Refrigerators Freezers Ovens/broilers Dishwashers Spray valves STANDARD & CUSTOM REBATES FOR HIGH EFFICIENCY EQUIPMENT Illinois Energy Now | |
6 NEW STANDARD REBATE MEASURES Multi-level Light Switching Occupancy Controlled Bi-level Lighting Fixture Demand Controlled Ventilation Solar Light Tubes Compressed Air Low Pressure Drop Filters Compressed Air No-Loss Condensate Drain Interior Induction Lighting Cold Cathode Lighting Kitchen Equipment
7 T-12s: Standard Rebate for all T-12 retrofit and new fixture replacements will be significantly reduced, due to federal energy efficiency standards. LEDs: Exterior LED and induction lighting rebate will likely decrease from current rate of $0.30 per kWh saved to $0.20 per kWh saved. Natural Gas: Custom Rebate rate may be reduced to $2.00 per therm saved. POTENTIAL CHANGES IN FUTURE PROGRAM YEARS Illinois Energy Now | |
8 Illinois Energy Now is an ongoing program beginning June 1 and ending May 31 each year. Funding is distributed on a first-come, first-served basis. April 1, 2015 – Deadline for submitting new Pre-Approval Applications. May 8, 2015 – Deadline for completing projects and submitting Final Applications. KEY DATES TO KEEP IN MIND
10% Sweet Deal Bonus for projects and Final Applications completed by Halloween (10/31/14) 5% Sweet Deal Bonus for projects and Final Applications completed by Valentine’s Day (2/14/15) 15% Partner Bonus for participating in a Partner Program energy assessment or event New! SWEET DEAL AND PARTNER BONUSES
10 Scroll down for more programs! WWW. IL ENERGY NOW.ORG
11 Illinois Energy Now | | DOWNLOADING THE PUBLIC SECTOR STANDARD & CUSTOM APPLICATION Right-click this link and “Save as” to download the application to a folder on your computer. If you can’t open the downloaded PDF, try a different browser.
Illinois Energy Now
“Dusk to Dawn” $1.30 per watts reduced. Assumes: $0.30/kWh*4380 hours per year Controls reducing hours may be eligible under Custom APPLICATION FORM UPDATES: EXTERIOR COLD CATHODE, INDUCTION AND LED “Greater than 4380 hours per year” = $0.30 per kWh reduced. With submission of detailed operating schedule. Parking garages, underground transit. Note: LED fixtures must be listed under Design Lights Consortium (
15 Section 1: Schools must now indicate either "High School" or "Primary School". Section 4: Building Type must be selected from drop-down Lighting Incentive Worksheet 1: New standard measures added, LED traffic signals moved to Equipment Worksheet. Lighting Incentive Worksheet 2: New T8 Fixtures and New T5 Fixtures will be separate standard measures. Lighting Incentive Worksheet 3: New standard incentives for Cold Cathode measures. Lighting Incentive Worksheet 4: Standard incentives for Induction measures. Lighting Incentive Worksheet 5: Standard incentives for LED measures APPLICATION FORM UPDATES Illinois Energy Now | |
16 HVAC Incentive Worksheet 1: New standard measure added for Demand Control Ventilation Equipment Incentive Worksheet 1: Non-HVAC VSD moved to Custom Incentive Program (HVAC VSD still Standard) Equipment Incentive Worksheet 2: updated water heater energy efficiency terminology, added 2 new measures for compressed air systems Equipment Incentive Worksheet 2: moved LED traffic signals here APPLICATION FORM UPDATES Illinois Energy Now | |
17 Good News: Program is funded and Notices to Proceeds are being issued. Issues: Program savings DCEO reports must align with the Energy Efficiency Technical Resource Manual (TRM). Delayed posting of Guidelines. New Database - slowed new application review and approval. Thank you for your patience while we continue to improve the programs ILLINOIS ENERGY NOW NEWS