Doing the Right Thing in Clinton, Arkansas! Capacity Building for Secondary Transition at the Local Level Deborah Swink Special Education Director Clinton School District
Located in rural North Central Arkansas ADM of 1350 in Grades K- 12 Child Count of 204 (approximately 15%) Recent economic down turn in community –Loss of Pilgrim’s Pride Chicken Plant –F-4 Tornado in 2008 devastated area 70% free & reduced lunch 94.9 % attendance rate
Clinton JR High/High School October 1, 2009 enrollment: 636 (7-12) 100% graduation rate (students with disabilities ( ) Met Target on APR 6.86% drop-out rate ( ) Did Not Meet State target of 4.28% on APR Data shows significant difference in students who scored proficient in Math & Literacy when comparing combined population with subgroups
Why Build Capacity? Have identified significant barriers to effective transition planning & linkages: –Rural community necessitates increased communication among school, students, and parents regarding post-school options –Limited local resources require a coordinated effort among school & community/State agencies –Focus on more rigorous academic curricula in special education settings results in need for more supports around the transition process
Capacity: Where to Begin Administrative Responsibility –Garner support at all levels: building, district, school board, community –Communicate effectively: do your homework! Support network at every level needs to clearly understand the need for capacity building –Plan for funding. How will you support your plan to build capacity? How will you sustain it for the future? Is there a way to blend school & community/agency resources?
Our Priorities Implementation of Check & Connect Program Focus on meaningful transition assessments Support of special education staff members Formation of student leadership teams Planning a local career fest and agency fair
Priority 1: Check & Connect Taxonomy area: Transition Education and Services Focus- Student Focused Planning Capacity Building Strategy: Training and Collaboration to expand Check and Connect program into schools Goal: To implement Check & Connect program to improve student academic performance, school attendance and ultimately post school outcomes
Check & Connect Activities during school year: Employed Drop-out Prevention Specialist Trained local and State personnel Set protocol for program: letters to parents, contracts with students, data collection Began implementation of program for all 9 th graders and students w/disabilities in Preliminary evaluation of program to begin
Expected Outcomes Decrease in drop-out rate Increase in attendance Improvement in grades and benchmark tests Increase in credit accrual Better communication between home and school Increase in student motivation Better problem-solving strategies
Priority 2: Transition Assessments Taxonomy area: Transition Education and Services Focus- Student Focused Planning Capacity Building Strategy: Employed part time counselor to coordinate transition assessment process Goal: Collect age-appropriate transition assessment information (academic, cognitive, career/occupational, adaptive behavior)
Transition Assessments Activities during school year: Hired part time local transition coordinator Surveyed special education staff members Updated library of transition materials and assessments Began administration of assessments Coordinated with ATRS counselor for student supports On-site visits to potential colleges/schools
Priority 3: Support of Staff Members Training and Support Opportunities Local annual transition retreat in December Access to State consultant & local transition coordinator (onsite) Building a network of supports: sbmh services, agency partnerships, access to State resources and events Access to professional development related to transition
Training Opportunities Transitions Class: Getting Started Training Person Centered Planning Cadre Meetings College Bound Arkansas Local Transition Retreat Regional Agency Fests
Priority 4: Student Leadership Teams Taxonomy area: Transition Education and Services Focus- Student Focused Planning Capacity Building Strategy: Increase student participation and leadership skills Goal: To establish a Youth Leadership Team to build student self advocacy skills and disability awareness
Student Leadership Teams Capacity Building Activities Recruited and trained adult sponsor Recruited and trained students for participation for Leadership Team –16 students in Grades 9-12 –Named group L.A.W. (Leaders at Work) –Elected officers –Meet during lunch/electives
Expected Outcomes Student Leadership Teams: Increased student self-advocacy skills Increased Disability Awareness Presentation at Transition Summit Replication of student teams across the state
Priority 5: Local Career Fair Taxonomy area: Transition Education and Services Focus- Student Focused Planning Capacity Building Strategy: Collaboration among three school districts in Van Buren County to hold regional career fair and agency fest Goal: to provide students with information regarding employment skills, career and vocational opportunities, and support services
Career Fair Capacity Building Activities Begin planning activities with counselors from 3 school districts in Van Buren County Collaborate with State transition consultant for planning and implementation of Career fair and agency fest Hold 1st annual career fair Spring 2011
Our Forms & Letters….
Check & Connect Agreement For Success Contract Student Name___________________ Student ID#______________ Grade________________________ Date_____________________ I will have no unexcused absences I will be in class on time, no tardies I will do my work as assigned by my teachers I will participate positively in school and take responsibility for my actions I will stay out of ISS and OSS I will not get into trouble of any kind If I meet all the above conditions there will be a reward at the end of each 9 weeks and if I stay out of trouble, there will be a big reward at the end of school. End of Year Reward___________________________________________ I understand that Mr. Smith will provide me with support and assistance as I need it and that my parents will be contacted and made aware of this agreement. I understand that if I fail to meet any of the above conditions, my parents will be called in for a meeting and I will not get the End of Year Reward. __________________________________ _________ Students Signature Date _________________________________ ___________ Parent Signature Date ________________________________ ____________ Check & Connect Signature Date
CHECK & CONNECT 683 POPLAR ST. CLINTON, AR OCTOBER 9TH, 2009 Dear Parents, My name is David Smith and I work with a new program called Check & Connect. Check & Connect is a program that will help you child have good school year, and be more successful in school. The program encourages students to use problem solving strategies, complete schoolwork, and participate in school activities. Check and Connect is open to any 9 th -12 th grade student who has excessive absenteeism, failing any class, who is having trouble with their behavior, or just needs a little extra push. We feel that the Check & Connect Support Program will make an excellent contribution to the quality of education in our school. I am sending you this permission slip so you can go ahead and sign your child up if you wish. Thank you for your cooperation and time. If you have any questions call me at or me a Thank you, David Smith th Check & Connect Dropout Prevention
Dear Special Ed. Teachers, This is a list of guide lines for students that are considered a high risk of dropping out of school. If you have any students 9 th - 12 th that fit one or more of these guide lines please fill out a referral for the Check & Connect program. Thank you, David Smith Check & Connect Dropout Prevention 5 or more tardies per month Skipping- 3 or more times per month Behavior referrals- 3 or more per month Detention-4 or more times per month ISS- 4 or more times per month OSS- 2 or more times per month Failing 2 or more subjects Behind in credits
Questions? You Can Contact Me At…… Deb Swink Clinton School District 683 Poplar St Clinton, AR Ph: Fax: