War! What Is It Good For? A Social Studies WebQuest for 7th Grade By: Sharon Gibson, Media Specialist Statesville Middle School
TASK PROCESS RESOURCES EVALUATION CONCLUSION INTRO Essential Question Question… What are the causes and effects of war on areas of the Middle East? Who’s right? Who’s Wrong?
TASK PROCESS RESOURCES EVALUATION CONCLUSION INTROOrganizers Click link for the graphic organizer for your notes. You will need one sheet for each resource. –Notes OrganizerNotes Organizer
TASK PROCESS RESOURCES EVALUATION CONCLUSION INTROIntroduction A small child squats in the middle of the street next to her dead mother. As gunfire increases to a deafening roar, the child’s screams go unheard. This is not a movie set, but a real life situation in many countries of the Middle East. Complete this WebQuest to discover why countries in this area of the world are often in conflict with each other and/or other countries. Will there ever by peace in the Middle-East?
TASK PROCESS RESOURCES EVALUATION CONCLUSION INTROTask A World Peace Summit requires you to attend and join a team to come up with a solution to one of the conflicts of the Middle East (Southwest Asia and South Asia). Each team of four students will assume a role. You will research a conflict from the viewpoint of your role. Using your understanding of the issues, help your team put together a multi-media presentation to present at the upcoming World Peace Summit. After researching and presenting the major issues from the perspective of your role to team members, together you must work together to find a resolution to the conflict. Use the media blog page to post comments with other teams. Present your final product in a PhotoStory or PowerPoint. Include each viewpoint and present the peace proposal your team created. Be sure to show how each country will benefit from your proposal. Big6 components Step 1 – Task Definition (identify the task)
TASK PROCESS RESOURCES EVALUATION CONCLUSION INTROProcess Your group will research one of the following conflicts: Iraq Gaza Strip Afghanistan Your team will consists of two world leaders, each taking on a different viewpoint of the conflict, and two impartial representatives to help resolve the conflict and gather facts, statistics, and pictures. Big6 components Step 1 – Task Definition (identify the task)
TASK PROCESS RESOURCES EVALUATION CONCLUSION INTROResources Use the arrow buttons to page through the lists of resources and find the conflict your team has chosen. In addition to links in this WebQuest, use other library resources (library books, magazines, and ncwiseowl.org) to add to your information. Follow all copyright and fair use policies when collecting pictures/information for your project. Location & Access-find the source, find information within the source. ( Big6 Step 3)
TASK PROCESS RESOURCES EVALUATION CONCLUSION INTRO War in Iraq Cons to the war in Iraq!Iraq Why we fight and why we shouldn’t fight Iraq!Iraq Why we shouldn’t go to war with Iraq! Iraq Top ten reasons US should not be in Iraq!Iraq Why we shouldn’t have invaded Iraq! Iraq Reasons we should leave Iraq!Iraq Why we should leave Iraq!Iraq Video We should not have started the Iraqi War! Iraqi War Pros to the war in Iraq!Iraq What should we do about Iraq!Iraq Why we invaded Iraq!Iraq 2003 invasion of Iraq!Iraq Why we must stay in Iraq!Iraq Reason for war: Things you might have forgotten about Iraq! Iraq Why go to war in Iraq!Iraq Video Fighting in Iraq: A Regional Powerplay Relates to Big6 strategies Step 2 - Information Seeking Step 3 - Location & Access Post comment to blog
TASK PROCESS RESOURCES EVALUATION CONCLUSION INTRO Gaza Strip History behind Israel’s Gaza Offensive! Gaza Why are they fighting on the Gaza Strip?Gaza Pros and Cons of fighting in Gaza!Gaza An Israeli Viewpoint of Gaza Strip! Gaza Fighting in Gaza overwhelms medical system!Gaza Protester Rally against fighting in Gaza!Gaza Pros and Cons of fighting in Gaza!Gaza Relates to Big6 strategies Step 2 - Information Seeking Step 3 - Location & Access Post comment to blog
TASK PROCESS RESOURCES EVALUATION CONCLUSION INTROAfghanistan Viewpoint: The way forward in AfghanistanAfghanistan Afghanistan: Partners in TimeAfghanistan Reason for fighting in Afghanistan Afghanistan Who is Osama Bin Laden? Laden When Mosque and State MergeMosque US Fighting the wrong War War Who are the Taliban?Taliban Taliban Ambassador: ViewpointTaliban Viewpoint: Between Stone Relics and 20 years of SufferingSuffering Analysis: Who are the Taliban? Taliban Relates to Big6 strategies Step 2 - Information Seeking Step 3 - Location & Access Post comment to blog
TASK PROCESS RESOURCES EVALUATION CONCLUSION INTROEvaluation Your evaluation will be based on a rubric and your note organizers. –Rubric 80 pts. –Organizers 10 pts. –Participation in Blog 10 pts. Rubric Relates to Evaluation component. (Big6 Step 6)
TASK PROCESS RESOURCES EVALUATION CONCLUSION INTRO Evaluation Rubric PowerPoint RubricRubric PhotoStory RubricRubric Video Broadcast RubricRubric
TASK PROCESS RESOURCES EVALUATION CONCLUSION INTROConclusion Conflicts in the Middle East have been continuous throughout history. –What is the most important thing you have learned from your research? –Do you think we will resolve the reasons for these conflicts within your lifetime?