Taking Our Core Instructional Model to a New Level Through RtI
2 Iredell County total population 146,384 Iredell-Statesville Schools student population 21, 333 teacher population 1, 270
4 Our Mission Iredell-Statesville Schools will rigorously challenge all students to achieve their academic potential and to lead productive and rewarding lives. We will achieve this mission with the support of parents, staff, and the community. Our Vision A school system committed to improving student learning by igniting a passion for learning. Our Values Student and learning focus Motivated faculty and staff Partnerships and teamwork Continuous improvement focus Management by fact Results focus High ethical standards
5 District School Classroom Student Interlocking plans connect the work at all levels of the system…
6 …and provide SYNERGY! Great organizations “row as one;” they are quite clearly in the same boat, pulling in the same direction in unison.There is a palpable sense of “we.” - Lickona and Davis 2006
7 Common Core/ Essential Standards Collaborative Teams Formative Assessments Learning Centered 1.What do students need to know? 2.How will they learn it? 3.How will we know they’ve learned it? 4.What will we do if they don’t learn it? 5.What will we do if they already know it? Mission, Vision, and ValuesData-driven Decision-making PDSAAligned Strategic Plans Instructional Facilitator Support
8 Instructional Facilitators… Coach and support teachers through modeling in classrooms Support PLC teams Help facilitate data-driven decision making Help facilitate professional development Lead teams during Curriculum Review Week Support the vision of their school’s Leadership Collaborate with Compass Team members to support implementation of RtI
9 Common Core/ Essential Standards Collaborative Teams Formative Assessments Learning Centered 1.What do students need to know? 2.How will they learn it? 3.How will we know they’ve learned it? 4.What will we do if they don’t learn it? 5.What will we do if they already know it? Mission, Vision, and ValuesData-driven Decision-making PDSAAligned Strategic Plans Instructional Facilitator Support
10 Common Core/Essential Standards New standards in every subject area, every grade level implemented this year Lesson plans created by our teachers online Early Release Professional Development – providing 3 job-alike days Curriculum Review Week Math and Reading Foundations AMP – support for Integrated Math teachers Innovation Showcase
11 Common Core/ Essential Standards Collaborative Teams Formative Assessments Learning Centered Mission, Vision, and ValuesData-driven Decision-making PDSAAligned Strategic Plans 1.What do students need to know? 2.How will they learn it? 3.How will we know they’ve learned it? 4.What will we do if they don’t learn it? 5.What will we do if they already know it? Instructional Facilitator Support
12 Effective Assessment = Student Success! It is not the assessment itself, it’s how you use the results! Formative Assessment: What learning comes next for this student at this point in time? Benchmark Assessment: How are students progressing? How well is this program working? Summative Assessment: How are schools and district progressing? How is the state progressing?
13 With new standards, comes the need for new, aligned assessments… Math – moving beyond rote computation and memorizing formulas to problem solving approach Other content areas- students will need to explain their thinking, justify their reasoning, and use text-based evidence to answer questions
14 Common Core/ Essential Standards Collaborative Teams Formative Assessments Learning Centered 1.What do students need to know? 2.How will they learn it? 3.How will we know they’ve learned it? 4.What will we do if they don’t learn it? 5.What will we do if they already know it? Mission, Vision, and ValuesData-driven Decision-making PDSAAligned Strategic Plans Instructional Facilitator Support
15 PLC Share- (Q #1 & 2) Plan- (Q #1 & 2) Assess- (Q #3) Score- (Q #3) Analyze- (Q #4 & 5) With support from IF & Admin.
16 Matrix to Guide the Work of PLCs
17 Common Core/ Essential Standards Collaborative Teams Formative Assessments Learning Centered 1.What do students need to know? 2.How will they learn it? 3.How will we know they’ve learned it? 4.What will we do if they don’t learn it? 5.What will we do if they already know it? Mission, Vision, and ValuesData-driven Decision-making PDSAAligned Strategic Plans Instructional Facilitator Support
18 Plan (Learning targets from CCSS/ES) Start/End Date Tied to standards Do (HYIS/ Criteria for Success) Learning Focused Voice and Choice Empowerment Study Graph data with dates Data Analysis Act Plus/Delta (feedback on instruction/ reflect on the data)
19 Strategic Learning Goal Strategic Learning Results (Benchmark Assessments, Common Assessments) Class/Course/ Program Mission PLAN What do we need to learn? DO How will we learn it? ACT What will we do if we don’t learn it? What will we do if we’ve already learned it? STUDY How will we know we’ve learned it?
20 It’s also NCDPI’s formative assessment model…
25 7 Step 7 Analysis of the Intervention Plan make a team decision on the effectiveness of the intervention 1 Step 1 Define the Problem Develop a behavioral (observable) definition of problem 2 Step 2 Develop an Assessment Plan Generate a hypothesis and assessment questions related to the problem 3 Step 3 Analysis of the Assessment Plan Determine if problem is correctly defined 4 Step 4 Generate a Goal Statement Specific Description of the changes expected in student behavior 5 Step 5 Develop an Intervention Plan Base interventions on best practices and research- proven strategies 6 Step 6 Implement the Intervention Plan Provide strategies, materials, and resources: include progress monitoring Data
26 Learning Centered 1. What do students need to know? 2. How will they learn it? 3. How will you know they’ve learned it? 4. What will we do if they don’t learn it? 5. What will we do if they already know it? Formative Assessments Common Core/ Essential Standards Collaborative Teams Mission, Vision, and Values Data—driven Decision—making PDSA Aligned Strategic Plans Aimsweb, Reading 3D and other Diagnostic assessments, progress monitoring PLCs work together to problem solve & discuss intervention strategies All students receive core instruction- differentiated to meet their needs The RtI model is a PDSA, problem-solving process Using data to make instructional decisions about students in the RtI process ISS Model & RtI Instructional Facilitator
27 Layering of Support Differentiated Core Supplemental Support Intensive Support 27
28 NC DPI Definition of RtI “NC Responsiveness to Instruction (NCRtI) is a multi- tiered framework which promotes school improvement through engaging, high quality instruction by using a team approach to guide educational practices, using a problem solving model based on data to address student needs and maximize growth for all.” As we train schools, we emphasize the aspects of RtI that are already part of our way of working in I- SS through the use of PDSA.
29 “If you teach the same curriculum, to all students, at the same time, at the same rate, using the same materials, with the same instructional methods, with the same expectations for performance and grade on a curve you have fertile ground for growing special education.” Gary Germann, 2003
30 What is RtI? Framework that focuses on: –Appropriate, targeted instruction (Plan) –Researched-based teaching strategies (Do) –Early intervention (Study) –Accurate assessment with valid, reliable data (Study) –Frequent progress monitoring (Study) –Informed instructional decisions (Act)
31 Focus on the Core – Year 1 is Tier 1 “RtI has caused us to look at our CORE instruction and make sure we differentiate for varying abilities while using small focused groups to make sure all students are mastering specific objectives that week.” Steve Sheets
32 Troutman Elementary In first year of implementation, TES completely eliminated separate pull out time for intervention/enrichment and focused solely on strong core instruction. Leadership vision and collaboration were key elements of the schools’ success. TES had the highest growth overall out of 17 elementary schools.
33 Universal Screening has been completed at all Pilot Schools. All hands on deck approach (I3 Team, C & I Team, Leadership Academy, IF Core, Inst. Technology Spec., Finance, Child Nutrition, Superintendent, Human Resources, Maintenance, A-team Chairs, classroom teachers, school administrators) Effective Scheduling Progress Monitoring “We are using our screening data to identify students who need extra help in the classroom and at other times during the day to help them get on grade level.” Jonathan Ribbeck, Principal Celeste Henkel
36 Skill Specific Strategies
37 i3 grant-level Collaboration Collaborative Organizational Model to Promote Aligned Support Structures The “Model” includes: 1.Common/Aligned Professional Development of Support Structures 2.Support to schools provided by Support Structures
38 Four “Support Structures” 1.Exceptional Children Program Specialists 2.Instructional Facilitators 3.Instructional Technology Coordinators 4.Responsiveness to Instruction (RtI) Coordinators/A-team Chairs Two Focus Areas: 1.RtI 2.PLCs Grant Goals: 1.Effective Teachers 2.Academic Success of high-need students 3.Academic Success of EC and ELL students
39 Structure/Content: Differentiated
40 Kelly Cooper Executive Director of Middle Grades Education & RtI Sherrard Lewis Project Director of the C.O.M.P.A.S.S./i3 grant Allison Kiser Director of Curriculum Support for Secondary Kim Rector Director of Curriculum Support for Elementary