Awareness Session June 2010 Growing Success Assessment, evaluation and reporting in Ontario schools Awareness Session June 2010
Growing Success: Assessment, Evaluation and Reporting in Ontario's Schools, First Edition Covering Grades 1 to 12 A. Overview and Opening Messages Over the last few years, the Ministry of Education has been working on AER policies and practices. During this time we’ve used board created handbooks and documents to support AER K-8 and 9-12. Beginning in September 2010, assessment, evaluation, and reporting in Ontario schools, covering grades 1-12, will be based on the policies and practices described in this document. The Ontario government is committed to enabling all students to reach their potential, and to succeed. Our challenge is that every student is unique and each must have opportunities to achieve success according to his or her own interests, abilities, and goals. We have defined high expectations and standards for graduation, while introducing a range of options that allow students to learn in ways that suit them best and enable them to earn their diplomas.
Growing Success: Assessment, Evaluation and Reporting in Ontario's Schools, First Edition Covering Grades 1 to 12 B. Graphic Overview K-12 Provide overview of each chapter.
Growing Success: Assessment, Evaluation and Reporting in Ontario's Schools, First Edition Covering Grades 1 to 12 C. Chapter 4 - Assessment for Learning and as Learning Reflection Activity Reflection activity
Growing Success: Assessment, Evaluation and Reporting in Ontario's Schools, First Edition Covering Grades 1 to 12 D. Chapter 7 Students with Special Needs/Chapter 8 English Language Learners “What’s New?”
E. New Reporting Templates and What’s Ahead Growing Success: Assessment, Evaluation and Reporting in Ontario's Schools, First Edition Covering Grades 1 to 12 E. New Reporting Templates and What’s Ahead Elementary Schools Elementary Progress Report Ministry timeline October 20 and November 20 no marks, just indicators of how the student is progressing to date assessment of learning skills and work habits anecdotal, collaborative comment for multiple subjects Elementary Provincial Report Card First sent home between January 20 and February 20 Second towards the end of June
Introducing the Elementary Progress Report Board space to communicate district improvement plans etc. Introducing the Elementary Progress Report Learning Skills assessment and anecdotal comment to be completed by homeroom teacher. Grades 1-6: Pages 98-99 Grades 7-8: Pages 110-111
Subject teachers report on progress to date through three categories: Progressing With Difficulty Progressing Well Progressing Very Well Grades 1-6: Page 99
Board space to communicate district improvement plans etc. Learning Skills and Work Habits – letter symbols and comments. Grades 1-6: Pages 98-99 Grades 7-8: Pages 110-111 Board Designated Space
New 4 page Provincial Report Card. 4 strands of Language IEP checkboxes now at the strand level 3 strands of French Core, Immersion and Extended checkboxes Native Language appears on all report cards, even if the subject is not taught. N/A checkbox available for strands not reported on in a particular term. Grades 1-6: Pages 102-105 Grades 7-8: Pages 114-117 Learning Skills and Work Habits – letter symbols and comments are now located on page one. New 4 page Provincial Report Card. Twice per year.
Page 3 Page 4 Health and Phys Ed now assessed separately, Grades 7 & 8 – History + Geography, one comment box Health and Phys Ed now assessed separately, One comment box. Drama and Dance now assessed separately, 4 strands of the Arts One comment box. Reduced to 1 optional box
Secondary Provincial Report Card Checkbox for courses that are a part of the Specialist High Skills Major program Begins on page 122.
Other reporting considerations Growing Success: Assessment, Evaluation and Reporting in Ontario's Schools, First Edition Covering Grades 1 to 12 Growing Success Other reporting considerations Secondary Early Progress Report currently completed in Maplewood, although each school is unique
Alignment with Growing Success for K-12 consistency Report on the 6 new Learning Skills and Work Habits
Other reporting considerations Growing Success: Assessment, Evaluation and Reporting in Ontario's Schools, First Edition Covering Grades 1 to 12 Growing Success Other reporting considerations Elementary Alternative Report Card Currently in Word, WordPerfect and Adobe format. Now piloting to bring Alternative Reports into Maplewood. Pilot June 2010
Alternative Report Card
Other reporting considerations Growing Success: Assessment, Evaluation and Reporting in Ontario's Schools, First Edition Covering Grades 1 to 12 Growing Success Other reporting considerations JK/SK Report Cards The format of JK / SK report cards will not change this year. It is expected the ministry will standardize JK/SK report cards next year.