Heroes - Text and Hypertext: Transatlantic video-conferencing with VLE support: Innovative e-learning technologies enhancing undergraduate skill acquisition Orla Murphy and Carrie Griffin University College Cork, Ireland
Context: Why redesign an existing course? Humanities undergraduate course Focus on textual transmission through the ages Collaborative Issues raised at an international conference MBSR Parallel issues between medieval textual scholarship and modern digital scholarship identified
Participation English literature course theorising textual transmission from oral to print cultures International collaboration with Prof. Martha Driver at Pace U, NY and “Beowulf to Lear: Text, Image and Hypertext” Participation achieved via the Blackboard VLE and videoconferencing
Course Delivery Common texts read Groups met separately Discussion document issued on Blackboard Video conference held Web page
Assessment VLE discussion threads Essay and presentation Course website designed by students incorporating student content
Conclusions An e-learning environment was created that was supportive, innovative and encouraging for the School of English Students enhanced their digital skills within a content driven humanities environment Creating a web page was a practical contemporary example of textual transmission, and an enhanced learning experience for students