August 2008 Teacher Contact Inservice Teachers, welcome back from summer break! IMPORTANT: Make sure you print out a copy of an Inservice Form and sign it so you can receive you MIP points for this session. Once this has been signed by all participants at your site, send it to Bill Zwicker, Instructional Technology Department at the administrative center
August 2008 Teacher Contact Inservice How eSembler Building Administrator May Want To Utilize This PowerPoint It is recommended that each eSembler Building Administrator should review this document, review its content and edit it for school, and then go over it with their staff at a faculty meeting. All teachers should be inserviced on the following: “Main Information for All Teachers”; “New Features for school year”, and “Features Useful for Many Teachers”. New teachers should be inserviced in the above plus “Details for New Teachers”. At a very minimum, the content should be reviewed, edited, and then forwarded to your staff.
Agenda Introductions Teacher Section Important Review for All Teachers (getting help, log in, print roster) New Features for school year Features Useful for Many Teachers Features You Should Be Aware Of In Case Someone Asks Parent/Student Access (secondary only) Grade Reporting Procedures for Office Staff Attendance Procedures for Office Staff Questions/Answers Details for New Teachers and optional Review for Existing Staff (veteran eSembler admin staff do not need to stay but are welcome to do so). I am also available to assist you either on the telephone or coming to your school for one- on-one assistance. All you have to do is ask!
August 2008 Teacher Contact Inservice
Click here if you need help. Emphasize this to all of your teachers. Basic Review for All Teachers (getting help, log in, print roster)
August 2008 Teacher Contact Inservice Scroll down to see the ‘Teachers’, ‘Administrators and Counselors’, ‘Attendance’, and ‘eSembler School Administrators’ sections. Basic Review for All Teachers (getting help, log in, print roster)
August 2008 Teacher Contact Inservice Basics-eSembler Help Click here to get help with the program documentation from eSembler. It is well indexed, has a search feature, and very easy to use. Teachers have complained in the surveys that there is no written documentation. This manual is over 200 pages long. I don’t recommend that anyone prints it. Basic Review for All Teachers (getting help, log in, print roster)
Teachers’ Documentation Especially notice: 2a Login and roster 2b Assignments 2c Entering grades 2d Attendance 2i Combine classes 2j Splitting classes 2k Team teaching Elementary may be able to take advantage of #18 Split/Combine/Team Teach for Grade Level Grouping Basic Review for All Teachers (getting help, log in, print roster)
We will now open and review the log in procedures and printing a class roster All other features will be covered later in this PowerPoint. Once we get to that point, new administrators should stay and view these basic features whereas the veteran administrators may elect to leave. Basic Review for All Teachers (getting help, log in, print roster)
August 2008 Teacher Contact Inservice Basics-Login Hyperlinked Click anywhere on this page go to the CCPS Login Page. We will leave this PowerPoint for a few minutes to go over some on-line documentation.
August 2008 Teacher Contact Inservice
New features for August School Year Pay Close Attention To This One – Pertains to ALL TEACHERS! [Assignments]- There is a new assignment grading method: Teachers may enter the total number of assignment questions within the Add Assignment tool. Upon entering that information, the grading method will allow teachers to enter the total number of correct answers for the assignment in question. Upon entering the total number of questions, the student’s average will reflect the appropriate grade based on the total # of correct answers divided by the total number of questions. For the Grade Individual Student and the Grade Individual Assignment screens, the Score column heading has been changed to Correct when the new grading method has been enabled.
New features for August School Year Pay Close Attention To This One – Pertains to ALL TEACHERS! An entry in the Questions: box will indicate that the user will be entering the number of total questions answered correctly instead of the percent correct.
New features for August School Year Pay Close Attention To This One – Pertains to ALL TEACHERS! [REPORTS] On many screens, if the teacher views PREFERENCES and puts a check in the appropriate attributes option then the teacher can view various student information such as FCAT scores, ELL and/or PMP (if applicable), and GPA’s for high school students. Once this information is viewed, the teacher should then go to the Data Warehouse for detailed information and student history.
New features for August School Year Pay Close Attention To This One – Pertains to ALL TEACHERS! [Grade/Grade All Screen] If the background of a cell is green or red then that means that the student was absent on the day that the assignment was due. Red means unexcused, green excused. If this color coding is not wanted, click PREFERENCES and then uncheck ABSENCES and then click SAVE.
New features for August School Year Pertains to ALL ELEMENTARY TEACHERS! [SUBMIT GRADES] – Grades K-5 teachers now may enter up to 320 characters for their comments in ONE text box instead of six 60 character boxes. This will make copying and pasting much easier!
New features for August School Year Pertains to ALL ELEMENTARY TEACHERS! [MINIMUM SCORE] Due to a change in District Policy, teachers in any elementary class should never enter a score of less than 50% when using the numeric grading scale. That means that if an assignment is worth 60 points, the minimum any student can receive is 30 points.
New features for August School Year if desired, modify or delete for teacher training [Assignments]- When assignments are cloned, any attachments or standards that are associated with an assignment are also cloned. [Classes]- Team teaching teacher names will now display on team taught classes. This information is only for teachers who are not listed as the official teacher of a specific class. In cases where the originating teacher is seeing this information, the teacher name is not displayed-ony the [TEAM] designation is present.
New features for August School Year if desired, modify or delete for teacher training [Export]- Inactive Students: Inactive Students are no longer present in the Export Roster or Export Student Profile tools. [GENERAL] – Access Log, Assignments (Audit) report, and Submit Grades Audit report have been moved under a report heading called Audit. If you haven’t seen this, you ought to check it out. This is impressive (at least to me it is). [REPORTS] – Access Log now lists whether each login attempt succeeded, failed, or was blocked
New features for August School Year if desired, modify or delete for teacher training [ASSIGNMENTS] – Assignments can be exported from last year’s grade book and imported into this year’s grade book. Idea: Log into last year’s gradebook, export your assignments, and import them into this year’s gradebook. If you are wondering about how the dates will be moved, the dates move automatically. So if the assignment date was 10 days into the 2nd grading period, it moves 10 days in on the new school year 2nd grading period.
New features for August School Year if desired, modify or delete for teacher training [NEW FEATURE] – Submit Grades Audit Report will display information including the grading period, date and time of action, and the action (save, submit, retrieve) relating to the Submit Grades screen.
August 2008 Teacher Contact Inservice
As of last February, teachers can now split/combine/team in many different ways. This is especially useful in elementary schools that share students among teams. Let me know if you would like more information or have me inservice your staff. High School and Middle School staff should be careful they don’t combine classes among different periods. Did you ever hear of Angel? It is used by many college and universities. We piloted it last year at a few schools and it was a great success. We now have an adequate number of licenses so that any school or teacher can use Angel beginning now. Why am I mentioning this? Because any combining/splitting of classes in eSembler will also be seen in Angel. if desired, modify or delete for teacher training
August 2008 Teacher Contact Inservice Don’t forget to remind your teachers that if they want to split/combine/team teach, they should do it asap. Once they enter grades, this process becomes more difficult. if desired, modify or delete for teacher training
August 2008 Teacher Contact Inservice An unlimited number of files can be attached to any assignment and can be accessed/downloaded from the student Summary Report. How does this benefit teachers?: Teachers can add PowerPoint files, Word Documents, Pictures, etc. to student assignments. if desired, modify or delete for teacher training
August 2008 Teacher Contact Inservice Public vs. Private Comments if desired, modify or delete for teacher training Public Comments: (These comments can be viewed on the Student Summary Report by students and parents unless marked Private) Assignment Attendance Discipline Event General Parent Contact Phone Progress Notice Private Comments: (This comment cannot be viewed by students and parents on the Student Summary Report even if the teacher does not mark it Private) Personal Additional information regarding Comments can be found by clicking HELP on any eSembler screen and typing “Comments” in the search box.
August 2008 Teacher Contact Inservice Add a Comment 1. Click ‘Tools’ 2. Click ‘Comments’ 3. Click Add Comment Or 3. Click Templates to edit or create a template 3. (optional) Click ‘Templates’ to edit or create a template 4. Click ‘Add Comment‘
August 2008 Teacher Contact Inservice Screen shot of adding a comment Apply to All Students or control-click for multiple students. Be sure to click PRIVATE if you don’t want parents or students to view your comment. Optional: You can choose a template or just type your comment in the space provided.
August 2008 Teacher Contact Inservice Steps in adding a Comment if desired, modify or delete for teacher training Steps to add a comment: Click the TOOLS menu Click COMMENTS Click ADD COMMENT Choose the comment Type (parents and students can view all except Personal or those marked Private) Choose all students, one student, or control-click to choose multiple students.
August 2008 Teacher Contact Inservice Multiple Language Support if desired, modify or delete for teacher training eSembler now can be viewed in Spanish and Creole.
August 2008 Teacher Contact Inservice Digital Locker if desired, modify or delete for teacher training Teachers can save and distribute files using a Digital Locker 1. Click ‘Tools’ 2. Click ‘Digital Locker’ 3. Click ‘Add File’ Or Edit/Delete the existing files
August 2008 Teacher Contact Inservice CPS eInstruction ‘Clicker’ Support eSembler has been modified to include support for the Classroom Performance System (CPS) product called eInstruction. For more information on this feature, go to the eSembler login page click the hot link under HOW DO I DO THAT? scroll down to the Teachers section click on #17 “Integrating eInstruction “Clickers” with eSembler”
August 2008 Teacher Contact Inservice Online Resources Online Resources: Located under the Tools menu, this feature allows teachers to designate a name, description, and URL for resources related to one or more classes. Details: Using the Add Resource option found under the Online Resources tool, teachers may designate the name of the resource, the resource description, and the URL related to the resource. Information entered via this tool appears on the Summary report under a new table labeled Online Resources.
August 2008 Teacher Contact Inservice Teacher Header/Footer Information in the Student Summary Report Teachers can add information that will appear in the header and/or footer of the Student Summary report. Details: Teachers can use the Add Content tool within the summary report and define header and footer text. To use this tool, you must be actually viewing a student summary report and then click the Add Content button. This feature enables teachers to give class specific information to parents and students such as “Welcome to My Class”. To you techies: HTML is not supported.
August 2008 Teacher Contact Inservice Student Summary Reports Changed to show override scores and retakes eSembler has been modified to display the original score, all retakes, and override scores on the Summary report. (Only teachers allowing students to redo assignments or overriding grades need to be made aware of this feature) Details: The top score will represent the score used to calculate the student average. Below that score, all previous scores will also be displayed. However, each previous score will be represented with a strike-through to indicate that the score is not currently included.
August 2008 Teacher Contact Inservice
Reminders of features that you should be aware of in case someone asks – (Modify for training) Ways to see more information on your screen: does full screen. Some teachers like this hint the best of all x 768 Resolution is much better than 800x600 When schedules change, don’t forget we now have figured out a way to copy grades from teacher to teacher. (see documentation for details) When a student withdraws, don’t forget to go to PREFERENCES and make sure VIEW INACTIVE is selected to see their grades Don’t forget about the REPLACE shortcut when entering similar scores What report shows all marking period grades given to all of the teacher’s students? Answer: VERIFICATION What report shows all marking period grades given to students by all of their teachers? In other words, this report is similar to seeing all of the students’ report cards. Answer: UIL ELIGIBILITY
August 2008 Teacher Contact Inservice Reminders of features that you should be aware of in case someone asks – (Modify for training) The Assignments (Audit) report displays audit trail information for all grade changes. Upon selecting an assignment, information displayed includes the student name, all scores entered, the date and time each score was entered, as well as which user entered the score. This audit information is never removed, even when assignments are deleted! When a teacher asks if there is any backup for the grades they just accidentally deleted, tell them to open the class and select the following: REPORTS > ASSIGNMENTS > ASSIGNMENTS(AUDIT) They may want to buy you lunch! This report is a life-saver when a teacher deletes their grades accidentally
August 2008 Teacher Contact Inservice Reminders of features that you should be aware of in case someone asks – (Modify for training) Report: Schedules (School) that allows teachers to view schedules for any student at the campus where the selected class is located.
August 2008 Teacher Contact Inservice Reminders of features that you should be aware of in case someone asks (elementary school only) – (Modify for training) Dynamic remarks and progress indicators: The dynamic nature of reading level, progress indicators, and some other information will apply to progress period, then grading period, then progress period, etc. Elementary teachers will love this feature. What this means is that once a teacher selects a level, such as above grade level, the program will remember their choice and will be the default for the next marking period. IMPORTANT: Make sure that all elementary teachers carefully monitor their selections. This feature is being piloted and may be rescinded if inaccurate reporting is suspected of being a result of these defaults.
August 2008 Teacher Contact Inservice New Features (Modify for training) Click HELP, then Checklists to get this screen on your computer. Additional help is available there.
August 2008 Teacher Contact Inservice These options are what were chosen to create a textbook checklist. Issuance was checked to get the pull-down menus. Text Field was checked so the book number could be typed into the form. This screen is what will be seen when NEW CHECKLIST is clicked. Checklists - optional for teacher training
August 2008 Teacher Contact Inservice This is the screen you will see when you click TOOLS then CHECKLISTS. VIEW – allows user to see the information and print out a report using Print View. MANAGE – allows user to enter information such as book number EDIT – allows user to change setup Checklists - optional for teacher training
August 2008 Teacher Contact Inservice This is the screen you will see when you click TOOLS then CHECKLISTS. VIEW – allows user to see the information and print out a report using Print View. MANAGE – allows user to enter information such as book number EDIT – allows user to change setup DELETE – removes the checklist Checklists - optional for teacher training
August 2008 Teacher Contact Inservice Checklists - optional for teacher training
August 2008 Teacher Contact Inservice Reminders of features that you should be aware of in case someone asks – (Modify for training) Classes where the student is withdrawn are displayed in a gray font. Classes that are not currently applicable to a student’s current schedule are displayed below the main classes under a separate heading titled Other Classes (except for withdrawn classes where the student withdrew during the current grading period. In those cases, the class is displayed under Current Classes). In cases where a student has been withdrawn from a class and no assignments exist in the class, then the class will not be displayed.
August 2008 Teacher Contact Inservice Reminders - Gradereports.ccps and pictures (Modify for training) As School Gradebook Administrators, this section will be most helpful to you. Don’t forget about the GradeReports.ccps program Don’t forget to send in your students’ pictures (see #5 above)
August 2008 Teacher Contact Inservice
Parent/Student Access – ( Modify for training-eliminate for elem) Parents or students can click on a grade to see the grades in a particular marking period. Parents or students can click on a class to see the grades class for the current marking period.
August 2008 Teacher Contact Inservice Reminder – Total Points 2 Notice the points earned vs. points possible when this option is selected in Preferences for the Spreadsheet Report
August 2008 Teacher Contact Inservice Reminder – Total Points 3 Notice the points earned vs. points possible when this option is selected in Preferences for the Summary Report. This is the report that students and parents will see when viewing grades on-line.
August 2008 Teacher Contact Inservice Reminder Summary Report - multiplier If an assignment has a multiplier > 1, then the multiplier is shown within parenthesis next to the Points Possible [e.g. 100(x2)].
August 2008 Teacher Contact Inservice – Send Notifications to Parents via if desired, modify or delete for teacher training 1. Click ‘Tools’ then click Notifications 2. Choose the Delivery Method of and/or Automated Phone 3. Choose the Report Frequency 4. Choose the areas you want reported 5. Choose the type(s) of comments you want sent to parents This will only be available to parents that have an active parent access account for the grade book.
August 2008 Teacher Contact Inservice
Reminder - Interim Reports and Report Cards Interim Reports and Report Cards For more information on this feature Go to the eSembler login page Click the hot link under HOW DO I DO THAT? Scroll down to the School Administrator section Click on #2 or #3 for printing Interim Reports Click on #4 for exporting grades to TERMS
August 2008 Teacher Contact Inservice Reminder - Interim Reports and Report Cards Checking Submission Status (eliminate for teacher training) Then click GRADES Click the Reports Icon
August 2008 Teacher Contact Inservice Interim Reports and Report Cards Checking Submission Status (eliminate for teacher training) Click GRADES (SUBMISSION STATUS)
August 2008 Teacher Contact Inservice Interim Reports and Report Cards Checking Submission Status (eliminate for teacher training) Click the proper marking period
August 2008 Teacher Contact Inservice Interim Reports and Report Cards Checking Submission Status (eliminate for teacher training) Check to see which teacher’s have not yet submitted their grades. Don’t forget you can sort by Status by clicking on the heading. By doing this, all of the Submitted will be grouped together and all of the Open will be grouped together.
August 2008 Teacher Contact Inservice Interim Reports and Report Cards Printing Interim Reports (ELEMENTARY only) (eliminate for teacher training)
August 2008 Teacher Contact Inservice Interim Reports and Report Cards Printing Interim Reports (ELEMENTARY only) (eliminate for teacher training) The Elementary Interim Reports will be printed the same as you have done before since they are done by the program written by Domingo Correa. Don’t forget that they cannot be printed until the day following the day teachers submit their grades.
August 2008 Teacher Contact Inservice Printing Interim Reports (SECONDARY only) (eliminate for teacher training) Then click GRADES Click REPORTS
August 2008 Teacher Contact Inservice Printing Interim Reports (SECONDARY only) (eliminate for teacher training) click GRADES (Report Card)
August 2008 Teacher Contact Inservice Printing Interim Reports (SECONDARY only) (eliminate for teacher training) Choose the proper grading period
August 2008 Teacher Contact Inservice Printing Interim Reports ( SECONDARY only) (eliminate for teacher training) Click MEMO to add information to the interim such as “Open House Wednesday” Click PREFERENCES to group the interims by period Click MEMO to add information to the interim such as “Open House Wednesday” Click PREFERENCES to group the interims by period 1. Click MEMO to add information to the interim such as “Open House Wednesday” 2. Click PREFERENCES to group the interims by period 3. Click PRINT VIEW to format the report for printing and then click the FILE menu to print the interim report.
August 2008 Teacher Contact Inservice Exporting Grades to TERMS (eliminate for teacher training) Changing the Submission Status (Don’t forget to check the submission status before doing this step) Then click CHANGE STATUS Click GRADES
August 2008 Teacher Contact Inservice Exporting Grades to TERMS (eliminate for teacher training) Changing the Submission Status (Do this after checking the submission status) Select the proper grading period
August 2008 Teacher Contact Inservice Need to get screen shots of this Exporting Grades to TERMS (eliminate for teacher training) Place a check here to Select all submitted classes. Scroll to the bottom of this screen and click SAVE
August 2008 Teacher Contact Inservice Exporting Grades to TERMS (eliminate for teacher training) Then, click EXPORT (SCHOOL) Click GRADES
August 2008 Teacher Contact Inservice Exporting Grades to TERMS (eliminate for teacher training) Select the proper grading period.
August 2008 Teacher Contact Inservice Exporting Grades to TERMS (eliminate for teacher training) Select ‘EXPORT ALL INFORMATION’ Click SAVE
August 2008 Teacher Contact Inservice
Attendance Procedures for Office Staff This page can be found at: Click here for documentation.
August 2008 Teacher Contact Inservice Attendance Procedures for Office Staff Then, click here for documentation. Scroll down to Attendance Office Staff
August 2008 Teacher Contact Inservice Attendance Procedures for Office Staff Then, click here for documentation. Scroll down to Attendance Office Staff
August 2008 Teacher Contact Inservice Attendance Procedures for Office Staff Another county is paying to have an attendance feature added. It will allow a user (such as an attendance person) have students waiting in line and they would view a list of all of the students in the entire school. They would then click indicating that they were tardy and, after say 5 students, they would click the PRINT button and admit to class slips would be printed (one per student). Thus, if teachers marked the student absent, they would instantly see that the student was only tardy. The attendance person would never have to go to TERMS to update the tardy information. Question: Would this be helpful in your school?
August 2008 Teacher Contact Inservice
Logging In and Printing a Class Roster Go to the eSembler Login Page Scroll down to the “Teachers” section Click #2a Logging In and Printing a Class Roster Hints: Don’t forget that after logging in the first time anyone uses this program for a new year they will have to enter their SS# for their USER ID August 2008 Teacher Contact Inservice
Making an Assignment Go to the eSembler Login Page Scroll down to the “Teachers” section Click #2b “Making an Assignment” Hints: Don’t forget that there is a new option this year to enter the number of questions correct instead of having to calculate the percentage before entering scores. August 2008 Teacher Contact Inservice
Grading an Assignment Go to the eSembler Login Page Scroll down to the “Teachers” section Click #2c “Grading an Assignment” Hints: Don’t forget to remind teachers about the REPLACE feature so they can enter a “default” grade and then change only those not getting the replace grade. August 2008 Teacher Contact Inservice
Attendance Procedures Go to the eSembler Login Page Scroll down to the “Teachers” section Click #2d “Attendance Procedures” and click on either Elementary or Secondary Hints: Attendance must be taken the current day and before the deadline. Don’t forget to remind teachers that if all students are present they can just click the “All Present” link. August 2008 Teacher Contact Inservice
Reports Go to the eSembler Login Page Scroll down to the “Teachers” section Click #2e-i “Summary Report and Spreadsheet Report” Click #2e-ii “Attendance Reports” Hints: There are many other reports available but the above reports are the ones used most by teachers. Click on any of the reports to see if there are others that may meet your needs. August 2008 Teacher Contact Inservice
Submitting Grades for Interims and Report Cards Go to the eSembler Login Page Scroll down to the “Teachers” section Click #2F and 2G to see how to submit grades at the end of the marking periods Hints: If a teacher clicks Save that DOES NOT Submit the grades. It only saves their partial work. All grades must be SUBMITTED. August 2008 Teacher Contact Inservice