Creating a Resume 10 th Grade: Resumes Eduers, 2009
Review What is the purpose of a resume? What are the main parts of a resume?
Objectives Learn about the parts of the resume and what should go in each part. Gather all of the information you will need for the resume by completing the resume worksheet.
Resume Worksheet The purpose of this worksheet is to serve as a starting place to gather information that you will put on your resume. The information you include on your resume may change depending on the job, college, or scholarship you are applying for, so you’ll be able to pick and choose from this form. We’ll work on a 1-2 page resume next class.
Contact Information Your information – Name, address, , PHONE NUMBER – Example: Sally B. Jones nd Avenue NE #219 Minneapolis, MN
Education List the high schools you have attended Include your expected year of graduation You may want to note your GPA, class rank, or courses you are taking that are applicable to the application – Example: Edison High School Expected Graduation: June, 2014 – GPA: 3.8 – Taking Advanced Placement English and Economics
Work Experience Include all work experience List in chronological order with the most current work experience first Include active descriptions of the tasks and duties your job entailed – Example: Baby-sitter (06/08 – present) Minneapolis, MN – Provide safe environment for two children twice a week – Maintain family rules and routines – Prepare healthy meals
Volunteer Experience Include all volunteer experiences List in chronological order with the most current volunteer experience first Examples: Reading Tutor, Sanford Elementary School – 2010 Sharing and Caring Hands – 2009 Relay for Life – 2008
Activities List the extracurricular activities in which you are involved – List clubs, organizations, sports, or other groups to which you belong – You may also include dates or grade of participation – Examples: Robotics Club (9 th -10 th grade) Quiz Bowl (9 th -10 th grade) Junior Varsity Basketball (10 th grade) Softball (2005-present)
Skills and Strengths List the skills and strengths you possess that are a good fit for the job, college, or scholarship to which you are applying – You have lots of ideas from the reflection you completed last class! – Examples: Strong oral and written communication skills Advanced knowledge of Microsoft Word, Excel, and Power Point Responsible Flexible and Open-minded Strong Interpersonal Skills Providing specific examples of ways you’ve demonstrated these strengths and skills is helpful.
Awards and Honors List any recognition you have received Examples: – A Honor Roll (9 th -10 th grade) – Perfect Attendance (9 th Grade) – McDonald’s Employee of the Month (June, 2010) – Peace Essay Contest Winner (February, 2009)
References Include people who can give a good recommendation about your strengths and skills – Can include work supervisors, teachers, ministers, coaches, volunteer coordinators, etc. Do not include friends or family You may list “references available upon request” or include 2-3 references with contact information on your resume Do not include references unless you ask them first!
Resume Worksheet Complete your Resume Worksheet. – Do as much as you can here. – Gather information before the next class You may need to gather phone numbers, addresses, dates, etc. at home or online.
Assignment Remind students to complete the resume worksheet by the next class. – You may scan it and upload it to your Family Connection account if you wish to keep it electronically.
Postsecondary Plan If you haven’t already added the extracurricular activities or volunteer activities you participate in to your Postsecondary Plan, add them now!
Looking Ahead You will use the resume worksheet you complete for next class as you create your resume in Family Connection.
Power Point References Microsoft Office Images. (2011). Retrieved from us/images/ us/images/ (2009). Resume Template. Retrieved from mplate.htm mplate.htm